Chapter 4 Jutu

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The former Mangalese priestess was stirring a concoction of herbs in her mortar thinking about the fate of her wards Evaline and Darren. Being drafted was not a simple matter. There would be rigorous training ahead.
She was in doubt about Evaline's prowess remembering the time when the girl came into her land three years passed. Both she and her brother were half starved and in need of shelter, the injury to her head alone had rendered her immobile for days. Trailing behind them had been Caspian carrying the battered body of Havah. The three were refugees from the war that had plagued the light and dark Fae.
It had been a dark time for them all when the dark king Soldar had slain the light queen and taken their lands, putting Ashara on her sister's throne.
The summer and spring courts had been outnumbered by the winter and autumn courts after the millennial games. The slaughter was  in the thousands as dark Fae fought the light and those allies of the winter court were called to take a stand.
The Mangalese had no choice but to take a side and with King Soldar dangling a noose around them, the fate of the Mangalese rested on his hands.
Thank the mother she had left her lands and joined the mortal Kingdom of Pretoria more than twenty-five years earlier. Her father had favored King Silas and bestowed his daughter one of the high priestess as a peace keeper.
They had fallen in love and since that time she had remained by his side. Since he could not dissolve his marriage she had remained his mistress, the queen having happily surrendered her place by his bedside until her death.
The fruit of their love had been Caspian. And since the king already had an heir, their son would be the leader of the armies of Pretoria. Half Mangalese, and half mortal, Caspian towered above the soldiers and his strength proved to be an aspiration to all in the army.
The Mangalese were a mix of dark and light Fae, diluted with mortal blood their powers were not as strong as the pure blooded Fae but power they had in abundance. They shared similar timelines as the Fae, aging to about 500 years and remaining youthful looking for a period of time.
Her father in particular had more dark Fae blood than light whereas her mother had been a light Fae from the summer court. Having more light Fae in her, her father thought it best to remove her from his court in order to avoid being drafted to winter or autumn courts where most of the high priestess with darker blood lines found themselves after they ascended to their powers.
The mangalese ascension happened when a male or female reached at least 80 mortal years .  Hers came earlier, which had bother her father even more for her powers leaned toward the light having multiple possibilities which was rare among the mangalese.  He feared that if the dark court learned of this, they would take her instantly and what they did to the priests and priestesses of the mangalese court would make her shudder at the thought.
Abandoning her work she walked to a mirror which had been a gift from her sister, looking at her reflection she ran a hand through her long thick curly hair that cascaded down her back.  Her skin was like milk chocolate common among the mangalese but it was her eyes, a rare combination of tawny which was her best feature.  Large and round they stared at her features which were sharp and well defined for a mangalese. She was considered a rare beauty among her people something she never flaunted or thought about.
A sudden knock brought her from her musings and as she bade the visitor to enter she was not surprised to find Eve standing at her doorstep.
The once queen of Meriadon. She was captured two years ago and taken as a prize of war. King Silas had made her the chatelaine of his castle and caretaker of prince Byron's wives. Now she stood just by the entrance a smile on her lips that didn't reach her eyes as she closed the door behind her.
"The king summons you to join him , also I've been told to advise the young Evaline to be by the training grounds before dawn." The smile dropped from her face and her expression looked worried. "Why is she being summoned there?"
"She's to join her brother in training, orders from prince Byron." Jutu shrugged and motioned for the chatelaine to join her for tea. "Apparently she had requested for this"
"That was foolish." Eve sat accepting the teas, her thoughts raced with worry.
"Tell her that. She's possessive of the young boy. When the prince was informed of the boy's age and drafted him, she volunteered herself."
Eve shook her head. "I hope she knows what she's doing. I will be short of a hand maid for the princesses and my best one.  She has helped me better than the rest."
Jutu turned her attention to the chatelaine cocking her head to one side observing the fading scar that ran down her left cheek, a mark of the war between her kingdom and that of Pretoria.
Eve had come to their kingdom battered and broken both on the outside and within. Captain Jacob had rescued her from the plot of those who would have used her, a fallen queen of a conquered kingdom. Her body had been bruised, her face a mass of blood from her struggle with her captors.
Jutu suspected some of those bruises did not come from the conquering warriors but she had never been the one to initiate the conversation about it.
At the urging of Jutu, king Silas had provided a room in the castle for Eve to recuperate and when she finally did speak it took another month for her to trust anyone around her. With patience and compassion Jutu together with Evaline and Havah managed to resurrect most of what remained of the shattered queen until she was well enough showing promise in helping with the castle. Her prowess and mindfulness elevated her the status of chatelaine. It didn't escape anyone's notice that captain Jacob had a hand in it as well.
"Evaline has always been difficult to pin down. She makes plans at the blink of an eye. So how is the captain?"
The blush that spread across Eve's face softened her features somewhat. Features that would have been quite arresting had the scar not marred it. Eyes the colors of the deepest ocean stared through thickly fringed lashes that curled toward her brow arched by well shaped brows that did not need tending like most ladies. The shape of her nose had been delicate although slightly crooked from some break in the past, still looked regal. Her mouth was thick and lush, jaw squarish sporting a dimple, cheekbones high and well defined, where once it had been gaunt from lack of food. All in all an arresting face one would have called handsome. Her auburn hair was carefully braided accentuating her cheekbones as she wore the scar proudly.
She was a tall woman common among the people of Meriadon with a heavier bone structure and more muscular frame but looks could be deceiving for she was a docile lamb.
"It's best we be on our way before the king wonders what is keeping us."
Jutu chuckled as they left the house and made for the path that led to the castle.
It was no secret the captain had a soft spot for the chatelaine but Jutu remained silent.
Once inside the chambers of the king her eyes roamed around the large room. At it center sat a huge four poster bed fit for a family of five. There was a hearth opposite the bed where a table surrounded by four chairs stood. The king rose from one of those chairs and held our his arms.
Jutu took his hands into her own eyes roaming on his aged face.
By human years the king was sixty yet the lines on his face betrayed a man who looked much older.
His face was covered by a beard that was peppered to match the thick riot of hair on his head. His blue eyes sparkled with happiness as he gazed at his mistress a sharp contrast to him as she had remained youthful.
She kissed him softly on the cheek before settling on a chair opposite him. During her previous visit they had been playing a game of chess which remained untouched after her last move.
"I haven't seen you in awhile" he began, his voice deep and wether worn.
"That was but two days ago. I understand you've been busy." she replied casually.
"Ah yes, we are making preparations for the gathering. All the kingdoms will expect a fair amount of frolic." his grimace was clear. "Byron and Caspian will work out the details for the preparations"
"I suppose the guest houses will have to be aired." she was referring to a group of buildings situated at the east side of the castle.
The Pretorian castle was a massive rectangular structure with four imposing towers and more than seven floors. It should be big enough to house hundreds of visitors.   The three mortal kingdoms came with an entourage of royal families as well as their braves competing in the games.  Only the royal households would have the privilege of staying within the castle walls.  The rest would erect tents around the palace grounds.
"I've asked Eve to send word out to the villages just like the previous year. We will need more staff. And this time I want you by my side," he eyed her with determination, "you should have assumed that position years ago."
"We've talked about this Silas. I will respect Byron and his wishes. I am not meant to be a queen of a mortal kingdom, especially now."
The king nodded slowly, leaning back against his chair as he regarded her through hooded lids. She knew he understood what she meant especially with Dark Fae ruling over the Fae kingdoms and the Mangalese taking the side of the unseelie. 
"My ward Evaline has been drafted to the barracks by Byron," she began her eyes drifting to the game on the table.
"What?" The king sat forward his annoyance evident in his voice. "Why?"
Her eyes lifted to his, leaning forward. "She wants to protect her brother who was drafted as well."
The king sighed rubbing his beard absently. "Well, he is of age." Jutu had made the king meet her wards when they first arrived and he had been kind enough to offer them sanctuary. "As for her joining, the army could use a few female braves.  Some demense take women and train them to fight. If she made this choice of her own accord, I cannot reverse it." In other words, he didn't want to challenge his son for to do so would aggravate their precarious relationship.
"I'm not opposing the law my king, Byron plans to make sport of her during the gathering."Jutu could not hide her grimace.  She did not dislike Byron, in fact she didn't really want to go into the details of how she truly felt about the heir especially went it came to her own son.  From an early age she could sense the bitter rivalry that beat in Byron's chest, which grew heavier when he lost his mother. But when it came to Evaline and Darren, he somehow managed to cross a line.
"Are you sure?"
Nodding her head in affirmation she stared at him intently. "I only ask that it doesn't happen." Her firm voice spoke volumes about the possibilities of Byron's peculiarities.  She was aware of the temper that bore fruit sometimes with his own wives.  Evaline meant nothing to him.  He wouldn't hesitate to unleash his brand of depravity.
The king nodded his head in agreement. Satisfied, he understood, she invited him to finish the game.

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