Chapter Four

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Constance gawked at the dress endlessly, even after she purchased it days ago. It was almost too perfect, as if she was destined to find the dress. From the details of the dress to it's color scheme, the dress was filled with pure magnificence. It was hard to imagine what it would look like on the red carpet, but based on the three's interpretation, even they were blown away with how beautiful the dress was when she first wore it.

Eventually, the sound of her ringtone rang out, pulling her away from her thoughts and bringing her back into reality. She goes to grab her phone from her nightstand and immediately answers the phone seeing Kiro's face appear as the caller ID.

"Hey Miss Chips! The special vacation comes nearer and nearer everyday! I hope you're excited about spending the week with the one and only!" Kiro's upbeat voice made her face light up. She puts aside the dress and moves to lie down on her bed.

"I'm way too ecstatic!" She says happily "I've started to pack my things for the stay already since the flight is on Friday night this week."

"Alright, oh... I forgot to tell you... Your ticket is still with me. I could give it to you when we meet up at the airport"

"Oh right" She laughs nervously "I hope I don't forget or lose it. I wouldn;t know what I'd do if I lost them."

"I doubt that you would lose them" He laughs "Remember the time I gave you a backstage pass and ticket to my concert? You'd always keep the ticket in your wallet and wear the pass inside your outfit just to be sure you wouldn't lose it." Constance laughs as the memory repeats on the inside of her brain. "Sorry, perhaps I could be a little paranoid sometimes."

"Don't be sorry, I think you being careful is very thoughtful. It's what I like about you" He says sheepishly, causing Constance to blush slightly before relaxed silence seeps through the two.

"Thanks... Anyways I should prioritize packing so I could cut down the work Victor gave me for next week."

"Okay... you take care alright?" His voice hinted at a sense of lingering that Constance paid no mind to.

"Yeah, you too Kiro!" She beams before hanging up and moving to grab some more of her clothes for her trip.

On the Friday of her scheduled flight, Constance visited the office to check if everything was in order and do a couple of paperwork before leaving the country.

"Did we already assign a crew for next week's episode?" Constance asked

"Yes." Anna said

"What about a guest star host?" She asked again


"Okay... what about set design?"

"It's taken care of already"

"Did everyone get the memo for my leave of absence?"

"Sent it to everyone in the office literally as soon as you asked me to. Constance! You have to relax a little. Everything is good. If the team has any concerns I told them to reach out to you via email." Anna says confidently in a reassuring voice. "We're going to be fine!"

"Alright..." Constance says to herself before calling her crew's attention

"I would like to say a few things before I head to the airport!" The room went silent as the people waited for their boss to speak.

"I just wanna thank everyone who chose to give their time in helping me work out a one week vacation. I promise, I will find a way to make it up to all of you. If you guys need anything, just give me a call. You guys are the best team that I have worked with."

"Come on you're giving a speech like you're leaving us forever!" Minor's voice yells out causing Constance to shrink a little from where she stands.

"Thank you guys so much! You can go back to your work now." Constance says before moving to grab her luggage

"Hey aren't you forgetting something?" Constance turned around to see Kiki, Anna, and Willow, all three had their arms crossed as if patiently expecting something from the girl.

Constance laughs before going to hug all three of them "I can't thank you guys enough for your support."

"It's about time you relaxed even if it's just for a week." Willow said patting her on the back. As she pulls away from the three,

"Stay safe alright? Plus points if you get Kiro to kiss you during the week off" Constance shakes her head as Kiki spoke

"So Anna, what wisdom will thou bestow upon me?" Constance laughed at her choice of words, causing Anna to let out a laugh as well.

"Nothing, just enjoy it while you can." Anna moves to hug her one last time. Before she pulls away, she mumbles into her ear "Take chances whenever your heart feels it, okay?" She giggles as Constance gives her a look and lightly pats her back.

A few phrases like "take care" and "have a safe flight" were tossed around by other office mates even a few moments after Constance left the room. She took a deep breath full of confidence, full of excitement. Her black sneakers trot along the granite walkway in front of her company and a hand dragged a large luggage behind her. She flagged down a taxi to take her to the airport and sent a text to the blonde boy on her screen.

'I'm on my way to the airport now 😄😝'

She was surprised to find that Kiro was active in SMS!

'Meet me at Cho's Milk Tea shop after you check in!

The message was quickly followed by another one 'See ya there, Miss Chips ❤️'

The heart by the end of the last message made a smile form from the corner of her lips. She turns off her phone and watches as cars pass by the taxi window, pondering at how unpredictable the following week may be. She finds herself struck with the realization that she would be with Kiro for the whole week. Despite being able to bond from time-to-time and see each other during shoots, it was odd to have Kiro to herself for a consecutive amount of days. Her heart races at the thought of it, unable to waver the weird sensation she has yet to describe.

The Star & The Songbird (Kiro x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum