Chapter 13 - At The Gym

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The weekend flew by without any signs of trouble. Once Brody got Adrian's number through Adam, the pair kept messaging each other constantly. They were talking about the films they liked, video games they played all the time and sending each other jokes and random funny videos they found online.

When they weren't texting each other, Adrian was occupied with spending some bonding time with his mother who he kind of neglected recently. At the same time Brody was roped into working on the weekend at the bakery so they didn't have much time to spend together.

Given that they hadn't seen each other since the night of the party, Adrian was looking forward to seeing Brody again later today.

The time of which they didn't interact with each other face to face, where Adrian didn't feel the buzz, the nervousness and excitement of being the same room as Brody, he had time to reflect on his feelings for Brody.

It had started with an infatuation with Brody, his single presence drawing him in. The infatuation honed in on little details that Adrian liked about Brody.

It was then followed immediately by jealousy and hatred because of his own confusion with his feelings towards the other guy. Upon reflection, Adrian wasn't proud of his actions and behaviour regarding Brody at the time. However it was too late to change the past and some more, different feelings had developed.

The nervous butterflies that he kept feeling around Brody grew bigger and bigger, taking up so much space within himself that it was threatening to burst out constantly. The sweet and caring side of Brody was a catalyst that made the butterflies go crazy, going wild inside of him and with every second, gave him the feeling of complete happiness and delight.

And it hasn't stopped since.

Adrian was completely sure that he liked Brody, not in a close friend kind of way but actually fancied him.

But now the question was how does Adrian continue now. For all he knew, it was a one sided feeling or just Brody being his friendly self. Adrian just wasn't sure and was worried about him sending mixed messages or getting the wrong side of the stick.

So he decided to not jeopardise anything as of yet, and wait.


Both teams were already at the arena as they were getting ready to practice together - hopefully without any trouble this time.

Adrian had just finished strapping his skates on when he saw Ashley come towards him.

"Hey Ashley, shouldn't you be in classes or something?" Adrian asked.

Ashley shook her head. "Study period. I thought listening to music and watching people play hockey would be more entertaining than doing calculus."

Adrian agreed, he hated maths too.

Coach Sheen interrupted the pair. "Have you guys seen Sinclair? I need to run some drills by him before we get started.

Ashley looked around. "No I haven't seen him- oh wait, there he is, with Sam."

She pointed towards Brody where Adrian saw that he was talking to Croyden.

"Ok thanks." Coach Sheen said before he walked towards them.

Ashley watched her best friend, who now had one of his hands gripped by Sam tenderly. Adrian noticed it too and two dots were about to be connected.

"What's going on there?" Adrian asked out of curiosity with a dose of jealously and melancholy.

Ashley pointed out. "That's his ex, Sam."

Remembering everything Brody told him about his ex. "Croyden is Sam? THE Sam as in the one that wanted to get back together?" Adrian asked, shocked.

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