Chapter 16 Evaline

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Smoke danced around the room creating a mist as something sizzled by the stone stove attached to one side of the room. Several cooks were barking orders at the underlings who were assisting in turning the metal skewers filled with meat and fish. Bread was strewn over two work benches along with nuts and cheeses and fruit. On the other side was a massive cauldron simmering with some lentils. Corn was being coated with lard and some other vegetables. A few helpers were shredding lettuce and peeling beets.
Quickly she donned the apron around the black linen dress and wimple on her head before rushing forward to pick up the tray from the wooden table filled with delectable smells of cheeses, bread, fruit and nuts, she pushed passed the other servers and presented herself to Eve.
Flashing a smile of apology for being late she hoped Eve would forgive her.
It wasn't often they had royals visiting and Eve was a stickler for punctuality. 
"I know I'm late," she began, the heat of the kitchen must have been the reason why her armpits started to sweat. "I couldn't leave Darren alone with the young heir. Just in case you know, he can be clumsy and I didn't want him to catch any more attention from you know who."
Eve looked stern but there was no denying the affection she had for Evaline.
"Right now it really doesn't matter, I need as many hands as I can get. I never expected a crowd this big and so little serving maids to have on hand." Eve swept a hand around the kitchen crowded with cooks and maids. The smell of fish roasting on the pyre while rabbit was being turned on the pit.
"I understand."
"Now go." Tossing Evaline a smile she turned immediately to the rest of the preparations.
Eva Manouvered herself out of the kitchen passing through the open archway that led into the banquet hall. Pausing for a moment she allowed her eyes to take in the crowd before plunging headlong into the throng.
Pushing her way across the room she managed to reach the table of the princesses and started laying the food down as carefully as she could spying the boy, who not more than an hour ago had been playing with her brother in the stables.
The boy, the heir to the throne of Nevran was not much older than Darren and seemed to be the apple of both his sisters eyes as they put food on his plate. His delicate features grimaced as Princess Mirasol pilled his wooden plate with vegetables, cheese and nuts.
Stepping back slightly in case they needed anything she almost bumped into the figure of a man so familiar she briefly looked up but he was distracted by something in the table....or someone.
"Caspian" the sound of the young Nevran heir made her look, the boy was holding on to Caspian's cloak. "Do you remember me?"
"Of course I do your highness, Nero."
Evaline heard the fondness if Caspian's voice and turned to look but after catching the steely gaze of Princess Mirasol she looked down at the hem of her gown waiting patiently for her next orders.
"That will be all Evaline." Mirasol, bless her finally released her from an awkward moment. With her tray empty she pushed back into the kitchen and picked another tray filled with fish and vegetables returning back to the banquet hall.
She tried to catch a glimpse of the opulent decor, drinking in as much of the lavish attire worn by the royals. Corsets were tight exposing much curves from the women, dressed in colorful finery of velvet and brocade. Finally she stopped beside a table filled with young royals mostly ladies in waiting fawning over a young handsome man.
Serving the food she had to walk around the table to make everything fit when she finally stood beside the man. He turned to her as she placed a plate of roasted fish in front of him, snatching a glance she could understand why the girls all clustered around him. His features were chiseled to perfection, if one went for such types, complimented by a shock of dark hair and eyes the color of the sky after a storm.
The girl sitting next to him was chubby pretty in a cute sort of way but he grimaced every time she spoke. Evaline tried to hide her grin as she stepped back waiting for an appropriate time to be dismissed. Eyes on the flood she held her empty tray to the side.
"How does everyone fair this evening?"
There he was again, Caspian! Refraining from rolling her eyes, she stepped back further hoping to make her escape slowly but surely. When she finally did, and raced back to the kitchen.
This time she wasn't alone.
He was there, right at her heels. He smelled of sandalwood and lime while she smelled of roasted fish and sweat.
She looked up briefly from filling her tray with more food "I'm busy Caspian. The crowd is endless, and Eve has her hands full with running everything."
He snorted.
This time she paused and looked right at him. "What?"
"I didn't ...." he began but stopped himself .
Well, that was brief, she thought as she continued to pile her tray.
"I didn't mean to embarrass you and for that....what I did, please.....accept my apology."
She met his gaze, there was remorse in those eyes that seemed to glow for some reason. Nodding her head she looked away and picked up her tray to leave when he stayed her hand.
"Does that mean you forgive me, or you accept my apology, or you really don't give a toss?"
She couldn't help it, her lips twitched at his banter. He always knew how to get to her for some reason.
"We're good then," he wanted to confirm it, needed to it seemed.
"We're good," she nodded. "But don't you even dare think of a next time, Caspian."
He sighed leaning forward so she could hear his words. "The games can be brutal Evaline, I wanted you to realize what you would be up against and I could never forgive myself if I let you get hurt."
She swallowed seeing his eyes glow further. "You wouldn't," her heart started to hammer in her chest as her eyes strayed to his lips before turning away.
"I care about you Eva," the way her name rolled from his tongue like that was like a sweet melody that lingered. "My mother would have me skewered if anything happened to you. "
And that's when her heart crashed and she felt her hands again, for awhile she almost forgot they were there.
"So would I!" Eve was right beside them with her arms across her chest and a wrathful look directed at Caspian.
"All's forgiven Eve, Caspian made it clear he was looking out for me." Evaline picked up the tray and started walking with Caspian beside her.
"Byron had a game planned where you would be bait as the royals hunted you down and use for sport." She stopped walking, almost bumping into another maid. Luckily Caspian held her tray before it slipped from her fingers.
"He what?" She was taken aback by such plan. "How...?"
"He's the prince. He's been planning these games for years," she heard the grimness in Caspian tone, witnessed the darkening of his eyes, "lucky for, you this year, he doesn't get to execute them but not everything is about luck."
"Is this game still to be played out?" She asked fearfully.
"No. But he'll think of something else. Stay out of his way, as far away as you can." Caspian returned back her tray and strode away leaving her stunned.
On shaky legs she walked back into the hall and delivered the food to the table woodenly, tryin to focus on her task when she almost lost her balance. Strong hands grasped her arms to break her fall and when she looked up her gaze met chips of blue eyes that seemed to thaw.
" Lady Evaline are you alright."
She looked about her when she realized she was perched beside Lord Fenwick's table absently serving them food.
"You know this wench?" A man's voice made her fully cognizant if her surroundings.
"She isn't a wench, she's a soldier of the royal army." Xion corrected smoothly as he stood beside her
Her eyes roamed the table to catch the royals watching her. They were strangers, the women wore too much paint she realized and their garments fit too tightly around their bodies. The men were looking at her as if she was some sort of insect.
"How can a girl be part of the royal army? It's not done." one of the women said.
"I believe amongst the common folk it's widely accepted in some demesne eh, Fenwick?"
"I have women who serve under my personal guard," he admitted. "My sisters, Lady Elenor, are excellent swords women."
"Then why is she serving us?" Another asked.
She turned to Xion who refrained from rolling his eyes heavenward. "I think I will have to return you to the barracks myself Lady Evaline, you will have to prepare for the festivities tomorrow. I'm sure whoever has requested your services will have to relinquish you."
When they were out of earshot she turned to explain when she caught the wave of Princess Mirasol, clearly she was being summoned.
"I have to go, the princess summons me." bowing her head she reached the table of the princess.
"Evaline, we are running out of red wine, fetch us a couple of bottles from the cellar." Mirasol delivered a curt order .
She fled the hall surprised to find Lord Fenwick followed her into the kitchen.
"I'm needed here my lord, they don't have enough serving staff, " she began pushing past him to the archway that led to the cellars through the back of the kitchen but he continued to follow.
"Then let me help," he offered.
Twirling around to face him, the protest died on her lips as he pushed passed her down the steps leading to the cellar. It was a damp cold room filled with rows of bottles, lit by torches on one side, the room  was dim but he seemed to know where he was going. She followed him until they stopped in front of row where he walked with easy strides pulling two bottles from a shelf that would have probably taken her ages to find.
"You've been here before?" She asked curiously.
"Many times. I know what they prefer. The prince has a solid collection, this knowledge has been shared to his closest friends."
She reached out to retrieve the bottles but he continued to hold them cocking his head to one side "Why are you here Evaline?"
"W..what do you mean?" The way he looked at her made her nervous.
"I mean your not Pretorian, where do you come from?"
She swallowed slowly. "I don't know where I'm from, after the war, I woke up in the home of my benefactor," that was the truth. The better part of his face was hidden in shadow but those eyes seem to have a life of its own. "That's all I remember."
"Nothing else?"He regarded her skeptically."Not even how you got here."
"No, not even that," she replied. "We tried everything but I don't remember anything except that I have a brother,"she admitted casting her eyes to the ground.
"Strange," he replied. "You can hold a sword like any soldier, you must have had some training." He started to walk away with her following at his heels. They walked quietly until they returned back to the kitchen that's when he handed her the bottles..
She could feel his stare burning holes through her back as she made her way into the hall, releasing a breath she delivered the wine to the Princess and fled back to the kitchens ready to pick up another batch of tray when she was met by Eve a soft smile on her lips as she regarded Evaline.
"It seems Lord Fenwick is concerned about you,"Eve grabbed the tray she was about to lift. "Its best to call it a night, we can manage from here."
"But there are so many people out there, I know you need the extra hand," Evaline. "I won't be late for tomorrow's festivities if that's what worries the Lord Fenwick."
"Eva, this is the first time your going be part of a grand Gathering not as a spectator but as a participant. His lordship made a point, you need your rest. Now go before I summon Caspian to heave you out of here!" Eve was firm.
Sighing, Evaline removed her apron and walked out the back door that would lead to the gardens, glancing once more behind her. The kitchen a flurry of activity, serving maids coming and going, cooks preparing plates for meals and in the center of it all, Eve barking orders. Well, if they didn't need her then........
She continued her exit through the archway that led to the gardens removing the wimple, she wiped the sweat off her forehead inhaling the breeze of fresh air. It was amazing how the stench of the kitchen contrasted with wafting fresh air.
"I was wondering wether you would take heed."
Barely taking a few steps forward she whipped around to the sound of the voice startled by the spectre of his lordship perched against an aging fountain. Cast in shadows she could barely make the outline of his broad shoulders.
"You waited for me?" she asked incredulously.
"Of course. I needed to make sure you followed orders." He came within a few feet of her that she could see the shadows dance around  his chiseled jaw.
"My lord, this banquet is in honor of the royals, your suppose to be with them not......"she paused suddenly self conscious of her station. Nervously she looked away.
"Come, lets go back to camp." His tone was steady as he took another step closing the gap between them.
She had to look up to see his face clearly and there she witnessed determination. He shouldn't be doing this, she could find her way back on her own.
"My lord I can manage," she pivoted away taking the path that would lead her to the camp but his shadow loomed beside her.
"Still, there are consequences to leave a lady unescorted. Now stop arguing I'm taking you back,"his tone was decisive
She remained quiet as they walked side by side, his strides seemed easy where as hers were hurried. It wasn't a long walk to the field, but to her every step she took seemed like a mile, ever so conscious of the Lord beside her.
"What are you planning to do after the games?"
His questions caught her off guard, still she continued to walk wondering how to answer.
"What do you mean my Lord?"
"Do you plan to remain with the royal army? Have you thought about that?"
She slid him a glance, too afraid to speak.
"If I may be so bold, the royal army is not ready to train females, they wouldn't know how. "
She stopped on her tracks but he continued to walk .
"You have quite a skill with sword fight but nothing else and if I were to judge," he stopped and turned to face her, "you need further training in body combat and other maneuvers."
She could feel the drum beat of her heart as she listened.  He was right in everything he said and didn't  she want an opportunity to stay with Lord Fenwick's team? This was her opportunity, all she had to do was open her mouth and speak. Thankfully he seemed not to notice because he went on.
"If you joined my team those weaknesses could turn into strengths."
There it was, the answer to her prayers, the doorway to freedom from the prince and his machinations, a chance to start over.
Instead she stood transfixed, staring at him. An image of Jutu flashing through her mind then came Havah , Eve, and finally Caspian. These were the people that took her in, gave her a home, became her new family. Could she just leave them?
"What about my brother?" The only words she could utter. This was the only question that sprung to her mind.
He turned to walk again and she followed curious to hear his response. "I believe he was given the choice by the king  and he choice to serve in the royal army."
"Would that matter?"
"I suppose he could train in my garrison  if we managed to convince Caspian to exhibit the same unruly behavior he exhibited in the camp." His tone carried a humour she did not feel. "That could convince the prince to give him up if he saw how much it upset Caspian.....that is."
She was surprised by his candor, to reveal the knowledge of tension between the brothers was a subject left unspoken. But everyone in the palace knew of its existence, much more those in their inner circle.
They had finally reached the boundary of the camp , he turned to face her fully.
"What do say my lady ?"
Evaline had grown to respect Lord Fenwick in the past week. He had exhibited agility and prowess as a trainer and a leader, she already knew that if she went with him their life would change.
"I would to join your team Lord Fenwick," she said formally.
He shook his head an exasperated grin appeared on his lips. "Its Xion. Lord Fenwick was my father."
She stood watching until he disappeared around the bend that would lead back to the palace.
"Admiring Xion are you?" Estelle stood beside her. "I have to say he does have what it takes to make a virgin drop her skirts"
"I need a bath." Evaline announced as Estelle chuckled.

Cloak of Darkness( return of vesna book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang