Chapter 62 - Auction

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The weekend had past and Adrian was at the school gym on his own, burning off all the extra calories that stacked up because of Thanksgiving.

Brody wasn't around to help keep him company since he was with his study group, and Adam ditched him last minute to hang out with Ashley. So he was occupied by his own presence as he shut the silence out and put his earphones in.

After an hour of doing intense cardio on the treadmill, Adrian moved onto the weight bench as he started lifting. He started with some easy bicep curls, and then moved onto tricep extensions.

Adrian then moved onto working on his chest as he sat under the dumbbell, deciding to go with the chest press. About halfway through his set, Adrian was in trouble. He thought he could handle the bench press on his own, he managed fine on his own before. However he didn't take into account how his body was already tired from doing cardio longer than usual, and now his muscles were becoming weaker from his arm workout.

Adrian struggled to set the weight back onto the hook, his breathing becoming short and heavy.  His arms were beginning to shake as he trembled about the fear of being crushed under the weight.

Luckily for Adrian, a hand reached from under his head and helped him take the weight of him.

Adrian was thankful as he managed to catch his breath, as the outstretched arm was carrying a towel for him to dry himself down.

"Thank you." Adrian turned to greet his hero as he dabbed the sweat away.

"No problem." Elliot smiled as he offered his personal water bottle.

It has been over a week since they were trapped in the elevator together. A week since Elliot was pressing himself against Adrian and aggressively made a move on him.

A week since Adrian flat out rejected him by giving him a bruise on his face, as well as bruising his ego.

Adrian ignored the gesture as he chose to also ignore Elliot's presence. He went to walk away from him when Elliot grabbed his arm gently to stop him from walking away.

The hold didn't last long as Adrian quickly shook his arm away from Elliot's grab. Elliot became defensive as he held his hands up, not wanting to start a fight.

"What?" Adrian growled, not forgetting about the incident in the elevator.

Elliot appeared sincere as he looked down at his shoes, looking humble by not meeting Adrian's eyes. "Look, I just wanted to apologise about what happened at the mall last week - it wasn't cool of me."

"You think?" Adrian asked sarcastically.

Elliot scratched the back of his neck as he laughed to himself. "I was drunk when the whole thing happened. Alcohol really makes you act before you think, and this was one of the bad times to do so."

Adrian looked back at Elliot sceptical and confused. "You were drunk in the middle of the afternoon? I don't believe you."

"I was with Kelsey before I was at the mall. She had an open bar at her house so before had our bit of fun, we were doing body shots off each other before we actually had sex several times over the few hours." Elliot mentioned.

Adrian stopped him before he described everything even further with more detail. "Okay stop. I heard your story, and I still don't believe you."

Elliot took a step closer while Adrian took a step back. Putting his hand back up to show how he was listening to Adrian's warning, "You don't have to believe me, but you have to believe that I want to apologise at least. That has to mean something, giving me the benefit of the doubt and all that."

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