Chapter 9 Caspian

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One day later.

The pounding was like like a hundred hammers slamming into his head one after the other. He tried desperately to open his eyes but they refused to budge, maybe it was for the best. His body felt heavy and numb.
Something was shoved into his mouth, a bitter liquid that tasted like rotten plum. Within seconds, the pounding in his head ebbed and once again he could feel his limbs.
"Bad night?"
The voice sounded familiar, turning to the sound he pried his eyes open only to shut it immediately for the blinding light left a burning sensation on his lids.
"Visna's tits! Put the light out!" He is voice sounded hoarse as if something was scratching his throat.
"Can't it's almost mid morning"
Finally managing to turn his head toward the voice he gradually opened his eyes and tried to focus of the blurry image.
"Mother," relief at seeing a familiar face
"Good your finally alive." The other voice belonged to Havah. He managed to sit up and rub his face, the cloth draped around his torso slipped to his lap.
"I don't understand, he always manages to remain sober despite the amount he imbibes"his mother again.
"Maybe he had more than he normally does."Havah scoffed. "What happened?"
Indeed what did?
As he looked out the window he tried to recall events from the previous night.
There was a royal function to welcome King Remus Voltas of the kingdom of Lagenas. Granted there was too much liquor being served, he must have had more than a fair share.
What was it about last night?
He never really participated in these functions preferring to be on guard duty in the palace, but for some reason he had accepted the invitation of the king to take a night off.
Seated beside Lady Madden had not been a welcome reprieve. She had spent the evening flirting openly with him in front of her husband while his attentions were engaged elsewhere. If only he had thought to pay her attention that night perhaps she wouldn't have grabbed his crotch. That may have set the events of his inebriation.
Her  hands had stayed underneath the table and landed on is thigh aiming upward. Her feet had rubbed against his calf several times. Despite his arrogant dismissal she seemed to find it amusing bending low enough that her bodice exposed much of her voluptuous chest using his arm as pillow.
She had plied his filled his goblet enough times that night, could she have put something in it? He couldn't say exactly. All he remembered was that she did not leave his side until the dancing began.
There his memory seemed to muddled. He recalled spinning quite a lot, being tossed in the air, tossing someone in the air. Joining the men in a bawdy tune. What else?
Standing he walked to the window and looked out shaking his head as if that would add some clarity to the muddle.
"How did I get here?"
That's when Jutu laughed turning away she left the room which wasn't far away from the kitchen.
"I think my son it's best you wash up and come back for something to eat."
Pushing passed Havah he made for the door, stumbling slightly as he walked to the stream.  Whatever he imbibed seemed to wear of a quick jump in the stream would clear his head then he would have to race to the castle and search for some excuse as to why he was late.
His head emerged from the water, as always a good dunk in the river restored his energy. Feeling the numbness creep out of his body he waded toward the shore spying Havah who perched against a tree, picking her nails with a dagger.
"Seriously, Havah how did I get here?"
The smirk on her lips never left as she tossed him his pants. "You dragged your own ass here last night, dancing and singing like a peacock. I followed you to make sure you would be okay but when you tried to grab my tits I smashed your head in." her grin widened.
"That explains the head ache." he rolled his eyes heavenward too embarrassed to face his friend.
She sauntered toward him. "I doubt it's my head bashing, I presume you may have drunk a bit more than normal at least for you."
Or that crazy Lady Madden May have slipped something in his drink that made him behave like a fool.
"Who saw me?"
"Aside from me, well let me see," she began ticking off her hand, "practically everyone.  I suspect you were not the only one who was off and I doubt they will remember the esteemed Prince Caspian loosing his senses."
"This is not a joke," he chided off her mockery.
"Sometimes it's okay for men to behave like dogs," she sighed twisting her head to the side before facing him "You want to know the truth?"
Looking down at the ground a muscle ticked in his jaw before lifting his gaze to meet her own serious one. "What did I do?"
"Frankly I had to drag your foolish ass away from the castle because you were about to chase Princess Mirasol in her bedroom."
"Vesna's tits!" Heat gathered in his face as he looked away in absolute horror. "Did anyone see me do that?"
She was about a foot away from him now as he managed to face her without flinching from her steely gaze. "I don't think so. She gave you a look, you bit, I saw it this time and managed to stop it before it truly went out of hand. Thank Vesna's tits I was there. I may not be next time."
"For what it's worth, thank you," he replied fervently.
"Although I doubt this was the first time Caspian. Be careful, she's your brothers wife." A warning note before she turned from him.
He watched Havah leave, his heart hammering thunderously in his chest. Shaking his head he briefly returned to his mothers house only to grab his shirt before dashing back to the palace. Slipping into the back door he passed through the kitchens grabbing a slice of freshly baked bread before running down the corridor, ignoring the furtive glances cast his way. Taking the steps from the servants quarters he ran up seven flights of winding steps before reaching the tower floor where his rooms were to be found.
Thankfully all the guards were on duty, he slipped quietly into his room and removed his clothing. Staring at his reflection in the looking glass, he saw his hair was a mess, and he had grown a slight beard.  With no time to shave he quickly donned his training gear replacing his pants with leathers and a white crisp shirt. Looking back at himself he nodded at his reflection once agin before strapping his belts and tucking his swords behind him. Picking up his dark leather cloak he ran down the back staircase once more bounding toward the field spying Captain Jacob, he took his place beside the warior.
"I won't bother  to lecture."
"Then don't," he felt a slap on his back.
"Rough night"
Where could he even begin?
"You could say."
"Don't make it a habit," the tone was even yet firm
Caspian was never into picking up new habits. "Not going to happen." He was committed to presenting himself for guard duty until the Gathering had come to end.
"Your brother was looking for you. He said if I saw you to remind you that you were meant to join him and Lords Madden and Fenwick for a hunting expedition."
He had forgotten about that!Sitt. Now he would have to find an excuse for being late! As much as he hated being around his brother lately, being late for anything revolving the viper's plans was worse.
" I'll see you later," he nodded as Captain Jacob smirked.
Mounting his horse he rode fast into the woods, when he finally spotted their party, only the lords had brought their women except for Xion.
It seemed Byron was the one to spot him approaching, the mocking expression he wore served as a warning for what was to come. His half brother was not going to let this slight pass and he would have to be on full alert for the mini battle ahead.
"Caspian, there you are, I was wondering wether you would be able to make it at all."
"My lords and Ladies" he bowed his head in respect noting that Mirasol kept her head averted whereas Melanya and Lady Madden looked on curiously. Ignoring the lascivious looks from Lady Madden he rounded his horse closer to Xion turning his gaze to what had kept the party on their horses. 
Surprisingly no one had dismounted, neither were there any dogs, instead before him stood the boys with their bows and arrows strapped to their bodies.  At least twenty boys were in front of them, their trainers were behind them.
"What kept you?" Byron's question was pointedly sharp yet the smile plastered to his face meant it to be humourous.
"I was with my mother this morning." A truth. "She needed me to fix something," a half truth.
"I completely understand, when a mother summons their child it's necessary to cater to their whim." The sarcasm was unmistakable, dripping from By Ron's quip.
"Well then, now that we are complete the hunt can start." Lord Madden remarked casually.
The tension in the air between the brothers was like skating on thin ice, it would have been difficult to ignore.
"What are we hunting your highness? And where are the dogs?"
Bless lady Madden for being obtuse, but sometimes it was necessary to break tension, Caspian thought as he looked at the boys spotting Darren among them.  The boy was so innocent he turned to Caspian and waved slightly but that was too much.
It caught the attention of Byron who narrowed his gaze between the boy and Caspian.
"Good question Lady Madden. " The prince puffed his chest outward. "We will be hunting whatever game we can find.  Sometimes we will be able to spot a squirrel or rabbit. There are those rare animals that the Icor snakes have not already eaten."
Caspian knew before he opened his mouth why the dogs wouldn't be joining.
"There won't be any dogs because today the boys will do the hunting for us and showing the progress of their new found skill." He paused.
If the princesses were surprised they tried to hide it but lady Madden's intake of breath expressed what Caspian felt within.
"Master Archers, lead the way!"
The sound of the conch shell being blown was the signal and at the call of one of the trainers, the boys began to run ahead.
"Forgive my ignorance but is this form of hunting a tradition of sorts?" Xion boldly asked the prince.
"Ah, yes I believe this is the first time your gracing the event with your presence. We try to start some new tradition every now and again. Come Xion you will surely find this entertaining," with that the prince galloped ahead, Lord Madden followed immediately.
Shaking his head Xion turned to Caspian before following.
Caspian turned to the women who hesitated briefly. "Come let us follow," Mirasol finally said before galloping forward followed closely by Melanya. Lady Madden stayed by Caspian's side leaning toward him she whispered. "I believe we have some unfinished business my lord."
Caspian sighed inwardly, he hoped it wouldn't prove to be that kind of morning.
"Oh, I wasn't aware." He galloped away from the lady choosing to remain as close to Lord Madden as possible . The woman was insatiable!  It seemed last night's antics were not enough.
With their horses at a trot he was able to survey the situation from his position. The young recruiters had run off on various direction, each group of boys had a trainer who served as watch. It was an underhanded exercise using boys as the hunters instead of dogs.  He spotted Darrens group and waded his was but kept a secure distance in case the Prince became suspicious.
Darren was the only boy with a tuft of golden hair that set him apart, his attention riveted to the ground just like the others checking for tracks disappearing into the forest. He saw the boy lift his head briefly before disappearing completely through the thick trees, just like the others.
Smiling softly, Caspian slipped into his memories, remembering the time Darren had been found with his sister.  They had taken shelter in his mother's barn. After having deposited an injured Havah into his mother's house he had gone to tend his horse, ignoring the blood and gore attached to his clothes he was filling a pail with grain when he saw the two of them slumbering peacefully. Darren golden head resting on Evaline's breast.
They were filthy,their clothes matted with blood, a gash on Evaline's head attested to the blood that dropped into the hay. Summoning his mother they managed to pry the boy from Evaline who was concussed.
The boy did not fear him, instead he had clung to Caspian like his like depended on it.
In the first few days of their discovery Darren had followed Caspian around the property.  He never spoke a word only stared at Caspian most of the time quietly assisting whenever he could.
Many time he had tired to coax the boy to speak, explain where they had come from. Only when Evaline regained consciousness did the boy's speech return. But even then he was unable to discover where they hailed from. That chapter remained closed for the past three years.
It didn't matter anyway, they had become part of the family, his to protect.
Suddenly a commotion!
Sounds started to come from all directions. Pulling out of his memories he dismounted and ran into the thicket witnessing a convergence of trainers with their boys all surrounding a massive elm tree.
Byron was already there, sure footed he marched as the gathered parted to let him through .The prince's guards pushed the crowd aside a good distance allowing space for the prince.
Xion came beside him " What's going on?"
"I suspect we are about to find out." He replied curtly, his gaze riveted to the boy.
When the trainer moved slightly to whisper in the prince's ear he was given a glimpse of Darren. Heart hammering in his chest he took a step forward but Xion held him fast sending him a silent warning signal.
Then Byron looked directly at him making his heart hammering faster. Something was afoot and it wouldn't be pleasant.
"You know this boy,right?" There was a malicious gleam in Byron's eye as he addressed Caspian.
"What of it your highness?" Caspian asked calmly ignoring the tightness in his neck that signaled danger.
"It seems the boy let go of his kill....deliberately.  That is an infraction against the rule of the hunt." Turning back to Darren the prince 's features softened but nobody was fooled, least of all Captain.  He knew his half brother only too well.
"Tell us boy why did you let the rabbit free?"
By then all the royals in the party had dismounted, the ladies had moved closer to the side of Xion . He could feel the tension in the air as everyone remained silent.
"Well, we're all waiting" Byron said patiently.
It took awhile, darren's face had turned to the ground, his body backed against the tree with force. Caspian could smell the boys fear and the rage started to build within his chest as his shoulders strained against his armor.
"Sorry, could you repeat that" Byron could not contain the mockery that dripped from his voice. "louder this time."
Caspian saw Darren lift his head and stare right at him. He was about to take another step when Xion strengthened his hold.
"It ran away" fear laced his voice.
"You know what boy, I find liars a bit prickly.  We wouldn't want to infiltrate our army with prickly liars now would we." Byron had moved forward, Caspian noted the way he clenched his fist.
"He said it ran way." Caspian remarked cooly bringing all eyes on him and maybe a gasp from one of the ladies. The rage was building, simmering in the surface of his fist as they curled inward.
"Did it?" The prince turned to the trainer who denied it explaining that the rabbit was within reach and vulnerable. "I would tend to believe the trainers Caspian, they know what they are doing, unlike others I know off." His glance was pointed as he glared at Caspian.
Darren he noticed remained silent ,  his gaze shifted back to the ground, shoulders slumped in defeat.
"Considering that this was meant to be an official hunt, one that would have boasted our superior training methods, you boy have caused an embarrassment  that is punishable. But because I am merciful, 20 lashes should be enough." He summoned a guard to fetch him a whip.
Caspian's rage has risen to its fullest as he stared daggers at Byron, clearly the agenda was to goad him as usual.
But not like this!
The prince was scum and there was no other person who knew it more than Caspian. He wouldn't be surprised of Byron had targeted the boy from the beginning to spite him.
The guard returned promptly, taking the whip from the guards hand Byron sauntered to Caspian handing him the whip.
"Go ahead, "  it did not escape Caspian's notice that Byron's eyes wore the heavy weight of malice "Your his guardian, who better to deliver the punishment.  All parents do it when their children misbehave."

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