"So we're having a baby?" Seth asks.

"Are we?" Brooklyn replies. "I can't do this without you."

"I already lost my dad," Seth says. "I can't lose anymore family."

"You know this is gonna change everything, right?" Brooklyn asks. "Like, if we do this, there's no more running away to hang out at Sam's house when things get rough, I'm gonna need you by my side. This isn't gonna be some stupid high school drama, this is gonna be real life, and it's gonna be hard."

"We'll figure it out," Seth grabs her hand.

Brooklyn and Seth spent the whole night talking. She showed him the picture from her first sonogram, and told him everything that the doctor had said. He told her about the day that his father died— he omitted the part where he and Leah had turned into giant wolves. They comforted each other, and supported each other the way they should have done since the beginning.

"I think the part of this that I'm the most scared of is telling Paul that it's my baby," Seth said.

"Really? I'm scared to tell your mom," Brooklyn said. "Well... Actually, I'd say the hierarchy of fear goes giving birth, and then telling your mom."

"She's gonna kill me before Paul even gets the chance to," Seth groans.

"Well, at least if you're already dead, then Paul can't get you," she comforts him jokingly. "But for real, you aren't allowed to die. That counts as leaving, and we agreed on no more leaving."

"Okay, no dying," Seth agrees. "I'm holding you to that one too."

"Please, if anyone is dying first, it's totally you," Brooklyn laughs. "I'm an athlete and you eat Skittles mixed with Sprite for breakfast."

"Hey, that's the breakfast of champions," Seth defends himself. "Besides, I heard that you quit soccer."

"Yeah, all the elbows to the gut seemed bad for the baby," Brooklyn retorts.

"Good call," Seth says.

They talked until they both drifted to sleep. Brooklyn was woken up by the sound of a phone ringing.

"Seth," she said as she shook his shoulder.

"What?" Seth mumbled sleepily.

"Your phone is ringing," Brooklyn said.

Seth huffs and answers the phone. "Hello? Shit. Yeah, just cover for me. I'll be home soon."

"That was Leah," Seth says. "I didn't tell my mom that I wasn't coming home last night, so she's kinda pissed. Leah told her I was at Jared's, but I have to go home before she gets even more mad."

"Okay," Brooklyn says. "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah of course," Seth says with a smile. With that, he climbs back out of the window, and makes his way home.

"Seth! Where were you all night?" Sue demands as her son enters the house. Seth knew that Leah had already told her an excuse, so she was just trying to make sure he wasn't lying— which he totally was, but it was for a good reason.

"At Jared's," Seth replies. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I didn't mean to fall asleep, but we're all so tired from running so many patrols. There are way too many vampires in this area."

Sue doesn't look totally convinced. "Just don't let it happen again."

"Alright," Seth agrees.

A howl in the distance alerts Seth and Leah that there's a vampire nearby.

"Mom, we gotta go," Leah says as she pulls Seth out the door. The two run into the woods and phase.

It's that fast red-headed leech, Jake informs them as they head out to meet the rest of the pack. 

Ugh, I hate her, Leah says.

You hate everyone, Quil jokes.

Focus, Sam orders. She's dangerous. You guys need to be careful.

The pack chases her for a while, but she eventually crosses the treaty line, and gets away.

Every time, Jared complains as the pack begins to make their way back to Sam's house. Seth begins thinking about his imprint. Man, he misses her so much. He just wanted to go find her and make sure she was safe. Especially with that red-headed leech on the loose.

Holy shit, Seth. You imprinted?  Jared asks.

Yeah, on Paul's sister, Quil laughs.

I swear to god, Seth, Paul interjects.

I can't help it! Seth exclaims. He really couldn't.

It's probably for the best. She's already pregnant with his baby, Jared thinks to himself— only it's not to himself, the whole pack can hear him.

Jared, what the fuck? Seth complains. Before he can think anything else, he's attacked by a mass of brown fur. This was it— this was how he died. The pack was too stunned to react immediately, but Sam stepped in before Paul injured Seth too badly.

That's enough! Sam orders using the alpha voice. Stop fighting, and phase back. We'll deal with this inside.

Yesterday | Seth ClearwaterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant