Day 19 - Tuxedo Chat

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Chat Noir landed on her balcony, smoothing out the jacket of his suit and gently tapping on the glass trapdoor. After a few moments, Marinette popped her head out, snickering.

"Chat Noir?" she asked, looking confused.

"Of course. Who else would look this good in a suit?" he asked, doing a 360 and showing her every angle. It was tailored perfectly, so he knew it looked great.

"No one, I guess," she chuckled, coming up onto the balcony to join him. She watched him straighten his bowtie, but in that moment, he saw a flash of sadness in her eyes.

"What is it?" he asked, looking down at himself to see if something was wrong. She shook her head, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oh, it's nothing," she smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. He could only guess what she was thinking about, and that was what he was there to remedy.

"I've come to ask you if you'd do me the honor of attending your school dance with me tonight," he smiled, bowing in front of her.

"W-what?" she asked, blinking at him with wide eyes. He'd overheard her and Alya talking about it at school, and from what he'd gathered, she'd been wanting to ask someone but had given up on trying. Chat didn't want her to have to go without a date, even if they were just friends, but he didn't think asking as Adrien would get him anywhere. She seemed so nervous around Adrien.

"You've been working on your dress for weeks," he spoke as he straightened himself again, glancing down at the trapdoor and imagining the light blue dress waiting on her mannequin. He knew she would look like royalty in it, and if she didn't get to wear it, he would consider it a crime.

"You really want to take me?" she asked, looking unconvinced. He took a step closer, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"I know I'm not who you wanted to go with, but I'll try to be charming," he smiled, winking. "Plus, I'm a great dancer." She chuckled, looking up at him warmly.

"You're perfect, Chat," she told him, and he couldn't help the blush that worked its way onto his cheeks. He watched her eyes widen, his hand falling from her shoulder.

"I mean, you'll be the perfect guy to go with," she said, looking to the side of him. He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm sure my class will freak out, but it should be fun," she laughed, glancing back at him.

"I'll make sure of it," he grinned, gesturing to his suit again. "Doesn't this tux just scream fun?" he joked, and she chuckled, rolling her eyes.

"I'll have to work up the courage to ask Adrien next time," she sighed, giving him a sweet smile as his heart stopped.


"So that's who you wanted to ask," he said shakily, trying not to show her how shocked he was.

"I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I would get so nervous every time I tried," she sighed, looking up at him. He tried to smile, wishing that his heart would slow down for a second.

"Well, um," he started. She looked up at him with a bright smile. "You can show him what he's missing out on," he finished, sounding like his tongue was tied in a knot, but it made her smile wider.

"Thank you, Chat!" she exclaimed, enveloping him in a hug but pulling away after a second. "Sorry! I didn't mean to wrinkle your suit," she said worriedly, smoothing out the arms of his jacket. He could only laugh half-heartedly, staring down at her and wishing he could ask a million questions.

"I should go get ready," she told him, dropping down into the trapdoor. "You can make yourself at home," she told him as he followed her, sitting on her chaise and watching as she rushed around her room. He'd arrived an hour before the dance started, but Marinette would've been rushing even if they had all day.

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