Day 28 - Lights Out

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Marinette glanced at Chat, her heart beating loudly in her chest. He was looking at the ceiling, having been sharing his thoughts out loud for a while as he laid on his back. She adored the sound of his voice when he'd been talking for a little too long, and just hearing what went on inside his mind was something she could never pass up.

They'd ended up laying on her bed to talk, both of them exhausted from a long week. It wasn't an unusual place for them to end up, but it always made Marinette's heart race. It reminded her of the first night they'd fallen asleep together and the embarrassment their tangled limbs had brought when they woke up.

His green eyes flickered to her, a gentle smile gracing his lips. He opened his mouth to speak, but just before he could, the lights went out around them. Marinette gasped quietly, unable to see in such complete darkness.

"I think the power went out," Chat spoke softly, barely audible above the sound of the rain beating against the window. It had become windier as the night and the storm progressed. Marinette hoped the power wouldn't stay out for too long.

"Yeah. I didn't realize how dark it could get," she said, patting the bed until she found her phone, about to turn it over to illuminate the room. She felt Chat's hand stop her, his fingers pressing against the outside of her wrist gently.

"Wait," he said, and Marinette looked at where she heard his voice coming from. She realized he could probably see just fine in the dark while he was transformed.

"I want to...try something," he told her, and she wished she could see his expression, hearing the hesitation that seemed to weigh his voice down.

"Will you close your eyes?" he asked, making Marinette even more curious.

"I can't see anything at all. My eyes won't adjust," she told him. The hand that had stopped her had lingered nearby, so he moved to place it on her forearm gently.

"I'm being selfish, but please. Trust me," he spoke, and Marinette furrowed her eyebrows in his direction, wondering what was going through his mind. But she closed her eyes, trusting him more than anyone else.

"Don't open them until I tell you," he instructed softly. She heard a slight edge in his voice that she almost understood as excitement.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed behind her eyelids, making her jump slightly. She wondered if it was lightning, quietly waiting for his voice and expecting thunder to roar outside.

"You can open your eyes," he whispered. She blinked, wishing she could see her surroundings as her eyes opened once more.

"What hap--" she started, feeling a strange warmth coming from the hand that still rested on her arm. She carefully moved to touch it, her hand retracting when she felt bare skin under her own.

"Chat," she breathed, her heart giving out a loud thump as it began to race. What was he thinking?

She waited for an explanation, but he stayed silent, only a gentle bout of thunder rumbling in the distance. She felt his hand lift from her forearm, leaving the spot he'd been to feel much colder. His fingertips brushed against her skin, trailing up to her shoulder. Goosebumps raced across her body as her heart beat out of control. She really didn't know what he was thinking, but her thoughts were a mess at the moment as well.

His hand moved to her face, cupping her jaw gently. His skin was burning hot against her own, a bright blush already present on her cheeks.

Marinette couldn't help but wonder what the boy laying next to her looked like. She knew so much about him; his favorite color, his coffee order, his worst fears, but she still didn't know his name. And she didn't know what he looked like without the mask. The longing to know grew stronger and stronger everyday. But as the boy she loved touched her face with his ungloved hands for the first time, she felt like she'd reached a new level of longing.

Her own hands were moving before she could think, trailing along his arm and back to his body, finding his face just like he'd found hers. She pressed a few careful fingers to his cheek, letting out a small breath.

"No mask," she breathed, hearing him inhale suddenly. His own fingers moved, combing their way through her hair and making her stomach twist into a knot.

"No mask," he repeated, turning to kiss the palm of her hand. He moved towards her, making the mattress dip under his weight and pull her even closer. He withdrew his hand, but she forgot her momentary disappointment when he gently moved to hold her hand that rested against his cheek, bringing it to his lips and kissing her knuckles. She breathed out shakily, but the warmth of her breath was radiated back at her, and she knew she was a lot closer to him than she'd thought. Chat intertwined his fingers with hers, and she heard him take a deep breath, readying himself to speak.

At that moment, a bright flash lit up the room, and Marinette's stomach dropped. She reacted quickly, squeezing her eyes shut and burying her face against his shoulder before she saw something she wasn't supposed to. No matter how much her heart ached to know, she had to listen to her brain. She couldn't know who he was.

A soft chuckle radiated through his chest, mimicking the thunder that crashed outside. His strong arms moved to wrap around her body tightly as she let out another breath. She pressed her palms into his chest, feeling the soft fabric of his shirt under her hands. It was a strange sensation, but it filled her chest with a joy she wasn't familiar with.

She let her hands explore upwards again, and she found herself running her fingers through his hair, smiling when she realized his cat ears were gone. She'd come to know that his hair was extremely soft from all the times he'd asked her to pet him, the request making her giggle every time.

Marinette had lifted her head once more, her cheek brushing against his jaw. She couldn't tell if the heat there was from her blush or his, but she figured it was probably a little bit of both. She felt like adrenaline had been flooded through her whole system, but at the same time, she'd never felt so relaxed and safe.

"Marinette," he suddenly called out, his voice slightly hoarse. Her hand stopped, and she realized she'd been tracing his lips while lost in thought. Biting her tongue, she felt his arms move from clutching her to his chest, his hands coming to gently rest on either side of her face. He gently tilted her head up to his, a soft breath spilling over her lips as he spoke her name once more.

He pressed his lips to hers, her body melting against his chest. They had shared a kiss before, but it had been quick, their lips parting just as soon as they touched. The kiss they shared in that moment wasn't rushed. She felt as if time had slowed, as if the whole universe had paused. Marinette had never imagined that kissing him would feel so consuming, like her body had been doused in flames that she never wanted to put out.

She pulled away gently, her heart aching in disappointment. But she had to tell him.

"I love you," she said, the words spilling from her mouth for the first time.

When Chat Noir had confessed to her, he'd told her immediately that he loved her. He was sure. He made a promise to tell her everyday, never wanting her to forget how much she meant to him. It had never felt like the right time to say it back even though she knew in her heart that she'd loved him for a long time.

But as she felt her heart unravel in his arms, she knew she needed to tell him. In her whole life, she'd never felt more at home than she did right then, being held so close and enveloped in his love. There was no magic separating them at that moment, and the feeling was dangerously addicting.

Chat's lips brushed hers once more, adding more fuel to the fire burning within her. She heard him take in a quiet breath as he prepared to deal her heart a fatal blow.

"I love you too."


asdfghjkl i haven't written something so indulgent in years

thank you all for reading! i hope you're all enjoying! let me know what you thought!! <3

mel x

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