Chapter 17 The Gathering

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Darting a furtive glance behind her, Princess Mirasol continued the journey toward the intended destination: the tower rooms. Knocking against the thick wooden door hurriedly, she tried to quell her nervousness hoping he would open swiftly.
Sighing in relief when the door finally gave way she stared into those tawny eyes, the shape so like her husband but it belonged to a different face. Pushing passed him to get into the chamber, she clasped her hands before her nervously with her back to him.
"Your highness, being here is dangerous." His voice was deep and rough just like she knew it would be. Closing her eyes briefly she finally turned to face him.
"I know, but what I have to say is of great import," she said nervously. She must look a fright for she had hastily donned her gown, not paying attention to her appearance. All she knew was she had to tell him. He watched her silently, his eyes never leaving her face. They were hard, almost cold but she didn't care. It took a great amount of courage to come, and now that she was here she wasn't going to leave quite so soon. "He finally finished drafting two more games. It took all night but I left as soon as he fell asleep". Which was almost close to dawn.
"You risked your safety to tell me this?" He raised a brow. "I am aware."
"Caspian, it's about the games, the last two, at least the very last one." she continued before she completely lost her resolve.
"Well, what kind of mischief has he concocted?"
She watched the pull of his muscles as he crossed his arms against his chest before returning her gaze back to his face. "A joust between your mother's ward and him."
His expression never wavered as he continued to look at her. "Is that all?"
"Yes," she was silent as she watched him. "You won't be able to get her out of it."
He nodded and turned away. "You had better leave. "
He heard her footfalls as she reached the door. "Her brother and my brother have become friends, I'll watch over them while the games are playing out."
"You don't have to do that."
"It's the least I could keep the boy safe."
He heard the door click shut before he released a breath. He had been in the middle of donning his armor when the princess came to his chambers . It took all of his willpower to keep all of his emotions in check.
Alone his rage was starting to build, he would have to think of a way to get Evaline out of that game. Donning his gauntlets he balled his hands into fists trying desperately to temper his rage.
One thing was certain, once the gathering celebrations were over he would take Evaline and Darren away, as far away from Pretoria as he could.

Evaline sighed as she sank her body into the water, soaking her tired muscles she started scrubbing her body of grime, dipping her head to wash out her hair. She thought long and hard about the offer of Lord Fenwick and decided it to be the best chance she and Darren had.
First she had to get through the games. They had been briefed by Lord Fenwick about the roles the women would be playing. She hoped she could escape being chosen to participate in anything where she lacked skill. Her strength had grown, muscles rippled in her arms and back but she was still weak in body combat. Her skills in sword fight were above average but they could never compare to his two lady fighters, her only hope was to escape attention.
Two more games were rumored to be added to the list, games that were a complete mystery. The other kingdoms were adamant that they be played out fingers crossed, none of them involved her.
"Are you done primping?"
The voice made her jump and duck into the waters before turning to her audience, none other than the lord Fenwick stood by the banks of the river regarding her with those frosty eyes. Embarrassed by her state she hid her almost naked body further into the water until only her head bobbed. How did he know where she was? She thought this river was private.
"My lord" she averted her eyes.
"I understand the need to clean oneself, are you clean enough?" His tone was sarcastic.
Was he a mood!
"Yes of course," she called out.
He crossed his arms and turned around leaving her no choice but to wade toward the shore and grab her clothes hastily before hiding behind a copse to put them on.
"I haven't been to the games in a very long time, I do recall a fair amount of pageantry to introduce the different courts, your presence is needed to participate. Don't keep us waiting lady Evaline you need to change into your armor." With that, he disappeared into the cluster of trees leaving her to follow quickly.
She understood from previous gatherings that there would be a parade of colors. The different kingdoms would be represented by their sigils and flags. As soon as she reached the camp she noticed almost all of them were ready.
Dashing into the women's tent she was relieved to find Havah donning her armor.
"Where have you been?" Havah asked tersely
"Bathing." Evaline replied, spying her gear in the bed, she quickly dispensed her wet clothing and patted her body dry before slipping her under garments, leather pants and black tunic, grimacing at the color.
"It took you long enough, if you think scrubbing yourself clean was enough, wait until after today. You'll have all that grime back and some more," there was no humor in Havah's voice. Evaline noted a tension that seemed to stiffen her shoulders somewhat as she approached to help.
"It's better that I am clean," she winced as Havah braided her hair tugging her strands tightly. "I was hoping to catch Darren before we parade ourselves."
"There won't be time. Besides I heard that he will be joining the royal family in their private box up on the stands."
"The young Nevran heir took a liking to him." Havah put a calming hand on Evaline's shoulder. "Relax, he'll be safer with them."
Evaline felt her apprehension ebb, taking a deep calming breath she followed Havah out of their tent into the main circle where Lord Fenwick's team had gathered together. He flicked them a stony glance before turning to face the team.
Evaline took her place among the women and waited patiently as the Lord Fenwick spoke.
"Today is the formal opening of the Gathering, our team will be joining ranks with the Pretorian soldiers. Since we are the newest members to join ranks, we will be expected to march with them in the opening ceremonies.  I have to admit it's been awhile since I've come to witness a gathering, therefore I have been briefed as to what's expected. There will be a parade of colors, I will be marching behind the prince, the rest of you will be straggling behind the soldiers drafted for the games. After the opening ceremonies have been accomplished we will retreat to the stands together. I suggest the womenfolk stick together, Erica you will be in charge. I have been informed of a game involving the four of you, but it will not happen this day."
Once he finished speaking he swept his gaze around them.
"My lord permission to speak."
"Go ahead Rufus" he nodded to his second in command.
"What is the first game to be exactly?"
"A series of jousting matches Rufus. Captain Jacob and Lord Caspian have already decided on the participants and none of you will be in that game." Xion took a moment to let everything sink in and when no one else spoke he called to Rufus and two other commanders who would be riding on horses.  The rest would remain marching with the team of players.
Evaline and Havah remained with Erica and Estelle both sisters wore their armors with cloak s of fur running down their backs. Erica gave both women a warm smile.
"Let's line up together behind the men. Eventually we will be flanked by some of them, don't loose my lead." she instructed.
Havah and Evaline exchanges glances before following the women into the courtyard where they saw the display of the different kingdoms. The royal nobles who would be participating were already there holding up their flags to display their house sigils.
The house or Mullbroke stood first in line their flag displayed in bright colors of yellow and green displaying the sigil of a ram with a snake coiled around the horns. This was followed by the kingdom of Ishtar the royal house of Nevran bearing a blue flag with the sigil of a fox, the royal team was dressed in dark leather pants and bright blue tunics with the sigils on their armour. Immediately after was a purple flag, representing the kingdom of Lagenas, the princess of the royal house of Volta's sat on a white stallion , surprising Evaline. She never expected the princess to be participating in the games but there she was, seated on her horse, regal in a tunic made of purple and white stripes. He horse looked ready to bolt but she healed the beast back, her mouth moving as she spoke to it.
"I never expected that the house of Lagenas would allow their princess to take part in the games," Evaline muttered.
"Stranger things have happened," Havah replied under her breath.
Erica and Estelle chuckled. "There are kingdoms that allow women to be more proactive in what is deemed to be men's sport." Estelle remarked.
"Meriadon once boasted of shield maidens. The chatelaine of this kingdom was not only a queen, she had been training as a shield maiden." Erica added. "Tis a shame their king fell to waste," she spit on the ground before raising her head. Shrugging when the three women turned to her in disgust.
Finally Evaline caught site of Caspian as he proudly held the flag of Pretoria, cloth marked by the color of blood waved as he sped by, the sigil of a woman petting a lion displayed proudly on its center.
"I never noticed that sigil before," Evaline stared in awe
"You've seen it on the tapestries Eva," Havah remarked casually, "the woman petting a lion while everyone dances around her. Maybe the image isn't so clear anymore."
"I never really noticed until today." Evaline said in wonder
Havah gazed at her sharply before turning away.
"Who is that woman meant to be?"
"Vesna." Havah looked at the flag with trepidation before shifting her glance back to Evaline who remained staring at the flag.
"Aye, the elusive Vesna,"Erica mubbled.
"Who is Vesna?" Evaline asked her eyes glued to the flag that swayed with the wind as Caspian held it tightly.
"Seriously you don't know?" Erica looked at Evaline in surprise.
"Well she did loose her memories." Havah defended.
"Oh that...of course." Erica caught herself. "She's a Fae, the princess of spring. All the kingdoms worshipped gods and Fae, Pretoria chose to revere Vesna for with spring comes the bounty of life. Unfortunately she's been missing for more than a hundred years."
"Why is that?" Evaline prodded.
"Not sure exactly. There hasn't been a ruler of the spring courts in hundreds of years. I'm sure you must know of the Great War when the dark king Soldar slew the light queen because she didn't know were Vesna was. That's the reason why we rarely see good light or enjoy fresh sunshine. As soon as he took, over our light has been scant and everything just withered away."Erica continued surprised at Evaline's lack of knowledge.
"I know he killed the light queen and started a war that made me run from my family but I really don't remember why." Evaline replied defensively.
"Well there are many versions of it but one that seems to stick or rather a rumour we heard from Meriadon was that queen refused to give up her child to the king. He's supposed to be the heir to the seelie kingdom. They say she hid the boy."
Evaline frowned as she heard this. "She had a son?"
"The light king, heir to the light court and kingdoms of spring and summer. There is a prophecy that king Soldar will be vanquished at the very moment the light king takes the throne, or if Vesna returns to bring the heir." Erica shrugged. "The story is muddled with so many gaps. After he killed the queen he turned his attention on the immortal lands searching for the light king who is rumoured to have been spirited away by Vesna."
"Thank the gods he's ignored the mortal lands." Havah finally injected. "The parade is about to start. We have to stay with our ranks."
Havah cringed inwardly as she kept her gaze steady on, the royal pageantry started to move forward as did they, marching just behind the Pretorian army. They walked to the arena which wasn't a long walk, and they filled out around the center. Evaline and Havah remained close to Erica and Estelle as they gathered around to face the royal boxes . The benches were arranged in a circular formation allowing people to sit and watch as the kings stood to salute their respective houses.
The sound of trumpets blared across the circular arena and when they stopped the king of Pretoria, king Silas stood high up on the stand in the royal box. Evaline squinted to catch a glimpse of her brother but he was barely seen. Instead beside the king stood prince Byron proudly looking down at all of them.
A strange feeling took hold of Havah, it started from her core, a pulsing beat the grew stronger making her glance at the sky, that's when she noticed a cloud of grey start forming in the heavens only as the clouds grew larger and darkened the arena around her, she realized too late, they weren't clouds.

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