Chapter 1 Evaline

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Kingdom of Pretoria

Come on, she thought as she watched the boy take aim, a dagger in his hand the size of a spoon.  All he had to do aim for the target but as the blade flew into the air it landed a few inches above the target. Sighing, she kept her disappointment hidden as she went to claim the weapon.
"I've seen you do better," she turned to the young urchin, disappointment etched on his face as he continued to stare at the target.  It was supposed to be easy but he had missed every time that morning.
On other days he struck true but for some reason his attention had wavered.
Her gaze drifted to the canopy of leaves cocooning them from the morning light her eyes narrowing as she spotted a bird, it's wing flapping dislodging some leaves.
A crow!
Plagues, how did that crow manage to pass through the Icor snake that guarded the woodland?! Did she imagine it?
It had been years since they saw birds or for that matter other forms of game since the Dark Fae took over the kingdom of light and sent its creatures to guard the boundaries of the mortal kingdoms. Unless..
"He's aiming too high," the booming voice startled her from her dangerous thoughts. She turned to glare at the intruder.
The man who stood before her wore a tight deep green vest exposing the solid muscle of his arms , a trim waist tapered down to slim hips and trunks for legs barely hidden by the tight leather pants that molded to every sinew of muscle.
Caspian was not only a giant among mortal men, he was hung like a god glorified by his golden skin a testimony of his mixed heritage. It glistened now just like a mere mortal, sweat dripping down his forehead which meant he just completed his morning run. Now he was ready to train in the palace training grounds.
"Would you mind!" She glared at him clearly showing her irritation at his presence. But the irritation was more than just taking her by surprise.
"What? I only told you the truth. He aimed to high." A frown marred his perfect face. A cross between a mortal king and the Mangalese priestess who had arrived years ago during the early days when Fae and mortals were at peace. Winged brows that sharpened his features cut above his almond eyes that tilted at the corners fringed by lashes that curled to his brow, his nose was slim, mouth curving into a bow that she sometimes wondered.....never mind that now! The perfect specimen of delicious male flesh's name was Caspian and he had gotten in her way. Not that she minded but she had to pretend he did in order to keep up the pretense of being annoyed.
"How many times have I warned you about sneaking up on me." She slipped the dagger into her waistband.
"I did not sneak up on you, your always in my path when I run." He arched a perfect brow mockingly. "Come let's walk back together"
The boy rushed up to Caspian tugging at his pant. "Can I watch you today?"
He shifted a glance at the boy turning a winsome smile that made his face glow. If only he smiled at her that way she thought, but whipped it from her mind as soon as it strayed there. "Of course, that is," glancing back at the girl, "if Eva gives consent."
The boy turned pleading eyes at the girl. "Please Eva can I watch today?"
She wasn't going to deny her brother, in fact it would distract him for a bit while she had to do what she needed to do. Nodding her head she marched forward as they waited for her to join them, breaking away from the shrubs, they alighted into the manicured lawn that was meant to be the palace gardens.
Once, if the stories were to be believed, the garden were filled with flowers and bushes arranged carefully around the bronze fountains that were scattered everywhere.
Now, one could hardly tell with the grass drying up and mostly earth covering the lawn. The fountains remained, but the statues had darkened over time and water stopped running freely through them. The grey that permanently inked the sky may have added to the eerie patch that once  must have thrived with life. Walls of sandstone studded with patches of soot and dirt rose high above them as they came within the view of the bleak fortress that was the castle.
They all paused briefly as Caspian's gaze shifted to the tower, there they saw the lone figure of one of the princesses. She was not too far above, they caught a glimpse of her face. When Caspian lifted his hand the figure slid back into the shadows of the third level of the castle tower.
Only Evaline saw the brief disappointment that flitted across his face before he turned a bright smile to the boy.
Bending low so he almost touch the ground, Caspian waited as her brother hopped on his back and both of them marched to the right toward the training grounds waving her away.
Sighing she waited until they disappeared around the bend before she marched forward over an archway that opened to a hall. Yanking the small wooden door that led her inside through the kitchens, the smell of roasted chicken and freshly baked bread rented the air with a pungent smell that made her stomach grumble. Snatching an apple she winked at the cook before crossing the opposite side into another door that opened out into the hall lined with archways. She marched through a corridor that held torches to illuminate her way and on the other side were arched windows. She looked out  at the greying skyline before walking forward toward the stairway that served as the back entrance into the second floor of the castle. Climbing the steps she reached the second floor.
Alighting by the circular grand hallway where two massive chandeliers hung high above made out of crystal glass that reflected light from the surrounding windows with candle tapers that were rarely lit. Whenever she came into this room she never tired of looking at the reflection of light that bounced of the dim walls like a thousand gems, and for a brief moment she was once again distracted.
Closing her eyes she allowed her senses to reach out around her  seeing the gems converge into a single orb of light glowing slowly as if reaching out to her.
The harsh sound brought her back to the present. Alone no longer, she pivoted her gaze landing on Princess Mirasol one of the twin sisters bound in marriage to their royal prince Byron Gantz of Pretoria, the one Caspian stared at with that intensity she wished had been granted her instead. 
A frown marring her flawless face, skin as soft as the petal of a rose, eyes as green and sharp as a snake and hair as black at the night sky. Evaline could never understand what Caspian saw in that princess for she only saw coldness and irritation as her centering gaze perused her.
"I called out to you several times. Didn't you hear me?"
Plagues, she must have been distracted. Whipping out the vial she was meant to deliver she handed it to the princess to avoid further exchange of words.
She watched as the princess pocketed the vial and waited for the coin which she had to bring to Jutu. Evaline would have happily run any errand except for this one. The potion in the vial was meant to prevent conception. She often wondered why the princess avoided carrying a babe, but Jutu had told her not to ask any questions, so she remained silent.
Once the coin was given to her Evaline pivoted to leave but she was halted by the princess who grasped her arm.
"What were you staring at?" The princess frowned, her curiosity piqued it was clear.
"Nothing in particular your highness." Evaline replied quickly hoping the princess would release her.
"Your always distracted whenever you come here, specifically to this room. Is there something that catches your fancy?" The princess lifted her eyes to the ceiling before returning her gaze to Evaline.
"I like the chandeliers." Evaline shrugged hoping the princess would ask no further.  She avoided having any conversation with her.
The princess released her arm but there was still the curiosity in her voice when she spoke. "Your face was glowing. I don't remember seeing that kind of glow on anyone. Are you hiding a secret Evaline?"
"What secret would I have?"
The girls were not far in age, Evaline had moved to Pretoria three years ago at the tender age of sixteen and that was when she witnessed the wedding. Mirasol and her twin were only seventeen when they married Prince Byron. For some reason Evaline always felt uncomfortable around Mirasol .
"There you are my love." Price Byron perched above the winding staircase his gaze riveted to his wife. His dirty blond hair cascaded down just above his broad shoulders. By mortal standards he was a handsome prince winged brows just like Caspian, almond eyes that tilted at the corners, aqualine nose common among the Pretorian nobles and full lips that could charm any maid.
As he drew closer Evaline caught the mirth in those pale ultramarine eyes. His skin was pale from lack of sun but there was enough color that spoke of his fondness for the outdoors. Yes he was a handsome man, with an almost feminine face but there was strength in his broad shoulders and wide chest tapering down to a slim waist. He stood a head taller than both girls and as he reached out to capture the arm of his wife, the muscles in is arms flexed with strength.
"I'm glad I caught you." His darted a glance at Evaline briefly who bowed in respect for her sovereign.
"Byron." The princess mouth lifted at the corners in what was supposed to be a smile of greeting.
"Since your up you might as well join me with the men in the training fields." He invited, his gaze swept her face with affection but Evaline knew the affection was one sided.
"Evaline was just taking me to visit with Jutu." Princess Mirasol replied stiffly.
Realizing she was still there the prince turned his attention back to the girl and gifted her with a grin. "Bring her along, the more the merrier." Grabbing Mirasol's hand he led her out to the other side of the circular hallway one with an archway that opened to a corridor. "I'm sure you can postpone your visit. "
His voice echoed around the hall, Evaline had no other choice but to follow as Mirasol gave her a pointed look.

Cloak of Darkness( return of vesna book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن