don't - mingkit

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For the third time this week and for the past month, Ming wouldn't speak to Kit. Even if Kit waited by his door every morning and night, Ming never seemed to come out of his dorm. But Kit knew Ming always arrived after Kit had left, which pissed him off because he knew Ming was intentionally ignoring him.  

Kit stood in the hallway with his hands in his pockets and back against the wall beside Ming's dorm door. He glanced right and left throughout the hallway, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ming even though he knew that wasn't possible. But tonight was different.

This time, Ming would not escape. Kit had a carefully made out plan and if it didn't work, he would not hesitate to take extreme measures, but Kit was hoping he wouldn't have to. He glanced down at his watch and smirked," About time we get this show on the road."

He started to yawn and stretched his arms, relieving his stiff muscles. He glanced at Ming's dorm door and put on a sad face. He then turned dramatically, walking towards the stairs. He turned the corner and stood behind it, he waited a few more minutes until he heard keys clacking.

He peered over the wall and the devil himself was there. Kit grinned and quietly crept behind Ming. He was standing about two feet away from Ming, watching him fumble with his keys.

Kit observed Ming and was surprised to see that the younger latter had lost quite a bit of weight and looked paler than usual. He also had a takeout box in one of his hands which was rare because he remembered how Ming really liked to keep in shape. Kit rolled his eyes at Ming, getting annoyed that it had been over two minutes and he still hadn't opened the door.

" Give me the damn keys," Kit mumbled, pushing a startled Ming to the side and grabbing the keys. Kit quickly opened the door and walked inside with his arms stretched outward in front of him," Ah, how I miss the smell of your dorm."

Kit glanced over his shoulders and raised his eyebrows at Ming," Aren't you coming inside your own dorm?"

Ming looked down at the ground, drooping his shoulders and hanging his head. Kit turned his full attention on Ming and walked towards him.

" Ming? Want to talk about it?" Kit quietly whispered to Ming. 

Ming nodded softly and allowed Kit to drag him to the sofa. They both plopped down and sat in silence for a while. Kit glanced over at Ming, and felt his heart drop. 

Ming looked so tired as though he had swam a lap around the world. His eyelids were drooping and his eye-bags had grown dark and hallow. He was so thin that his collarbones were visible.

Kit reached for Ming's hand and softly grasped it. He traced the lines on his hand and bought it to his lips. Ming watched as Kit maintained eye contact with him and kissed his hand gently. Ming widened his eyes, surprised at Kit's affection because it was rare for Kit to be affectionate.

" Please tell me why you're like this," Kit said, holding Ming's hand tight.

Ming glanced down at their intertwined hands," I just, don't know, if, maybe-"

"Maybe what?" Kit frowned," You've been ignoring me for a total of 3 days. I thought that was strange but what's even stranger is that you've been doing this for a month now, occasionally skipping on our coffee dates or saying you were busy with this or that. Be honest and tell me, please Ming."

Ming leaned back on the sofa and looked up at the white ceiling. He took a deep breath," Kit, I love you. Do you?"

Kit looked at Ming in confusion," Of course I do. You know that."

Ming lazily looked at Kit," You've never said it to me. Not as often as I do. I don't think you love me."

"Don't. "

Ming got off of his back and looked at Kit when he heard a sad hoarse voice. He could see tears pooling in Kit's eyes. 

Kit wiped his eyes furiously with the sleeves of his shirt," I love you, Mingkwan. And I always will. So please. Don't doubt my love for you." 

Ming fit his heart swell at the confession and wrapped his arms around Kit. Kit dug his head into Ming's chest and took a breathe of Ming's scent," But Ming, why ignore me? For what reason?"

Ming lifted Kit's face so that they were inches away from each other, " I love you Kit. But lately, you've been annoyed at me and always cursing at me. One of my friends joked that maybe it was because you didn't love me. I laughed it off saying impossible. But deep down, I felt insecure. I didn't want to face you because I thought that even though we didn't talk, I would have the title as your boyfriend and you wouldn't be able to break up with me because I avoided you."

Kit looked at Ming dumbfounded and laughed out loud. Ming raised his eyebrows, not understanding how this was funny. Kit waved his hand and brought his face close to Ming," The fact that you would be happy with just the title of being my boyfriend is overwhelming. And also, you wouldn't be able to break up with me even if you wanted to. Because you're not the only one in this relationship that's in love. I am in love with you, Mingkwan. And I always will."

Ming looked away, tears pooling in his eyes, mumbling," Should've told me before I lost all my muscles."

Kit laughed and jumped on Ming, he licked his lips seductively and winked," Its been a while."

Ming smirked at the suggestive remark and raised his neck, tasting the sweet flavor of Kit's lips.



smut ehhhh maybe ;)

need to do research first though so ya

maybe smut on Christmas? I can release like 10 smut chapters of different couples ;)

Mingkit uwu love them <3

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