petekao - mad

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The two lovers were in the dining room eating breakfast. With both of them facing each other, it was impossible to look at anything but at each other.

But one of them was refusing to acknowledge the other person and instead kept his gaze on his food as he stuffed it in his mouth, chewing it slowly piece by piece, as though he didn't want to eat it.

Kao set his spoon down quietly on his plate and frowned at Pete," Can you stop picking at your food?"

Pete looked up at him and glared," Who are you to tell me?"

"You've been acting weird these past few days,Pete."

"Figure out why i'm mad. If you can't, you clearly don't care," Pete said, getting up angrily and walking towards the sink, throwing his plates in. Kao watched as his boyfriend grabbed his coat and keys," Hey, are you seriously going to leave in the middle of dinner?"

Without saying anything, Pete walked out the door and into the cool evening winter air, leaving Kao by himself.

Kao stared at the front door, hoping Pete was just being dramatic and would come running back. His hopefulness started to disappear as time went by. By the time 10 minutes passed, Kao knew that Pete had left him.

Putting his face in his hands, Kao start to wonder why and how they ended up like this. He was okay three days ago and gave love to Kao every day, but everything just changed suddenly. Now he acted very grumpy and gave Kao the cold shoulder every time Kao tried talking to him.

Kao knew something must've happened three days ago, because that was the last time Pete had properly hugged and kissed him. He groaned, massaging his temples while closing his eyes and tried as hard as he could to remember why Pete could be acting this way.

So what exactly did I do three days ago that would anger him this much, Kao started to wonder, squinting his eyes in concentration.

Let's see. It was an average day. He had breakfast with Pete, morning lectures, lunch with Pete, and then he left half way to go tutor Non.

Wait.... Could it be? Oh gosh.

Kao bolted up straight and snapped his fingers in realization. He felt as though Pete was upset when he had to leave halfway through their lunch date, but Pete reassured him he didn't mind. What a jealous man, Kao thought to himself.

Kao stood up and rolled his eyes as he gathered his plates and spoon, gently setting them in the sink. He quickly washed and rinsed all the dishes, trying to be as quick but careful as possible. When he was done, he grabbed his keys and started to put on his shoes. Starting the engine of his car, he headed towards where his dear lover was.

He knew Pete had to be at his fathers house. He always went there when he wanted to be away from Kao. It happened rarely but Kao was glad he didn't go anywhere else except his fathers house. It made it easier for Kao to smother Pete with love when they fought.

Arriving at the gates of Pete's house, he stepped out and was surprised to see Pete sitting on a bench in the yard. Pete couldn't see Kao as his back was faced towards Kao so Kao quietly slipped through the door and sneaked up towards Pete.

He gently laid his hands on Pete's shoulder, startling the sitting man who snapped his head around. He relaxed when he saw that it was Kao but soon turned away from him frowning," What are you doing here, Kao?"

Kao stretched his hand around Pete's neck and pushed his chin up so Pete was forced to look at Kao. Kao smiled down at the handsome man under him and leaned down, placing a small kiss on Pete's nose," I'm here to take you home."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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