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She listened to a playlist filled with somber music to cope with the heavy weight of the situation, in a way it watered down her feelings and helped process the agent's rejection. A deep sigh came to her as she found it may difficult to deliver the paining news to her fellow co-workers. Seeing the supermarket come nearer and nearer, she saw the need to get comfort food.

'I'll get them something too, it's the least I could do since I failed to sway B.S. Entertainment'

She keeps in mind the snacks that the crew is often obsessed with, gently putting it down in the small shopping cart she took.

She entered the chips aisle and pulled the cart to a stop when she caught a glimpse of perfectly lined Laze chips, but the odd one out caught her eyes— a single sour cream flavored Laze with a Limited Edition Batman AR card. She felt somewhat relaxed, thinking to herself 'maybe the day isn't that bad after all'.

She left the cart and walked over to  grab the sour cream flavored chips when she felt a tug on the same bag. Her senses reawaken when it hits her that the person who sought to get it was none other than the superstar she saw on a billboard just yesterday.

"You're Ki—!"

His other hand instinctively goes to  cover her mouth, he refrains from feeling hostile, throwing her a gentle smile.

"Please don't be so loud! No one knows it's me out here and I don't want them too..."

They go to crouch down onto the floor. The girl, now holding the bag of chips for herself, mindlessly lets out a half-hearted laugh. Kiro lets out a noise in confusion.

"I'm sorry this is just... a really weird and really rare scenario. I'd never imagine to encounter someone like you while shopping."

"Oh... right haha, I guess this is weird, especially now that we're hiding like children." Kiro stated

"But... I'm not a little kid" he laughs "If I was, I'd probably steal the bag of chips from your hands immediately. I mean, I wouldn't go down without a fight."

He still stares at it, as if praying that the girl gives him the bag. The girl feels the awkward tension rising among them and proceeds to ask, "You like sour cream?"

"Uh... I guess the flavors don't matter to me since I rarely get to eat chips these days... if I'm being honest, I just wanted the Batman card." He evaluates you for a split second before adding "and based on your shirt, I can tell you were probably going for the same thing too"

The girl's face turned hot when she remembered she hung her blazer on her cart. A small giggle came from her mouth until the awkwardness had resurfaced.

The girl breathed a little just to calm herself down before opening the bag of chips. She looked at it with disbelief, it was the last card that would finally complete the collection she has at home.

She turned to Kiro, who seemed bedazzled when he saw the card, a small huff came from her nostrils before she spoke:

"Here, you can have it!"

"Oh, are you sure?" Kiro asks

"Yeah" she hesitated "I mean there's always gonna be another time to get it, I'll just wait until then."

Kiro's face lit up as he slightly hesitates to take the card from her hands. "Thank you!" He says, his smile eases the girl.

"No biggie," she smiles back and pulls out a piece from the bag.

"Chip?" She asks "After all you did say it's been a while since you've had some. I'll pay for the chips later." He smiles once again and reaches for the chip full of gratitude.

He hums in delight as he eats it.

"Sour cream and onion is the best flavor of chips in this world" She says before taking a piece for herself

"So you love sour cream? I'll keep that in mind. What are the odds that this is the last bag?" Kiro laughs

"Right? It's crazy." The girl laughs to herself

Kiro sighs and stands up "I should probably get going then since I got the stuff I came here for. Maybe the next time we see each other I'll bring some of my favorite snacks to you!" He feels the back of his neck before waving a goodbye

"Alright!" She says, but when he goes to leave she quickly stands up as she is reminded of her objectives.

"Wait a sec— Kiro!"

He swiftly turned back to go to the girl only to bump into her. The sudden close proximity startles both her and Kiro. In fear he will be noticed, he shushes her.

"Right! Sorry I forgot!" She inhales for a moment before continuing.

"I'm actually a producer of The CWright Company, I was kinda hoping, if you're interested, you could swing by for the last episode of Miracle Finder! We have enough money to fund your appearance and we hoped to end the show on a high note." She passes him 

"Miracle Finder is ending? That's my favorite show as a kid! I'd always wait for it to come up on TV everyday!"

"Yeah, we've lost the funding for the show, but I was hoping that we could celebrate it's end in the most grand way possible. Your fans say you have this power to make people fall in love with you, so having you on the show would attract lots of viewers then, right?"

"Woah! So I could be one of the superhumans on the show? But what would I do then? Stare at the audience and think 'love me!'"

She giggles "maybe a performance to melt their hearts! Or an interview about yourself! How you come up with your music, how you juggle acting and being a singer all at once... or maybe..." she trails off when she notices his distant look

"Are the ideas bad? I mean they're just preliminary ideas, we could talk about them later."

"No they're good! Let's just find my agent."

"Oh..." she says with disappointment

"Oh what's wrong?"

"I've actually met with your agent... the thing is he rejected the request."

Kiro's face falls the moment he hears her explanation. "I'm so sorry... I don't really decide my schedule, it's my agent who does."

She puts up a small smile "Right... it's alright! I'm still gonna fix up the best final episode I can... would you watch it maybe?"

Kiro smiles "Of course! And maybe if the show doesn't end... I could guest star in some of your episodes?"

The girl smiled "That would be perfecter than perfect! We could plan it too! Uh... would it be a bother to ask for your contact info?" she cringed slightly at her wording, but the star didn't seem to mind. He smiled and agreed, the girl pulls out her phone and opens a new notepad for him to write it on.

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem! I'll be eagerly expecting your next invitation!" She thanks him one more time with a glowing smile on her face before returning to her cart and her shopping.

The Star & The Songbird (Kiro x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant