Chapter Fourteen

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The morning after made it too painful to recall last night, but there Kiro sat by the couch in hopes that he would face Constance who worked quietly in her own bedroom so as to avoid him for a little while. But even as she hacked away on her computer, she found herself constantly thinking about all the things Kiro spoke the night before.

Completely anxious and unable to let go of what went down, he stormed out of the living room and stomped towards her door. He was about to knock on her door but the fear of pushing her made him hesitate. He lowered his knuckle and slumped down on the wall beside her door, running his fingers through his hair the same way he did since the early morning.

As the morning light beamed through the windows, Kiro made the decision to

"Connie..." His voice was gloomy as his head leaned on the door as though he was leaning his forehead with hers.

"I, uh... ordered in some breakfast. Your favorite." He huffed, biting his lip as he pushed himself to speak "If you want any, there's some by the dining table."

Searching for words, he still went on "I'm sorry, I put you in such a tough spot. I didn't mean to pressure you like that. You don't have to say anything. You're not obligated to like me back"

He held up a hand leaning it on the door, hoping that the door would suddenly burst open, but seconds passed and yet nothing happened. "It's okay." He said, thinking this phrase was more for himself rather than for her.

Just as he was reaching for his own door, he could hear the clicking and turning of a knob, he turned around to see Constance had slowly opened her door. The instant their eyes met, their hearts began to beat wildly, Kiro's face was tinted pink, but it was surprisingly relaxed as he saw her.

With a somber look on his face, he smiled "Good morning." He said in an uncharacteristic voice, a voice far from his chirpy and gleeful one. To respond, Constance let out a shy smile, a fist lightly clenching the fabric on her chest.

They ate in complete silence, though both minds were filled with things to say, nothing can be heard but the howling of white noise and the clanking of silverware as they chewed their breakfast. Kiro seemed so heartbroken from sitting in the quiet, it was a fate he felt was worse than getting hit by a truck. As soon as he finished his own meal, he slowly stood up and walked away from the table they ate at.

"Kiro..." She called out hesitantly as his back turned towards the door, she suddenly found herself running up to hug him from behind. Her eyebrows furrowed as if stifling the need to cry. She slowly bunches up the fabric of his shirt, holding him tightly.

Even if she couldn't word things properly, she did her best.

"I never said anything about not liking you too." She broke down, letting her tears fall.

"But yesterday showed me you deserve someone like Mindy. She's beautiful and kind, let's be real... my feelings shouldn't matter to someone like you because you deserve more!"

"I'm just a mere songbird" she whispered "I can't fly up to the stars, where you are. I'm not good enough to be yours!"

"Seeing you and Mindy, it's like a match made in heaven! It would make sense!"

His brows furrowed before turning to her upon hearing this "Why do you compare yourself to others? You are always confident in everything you do, why stop now?"

She bit her lip thinking of a straight answer "I'm a nerd, I'm awkward, I stumble wherever I go, I am a total mess wherever I step." She sniffed "You're poised and charming, and everything you do is effortlessly amazing. The most beautiful girls and boys chase you on every block of Loveland and would lay down for you if you asked them to just because you're talented and good-looking."

"But you're forgetting one important detail," Kiro's voice rasped as he moved her closer, so close that his lips were only inches away from her own. He moves away some of the hair that stuck onto her face due to the tears that fell onto her t-shirt, wiping some of the tears that she couldn't keep from falling the more her thoughts shouted such sorrowful things toward her heart.

"I don't care for looks, not even my own, even if I say I do." a blush creeps from her neck as well as a couple more tears that seem to turn into an endless stream because of his tender touch.

"I've always looked for someone who would see beyond my charm, and you always have. You saw me for who I was and I am willing to do the same for you because I see beyond the silly nerd I work with every once in a while."

"But even just seeing your surface, I couldn't help but adore you." His words go on as though he could never stop himself from rambling on about Constance "You're so cute because you don't go a day without wearing some pop culture shirt to match your outfit."

"You are passionate, gold hearted and everything a man could dream of if only they had just stopped to look at your heart and your mind" In a more soft voice he carefully spoke "In the end, I couldn't help but feel happy because a girl so amazing could see me."

Her eyes met him as she felt herself melting into his words "You saw me."

"So please... give me a chance." His hands crawl into hers holding it up and grazing his lips over her own hands, looking deep into her eyes before holding her hands to his chest.

"Give us a chance."

The words hit her like concrete, a smile starting to form as her mind recalled every single word he spoke.

Nodding, she spoke in a voice that nearly killed him "Yes."

Out of complete joy, he kissed her hands and held her tightly

"Please don't cry anymore, it hurts me to see you so sad" A few tears continue to fall out as she laughed

"Sorry! I'm not, I'm just... I'm sorry I'm such a mess" she said pulling away from his grip completely and immediately going to hide her face from him as she tried to recover from her previous state.

"You are a beautiful mess then." He smirked before looking at the TV and back at her

"What do you say we rent a few movies to forget about the fiasco? I'll let you choose the movies."

"I would love that a lot!" She smiled as Kiro went to sit down on the couch switching his position so that he was lying down.

"Come here Miss Chips! My cuddling is said to remedy the heart of Constance Wright" Shaking her head, she complies and adjusts herself into the most comfortable position.

"This would be our first cuddle as a couple" He said, nuzzling his face into her neck. She was satisfied to lie down in Kiro's warm embrace as they proceeded to watch movies, slowly forgetting any insecure thoughts or negative mindsets and leaving them far behind.

The Star & The Songbird (Kiro x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن