Chapter two

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As I made my way home I was thinking about one thing and one thing only. My bed. I couldn't wait to get home and take a nap after a long day of lectures. I had about three hours before Yoongi was coming to pick me up, so plenty of time to recharge.

Walking up the front steps I was met with laughs and loud music. My brother usually got home a little earlier than I did, so this wasn't unusual. He also would have friends over all. the. time. They normally left me alone, only having casual conversations here and there.

I walked in and made my way to my room, ignoring the random people I didn't know in the house. I changed into a sweatshirt and shorts, adding some fluffy socks because of the cold floor. After I changed, I headed to the kitchen to grab a snack and some water before my nap.

Once in the kitchen, I was met with the one and only Kim Taehyung. He was my brothers best friend and I had known him for two, almost three years. He wasn't my favorite most days, but he wasn't the worst. Basically your average fuckboy, he also made sure to tell me all the details of his sex life.

"Hi cutie" he said. I just rolled my eyes. This was his natural behavior with me. We would both occasionally flirt with each other, knowing it meant nothing. It was like a sport or game to us. Something I usually found funny.

"Where's Jimin?" I asked, not acknowledging his pet name, just wondering where my brother would be. I reached for a glass and poured water from the fridge.

"I think he's out back setting up for the party tonight. Are you planning on staying?" he questioned. I wouldn't often be involved, or even stay, at the parties Jimin throws at our house. If I did, it seemed like I wasn't even invited, or even there. Despite the fact that I lived there. Jimin would have me on "guard duty" making sure no one suspicious came inside the house and making sure nothing got stolen.

I shook my head, "No, I'm going out with Yoongi tonight. But please, do enjoy yourselves. And make sure to change the sheets when you leave." Taehyung would often spend the night, whether that be in the spare bedroom with a random girl, or passed out drunk on the couch.

"Babe, you know I always do." He said winking at me. Jimin, had just walked in holding a Bluetooth speaker. As if there wasn't enough music playing I thought to myself. He had always struggled trying to pair more than one speaker to his phone.

"Ah thank God you're here. I think we need to call pest control. The roaches are really getting out of hand." I said looking at Taehyung with a smirk. He just rolled his eyes and tried to hide a smile. Bickering back and forth was also common between us. I liked to think we had a decent relationship, whatever relationship you would call this.

I grabbed my water, a chocolate chip cookie and headed back to my room, more than ready for a nap.

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