Chapter 22 The journey part 2

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Jutu immediately caught the look Havah gave her.  It was an unspoken statement, danger was afoot.  It was up to her to warn the others. Havah pulled her sword from behind her and walked toward the edge of the river.
"Gather the women, the Icor snake is close." Jutu's warning rang clear.
Xion had caught the glance that passed between the two women, he was more certain than ever, Havah was different. Unsheathing his sword he nodded to the rest of his team to form a perimeter around their area.
The horses started to make strange sounds, some of them stomping on the ground. He  walked to where Havah stood and remained beside her while Caspian shielded his mother .  She was wearing a sleeveless vest made of leather and dark trousers on her neck strung little bones with carved symbols and a cape made of fox fur cascaded down he back. A braid crowned her head exposing chiseled cheeks bones and a sharp jaw that jutted forward ready to face her foe.
Plucking a dagger from the side of her boot she carved the symbol of a swirling S with a circle at the apex. The rune mark soon merged with her flesh sizzling, a whispering breeze travelled across the trees making the leaves fall, some of them caught on her head.
"It has awakened and it is hunting." Jutu said.
Havah could feel the runes on her flesh awaken sending a tremor all over her body, the rune marks had finally emerged on her arms, at the nape of her neck, her back, her ribs, legs and on her scalp. Removing her gauntlets she threw them to the ground and started clenching her fists, feeling the power of the curse that was the Icor snake.
"What are you?" Xion asked beside her, spying the runes on her hands and fingers, tattoos that were symbols of magic.
She ignored his question hearing what none of the humans could with their mortal ears, the hiss of the dreaded Icor snake as it travelled through the wind. The slash of it tail beating against the tree bark as it scented their flesh and blood.
"Quick everyone climb the trees!" She ordered .
Cem grabbed Evaline and heaved her up into the thick tree, her foot finding branches as she pushed her self up. He climbed right beside her helping her as they went along silently working together to reach the top. Caspian helped Jutu while Xion joined the rest of his team spreading out to several trees and climbing as far as they could. As soon as he reached the top he saw Evaline and Cem continuing their climb, she was struggling as he pushed her up. Leaping into the closest branch he reached out a hand to pull her up into a higher branch.
The horses had all bolted sensing danger, their noises fading away as they disappeared beyond the jungle. But one of them was not fast enough, a straggler horse whose high pitch scream of agony revealed the snake was close and had caught one of its prey.
Havah remained standing by the edge of the river when Caspian joined her.
"Are you insane, the creature is about to come, let's go!" He tried to pull her but she shook away from him.
Tearing off the sleeves of her tunic she exposed her runes, the tattoos of symbols littered her arms melted into her flesh in a rich blue color.  The shock she witnessed on his face was heart wrenching.  He looked as if she had betrayed him and maybe to a certain extent, she had. However, it was not  time to muse over such matters.  All their lives were in danger and it was up to her to tame the beast.
"Go Caspian, protect your mother, I shall deal with this monster alone," her voice was deep as she commanded him .
She turned to him, her one good eye sparkled with light. "Go!"
Taking a step back he went into the trees and lifted himself up, away from the ground, perching beside his mother,  when the Icor snake came through the tree opposite the river.  It's head was shaped like a hammer, it's eyes like two slits of agates.
"Is she seriously going to face that thing alone?" Estelle asked Erica a few trees away.
"I suppose that's her plan," Erica whispered.
"You know our lives are at the hands of a woman who trained with us, but one we know nothing about. Judging from the runes on her arms she might not even be human."
"Shush!" Erica admonished hoping that she wouldn't be taking her last breath of life, but if it came to that she wasn't about to go down without a fight. Unsheathing her sword she held it against her and prepared to watch.
A few trees forward, Xion held Evaline against him, he could feel her heart was pounding in her chest. As he saw the monster approach he watched the woman who stood alone by the edge of the river, her body poised as she held the sword in her hand.
"I hope your protector knows what she's doing. " he whispered against her ears.
Evaline found it strange to be held by this Lord, he seemed bent on protecting her. It felt awkward and reassuring at the same time. As his breath fanned against her ear, she was extremely aware of his arm wrapped around her waist. There was strength in that grip, a protective shield of some sort. But more than anyone of them, she trusted the woman who faced the snake bravely.
"I trust her with my life!"
If only I could, he thought. If they got out of there alive he would corner Havah and demand answers, for now he would remain stealth.
Havah watched, her good eye narrowing into a slit as she saw the snake with its strange head sniff the air. She knew it sensed all of them, it was searching, it's eyes blinking as it looked about it. Its scales, the color of stone, glistened under the light as it reached the river before it slipped within, its head bobbing to the surface.
The river was shallow and would reach up to her waist if they were to cross it, provided the snake would be incapacitated. As it's body slithered against the river, humps formed behind its long almost thirty foot body. This was a truly big monster, she sensed it to be an alpha. Removing her dagger she carved a runic symbol on her palm and slowly immersed her bloody hand down the river. She started to chant the age old demon words that would incapacitate the Icor snake.
"What is she doing?" Caspian asked his mother.
"She's casting a spell to immobilize the snake," his mother replied watching closely as the snake approached closer. Its Rheumy eyes blinked until finally it stopped moving and floated on the surface of the water.
"Quick! Get down from the trees and cross the river it's about waist deep!" she shouted. Everyone started climbing down in haste, Caspian handed his mother to Rufus who held her as they crossed, Estelle and Erica soon followed behind as Caspian took his place beside Havah holding his sword he turned around to check for other possible deterrents.
"If I'd known you could do that I probably would have crossed this path long ago." He tried to make it sound light but there was an underlying skepticism in his statement as Havah eyes remained glued to the snake, her hand still immersed in the water, until her hand started to heal and the rune started to fade. She drew it once again letting her palm bleed out until she saw Evaline flanked by Xion and Cem rushing to the other side of the river.
"It's time Caspian," she called out to him keeping her hands immersed in the water she started to cross with Caspian until they were all on the other side of the river. Once out of the water she commanded them to run into the thick forest.
"Were are we running to?" Xion asked as he started to turn seeing that Cem and Evaline had already sped away.
"We will find a cave beneath the mountain just up ahead," she told him waiting until Caspian preceded her. She bolted keeping pace, and remaining at the end of the group. She appreciated that Caspian remained beside her. Slashing through the branches and foliage that came across her path, she continued until she heard the roar which meant the Icor snake was getting up, had scented them and was about to chase them.
They ran and ran until they found the mouth of the cave.
Estelle turned around as did Erica and the rest when they heard the blaring sound of the snake. That's when the ground started to shake. Without thinking twice they dashed into the cave following Havah .
Caspian unsheathed his sword as he waited for everyone to pass through following Captain Jacob as they ran inside.
Suddenly light appeared out of nowhere, much to Caspian's surprise as they ventured further into the cave following those in front of him. Hundreds of questions played in his mind regarding Havah, he had an inkling she was magical, but this was insane.
They ran until they reached a cave wall and that's where the trail ended.
"What now?" He asked he watched at Havah run her hands against the wall in front of her, the rest readied their swords and turned to look back when the cave started to shake. Debris of stone fell from the ceiling.
"That snake has followed us!" Xion stated the obvious.
Havah turned to face them seeing the fear in their faces. "This is a doorway."
"Pardon me but I only see a wall." Captain Jacob remarked as he readied his own weapon.
"I just have to find the rune. Jutu keep searching, use your magic." The priestess started to pad the wall. Turning to Evaline who had braced against the cave wall on the side, Havah approached the young woman while everyone else  stumbled as the floor shook.
"I smell something foul, that snake is close by," Estelle whispered to Erica.
"Brace yourself sister!" Erica replied as she stood ready, sword poised. "If we survive this, me and that .....whatever, will certainly have more than a chat," she said grimly facing the mouth of the tunnel they had just come through.
As soon as Havah came in front of Eva, who was shaking with fear, she held her shoulders. "Listen to me Eva, this can only work if you pay attention. Jutu is going to find the rune that opens the door, I'll need you to face the snake."
"You...what?!" Evaline exclaimed hysterically when she saw Havah reach into her pocket and pull out a crystal. "What's that?"
"You'll find out soon enough." Havah smashed the stone into Evaline's chest just when Jutu finally found the runes and turned only to cover her eyes from the blinding light that came between Havah and Evaline.
The tunnel opening wasn't large but soon, the Icor snake had its head peaking through it, its mouth started to open wide as it released a deafening sound.
"By the gods!" Rufus and Cem started in horror as the snake managed to push its way into the opening. Captain Jacob did not wait for a command, he charged the snake, as did Caspian, and Xion, slashing into it with their swords. The snake started to use its mouth with razor sharp teeth snapping as it swung its head here and there. Only it's head and part of its body was able to come through the rest of it seemed trapped. It didn't matter for every movement seemed to shake the cave, debris of rocks floated from the ceiling as it tried to push further releasing chips of stone.
Caspian tried to distract it jumping from its massive mouth as it tried to devour him. He slashed his blade vigorously, trying to reach for its eye.
"Why didn't she kill it instead of making it sleep?" Captain Jacob roared, his annoyance plain as he went for its body driving his sword into the tough scales but it was futile, it was like cutting rock.
"I don't know, but if we live through this, she will have much to answer for." Caspian retorted when his blade was wrenched from his grasp by the snake who carried it in its mouth before spitting it out.
Xion jumped into the fray and continued to engage the snake when it bit into his blade cutting it in two. The snake blinked its ruby eyes and opened its large jaws , its head descending fast, Xion immediately jumped out of its way making it land on the ground with a hard thud.
Havah smiled in satisfaction as she watched the light from the crystal spread across Evaline's chest, sparks of light is ran down her arms and sent currents on her hands.Evaline started to shake as the power of magic from the crystal merged with her body, her eyes lightened into orbs of cerulean and her face glowed like an electric charge. Her body started to convulse as power continued to swirl around her, wisps of smoke appeared in her hands.
By the gods the power was growing, Havah thought, stumped by its intensity. Evaline turned to stare at her with a vacant expression alarming Havah. She though the girl would be able to control it but perhaps she was wrong in that assessment. Well, too late!
Grabbing Evaline's wrist, Havah felt the sting of burn as she held them fast for it was generating such immense force.
"Move away!" She howled at everyone as she turned still grasping Evaline's wrist, the pain of her burning flesh ignored as she aimed both wrists as the Icor snake. Nothing happened except for the light that gathered in Evaline's palms. Clearly the girl didn't understand what was happening, she could sense her fear.
"Evaline! Listen" she looked at those vacant eyes that continued to stare at her. "I know your in the. Stretch out your palms and burn that monster!" She commanded in a strong voice.
Yet nothing, Evaline continued to clench her palms and stared vacantly.
"Release!" She commanded again.
The Icor snake was making its way, inching its body further into the cave its mouth snapping as it continued to aim for Caspian and Xion.
"Release!" Havah screamed. "Let the power go or that snake will kill us!"
Evaline's attention snapped to the snake as it tried to come after Caspian, it's jaws ready, when she opened her palms light flowed from her hand and she screamed. Just like a bolt of lightning, the power surged from her fingers and stunned the beast before incinerating its head, the rest of its body followed until it was reduced to ash. Still Evaline continued her aim until Havah released her wrist and with a bloodied palm smacked her forehead making her loose consciousness, her body slowly fell to the ground in a heap.
"What the......." Clem's mouth gaped open as did everyone who witnessed the turn of events.
"The runes, Havah! "Jutu reminded still standing by the cave wall, her palm stuck on something.
Breathing heavily, Havah touched her own palm on the rune, her blood dripping against the wall when the wall opened out into a tiny opening.
"Quick, get through, I can't hold the portal opened for long," she told the others.
No one spoke as each one passed through the portal, Caspian lifted Evaline from the ground and carried her through glancing at Havah for a moment before crossing followed by Jutu. As soon as Havah passed, the wall sealed shut.

End of part one
I hope you enjoyed this book. Stay tuned for the next book Kingdoms of Lies and Intrigue.

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