Chapter eight

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Once again I was woken up by the sound of my alarm. It was 8am on a Saturday. I know what you're probably thinking "Saturday? How is it only Saturday?" I know, it was a long long night. Another question is probably; why am I up this early on a Saturday?

Well today was my friends last day this month to use her employee discount. She works at the outlets about an hour away from my house. She's given 60% off ten regular priced clothing each month. It was pretty sweet that she let me use her discount. She said I'd have to be there when the store opened at 10am, so I had to be up and out by 9am. 

I got out of bed, showered and headed towards the kitchen to eat breakfast. I popped an everything bagel in the toaster and poured myself a cup of coffee. After I finished eating I brushed my teeth and headed towards the garage.

I was extremely thankful that I wasn't too exhausted from the night before. I also didn't have a hangover from drinking with Yoongi at dinner. I had a love-hate relationship with my high alcohol tolerance.

I opened the garage door and my mood completely changed. My car wasn't there. I didn't panic too much; I was more pissed because I knew my brother was the reason behind it. He had always taken MY care when he was irresponsible and lost his keys.

I grabbed my phone and called him, ready to rip him a new one.

"Where are you?! And why did you take MY car!?" I said not even giving him a chance to talk.

I could feel him roll his eyes over the phone. "Would you just chill. Doyoung forgot he had work today so I was dropping him off. I couldn't find my keys so I just took your car."

I sighed, "UGH!! Jimin I'm supposed to meet my friend at 10 and she's an hour away!!" I checked my watch, "It's now 8:45 and I'm not even on the road."

"Well sorry, looks like you'll just have to wait."

I was getting furious by the second. He was so frustrating I couldn't take it.

He continued to speak, "Don't forget Tae's still over, if you find my keys take him home too."

I scoffed to myself when he hung up. Of course. This was so typical of him. He throws a party and I'm supposed to clean up the mess. I walk BACK inside and go to Jimin's room, looking for the keys. I searched and not long after I found them. Hidden by the foot of his bed.


I walked towards the living room making my way to the opposite side of the house. The guest bedroom was located on this side. I didn't even make it past the living room when Taehyung walked out.

I start clapping being annoying and loud, "In the car now, we gotta go. I'm taking you home."

He yawned, "Well good morning to you too princess."

"I'm serious Taehyung. What do I look like a hotel concierge? This isn't the Hilton; I'm not serving you breakfast." I said walking away and moving towards the garage.

I noticed Taehyung head back towards the guest bedroom. He came out shortly after with his shoes and other belongings.

Not long after I started driving he asked, "What the hell happened to my foot? I hurts like a bitch."

I explain everything that happened last night while he just sat back and laughed.

"I'm probably the funniest drunk ever. Look at me, wanting to fight, crying, and getting butt ass naked." He continued to laugh.

I looked at him, disgusted. "Your mother must be so proud."

"Speaking of being butt ass naked, that means I'm the first dick you've ever seen. How cute, I'm honored." He said putting a hand to his chest. 

Now I was the one laughing, "Yeah, not very impressed with your two inches."

He got shy, and I thought it was adorable. I had laughed at that last night too with the guys and they defended him saying "That's not fair, he's soft" I almost gaged at that.

"Really?" Now he was the one getting smart and defensive, "because that's not what your mom said."

I now was actually going to vomit, "Ew Taehyung, that's revolting. You know she thinks of you like family." It was true, my mom loved him. And my parents got along with him well. We even had family dinners when he and my parents were over, or when we would go visit my parents down in Busan.

I parked the car in front of his house. He stepped out, wincing in pain.

"Make sure to take care of the cut on your foot." I was genuinely worried about his foot and how he hated cleaning and disinfecting any type of wound.

He looked at me before walking away, "Yeah, sure thing, and be safe driving today."

He always told me to be careful or safe no matter where I was going. Even if it was five minutes away. This was one thing I found sweet about him. No matter how annoying I found him most days, I knew he still cared.

I nodded and gave a small smile before driving away.

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