Day 16 - Do Not Disturb

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Chat Noir was whistling as he walked down the hallway, holding his hands behind his back like he didn't already look suspicious.

"246," he whispered to himself, seeing a few more party guests walking down the hallway in front of him. When he finally came up on the room he was looking for, adrenaline started pumping through his body. He looked at the 'do not disturb' sign on the door handle, thinking how that was such a Hawkmoth thing to do. He tried the door, knowing it would be locked but wanting to make sure.

Chat called on his cataclysm, quietly destroying the lock and making his way into the hotel room. It was lavish, like he knew it would be, and he looked around before closing the door behind him. He crouched down, trying to listen to see if he was alone. His heightened hearing picked up something, but he couldn't tell what it was.

He continued moving into the room, deducting that the noise was coming from the bathroom. He quietly stalked his way over to the door, but just before he could move for the handle, the door swung open. He pushed his back to the wall, holding his breath, but he wasn't expecting Marinette to walk out of the bathroom.

She noticed him immediately, which he was also not expecting, and they both nearly jumped out of their skin.

"Chat Noir?" she asked in disbelief, holding her heart like it would pop out at any moment. He felt his own heart pounding, but at that second he couldn't tell if it was the adrenaline or the fact that she was wearing a dress that was showing a lot more skin than he was used to seeing from his classmate.

"Hi," he got out, and she put her hands on her hips as he straightened himself.

"What are you doing here?" she hissed, looking around like he would have brought someone else along with him. Ladybug had declined to come, but she hadn't said why. He knew she would be there in case of an emergency.

"I thought this was Hawkmoth's room," he spoke softly, and her eyes widened.

"Well, it's obviously not," she told him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I must have gotten the room number wrong," he said to himself, scratching his head and thinking about what he would do next.

"Nevermind that," she said, grabbing his attention again. "Didn't you see the 'do not disturb' sign on the door?" she asked, and he chuckled.

"I did, sorry," he said, and she shook her head but then stopped abruptly.

"The door was locked," she said, raising her eyebrows and looking at him expectantly. It was almost comedic, the way his Miraculous beeped at him just after she'd said that. She glanced down at it, already looking shocked.

"I cataclysmed the lock," he admitted, the ears sticking up from his head promptly drooping.

"You cataclysmed it?" she asked incredulously. He nodded slowly.

"I cataclysmed it," he said again, and she scoffed, shaking her head.

"I can't believe you," she chuckled, finally sounding like herself again. She'd sounded much more serious before. "Is Hawkmoth supposed to be here tonight?" she wondered, and he nodded again.

"Yeah," he said, looking up at her again. He couldn't get over how stunning she looked in her dress, but he knew he was supposed to be more focused on his mission.

"Can I take you down to the gala?" he asked before he could really think about it. He watched her eyes widen, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Uh, yeah," she shrugged, glancing down at her cress and fixing it absentmindedly. He noticed how nervous her mannerisms had become.

"Everything okay? I'll protect you if Hawkmoth tries something," he told her, and she shook her head, chuckling a little.

"I've just never been to something like this before," she admitted, and he smiled knowingly. His first gala had been nerve wracking to put it lightly. As he looked her over once more, he felt his heart race.

"Well, you'd better watch out," he smirked, stepping closer to her and offering his arm for her to take.

"Why?" she wondered, looking worried. He admired his classmate, chuckling.

"No one will be able to take their eyes off of you," he told her, watching her cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink. She took his arm without a word, a bit of warmth spreading across his own cheeks as she stayed close to him.

They were exiting the room when his Miraculous beeped at him urgently once more, and his stomach twisted into a knot.

"Gonna turn back into a pumpkin?" she asked innocently, but it sounded almost too familiar. He chuckled, nodding.

"I'll just be a few minutes," he said, moving back into the room. As she disappeared from view, he realized he didn't ever want to stop looking at her.

Chat knew he wouldn't be able to concentrate on finding Hawkmoth that night, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. 


thank you all for reading! sorry that the quality of my writing is going down. i really need to prepare better next time i do a month like this lol 

mel xx

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