Chapter one

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I stepped out of the lecture hall with a sign of relief. I had just finished an exam for my statistics class. I definitely didn't ace it, but then again I didn't really care. I thought in life there's more important things to stress and worry about. At the end of the day I'm still alive and a bad grade won't kill me. Also it would be my own fault failing, maybe if I didn't sit in the back and watch K-dramas on my phone I might've learned something.

My professor had called me out one time. Not directly; however, it was pretty obvious. Mrs. Eve had said, "Doing your homework in the middle of class, while I'm going over it, will not help you learn." Oops, I mean hey, she's the one giving out the answers for free when quizlet fails me.

As I was walking down the hall on my way to lunch, I was met by my best friend.

"Hey Yoongi, how was your class?" I asked as he swung his arm around my shoulder. Yoongi was only a year older than me. Making him a junior in college. He was a music major and wanted to become a produce once he graduated.

"It was whatever, you know my study method, don't . So chances are I failed the test" He sighed. Even though he never really studied, I could tell he'd get bummed out when he actually tried on exams.

"Yep, same here" I replied as we reached the cafeteria.

"Ha, you say that and watch you'll get an A. I don't know how you do it." Yoongi exclaimed grabbing a tray and moving forward in line.

"Honestly, me either. I like to call myself Wonder Woman. I swear it's like a magical power." I exaggerated. It was true, I never really studied either. Sure I did all the work and assignments, but when it came to exams, I just figure I'll wing it and hope for the best. Although, math was not my strong suit, so I would be lucky if I passed.

"Yeah, no need to brag. So, what are we doing tonight?" He questioned paying for the food and taking a seat at the back table.

I didn't really have any plans. Yoongi and I would usually go out for a dinner celebration after an exam. We would just find the cheapest restaurant and hope we didn't get food poisoning. We always ended up downing a few bottles of soju while we were at it.

"How about that new bbq place that opened up downtown?" I asked, stuffing my face with what I assumed was meatloaf.

He nodded his head and said, "Okay, I'll swing by and pick you up at 7."

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