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The 5 mortal kingdoms
Kingdom of Pretoria - ruled by King Silas Gantz widowed and aging he rules with an iron fist
Kingdom of Ishtar - Ruled by the house of Nevran , King Atillas Nevran forged an alliance with King Silas by Marrying his twin daughters to Prince Byron
Kingdom of Mullbroke - ruled by the house of Landers
Kingdom of Lagenas - ruled by the house of Voltas
Kingdom of Meriadon - ruled by the house of Karick , its king Randir Karick succumbed to the dark Fae and its machinations causing chaos in the mortal kingdom.  Once defeated his house was disbanded and taken as slaves for the kingdoms of Pretoria and Ishatar. His queen Eve was sent as. Slave to King Silas.

Immortal kingdoms
Solneves - Lands of the bleeding sun, domain of the light Fae (seelie) composed of seven islands
Nerasol - the biggest island, main court of the light Fae, housing the palace of the Light queen
Silvanas - ruled by the sister of the light queen second largest island
Other islands include : Solastan, Llum, Argios, Giasma and Valo
Shadowfyre - kingdom of the dark Fae ( unsellie) ruled by the house of Shadowfyre its King Soldar Shadowfyre is king of all the dark fae
Velene - autumn court ruled by the dark Fae once the court of Dracus
Zynthar - winter court ruled by the dark Fae rest home of King Soldar
Mangalene - island off the coast of Shadowfyre ruled by Chief Iberus and his tribe, soldiers of the dark Fae
Erinthar- annexed land of Shadowfyre , favorite hunting ground of the dark Fae populated by both demons and dark Fae

Evaline-  bastard child of the light king and the queen's maid in waiting , escaped from the light kingdoms with her brother after the games.  Finally settled in Pretoria
Darren Sol - Evaline 's half brother.  Only son of the light queen.
Caspian - bastard son of King Silas and half brother to prince Byron he is also half mangalese.
Eve Landers - wife of King Randir and now slave to the royal house of Pretoria
Prince Byron Gantz - heir to the throne of Pretoria
Melanya and Mirasol Nervan - twin sisters and wives to Prince Byron
Havah - fallen light Fae, soldier in the army of the light queen, after the games she fled to hide in the mortal kingdom of Pretoria
Jutu - Mangalene priestess, mistress to King Silas and mother of Caspian
Loot- a light Fae royal and general of the queen's guard. Now a slave to the whims of the dark Fae lord
King Soldar Shadowfyre - king of the dark Fae or Unsellie court
Prince Dracus Shadowfyre - son of king Soldar once ruler of Velene until it was given to his brother Golen
Prince Golen - second son of King Soldar and fierce general of his army and ruler of velene
Princess Ashara Sol - sister to the light queen , slave to the dark Fae king allowed to rule the remaining demesne of the light Fae under the leadership of the dark Fae.
Lord Xion Fenwick - one of the lords of Pretoria, his family has owned the demense in the northern most part of Pretoria closes to the autumn court of Valene.
Knut - hybrid elf, a powerful being who once belonged to a tribe that became extinct after a massacre. The only survived, he was rescued by Havah and currently resides in the forgotten forest in the land of Erinthar.
Nocturis - a species of demons who serve prince Damos and his bloodline, their staple diet is blood of living things.
Morok - leader of the Nocturis, he swears allegiance to the God of the underworld and its protector.
Saskya - a Nocturis and lover of prince Damos
General Clavius - a leader in the solitary army
Talyan - princess and only surviving royal descendant of the elven clan
Light and Dark lords - generals who formed armies of the seelie and unseelie.

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