"As for you." Mai add and turn to Naru.

Mai smiled and put her right hand on Naru's forehead. She figures that he must be having a headache now since he didn't get a wink of sleep last night. Mai shook her head after she felt Naru's temperature.

"You are having a fever. I have medicine in the small pocket in my bag. Get it and make sure to take it after drinking tea." Mai sighed not noticing the pink blush on Naru's ears.

Naru nodded while calming himself. He can't believe himself! It is just a simple action from his assistant. Why is he blushing?!

Lin, who is in the corner, smirked at the perfect photo he got in his phone. He happen to picture the moment when Mai touched his charge's forehead. Lin is really not fond of these actions but Madoka and Luella forced him to do so and he is uncomfortable finding himself also enjoying these kind of things. He is also surprised at his perfect photography skills.

Ugh. He is really not himself.

"Mai, tea." Naru ordered after drinking the medicine he got from Mai's bag.

"Okay." Mai, who is planning to go out, answered and make some tea.

"Oh. Before I forgot. I talked to Kasai-san yesterday." Mai said pouring the tea in a cup.

Before the incident in the base, Mai went out to have some air and saw Kasai-san. They talked for an hour and have some fun. Kasai-san also said that they are willing to help the if needed. Then Bou-san and Ayako came while talking about Naru, being an onmyoiji. Kasai-san is shocked at that information and Mai just frown at the two, since she knew that Naru is not what they think he is.

Ayako angered Kasai-san after that and they pull Mai to the base, leaving the poor girl. Apparently, they are suspecting Kasai-san to be the cause of all these events so they warned Mai to stay away from her but Mai just ignored it saying that Kasai-san wouldn't do such things.

"So?" Naru answered apathetically, making Mai pout as she put his tea in front of him.

Tsk! Can't he at least show that he care?! What a jerk!

Mai fumed and crossed her arms.

"I learned that Kasai-san knew a lot of things about parapsychology. I was impressed. And she said that she learned it from Ubusuna-sensei. So I think that the teacher knew a lot more than Kasai-san do." Mai said with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

Mai really felt so odd when it comes to Ubusuna-sensei but she can't point it why exactly and she is kind to the poor girl, Kasai-san so she put that thought at the back of her mind. But she is still suspicious especially after she saw the teacher for the second time.

"Oh. I see." Naru answered but Mai noticed something in his tone showing that he got what she say.

Mai want to investigate Ubusuna-sensei but the vision Mr. Guardian showed really bothers her a lot so she  asked permission from Naru to let her do the work in digging up the teacher's background. Fortunately, he agreed after hesitating.

"Hey. The others think that Kasai-san is the culprit of these events. What do you think about it?" Mai asked.

"I don't think so. Even if she had Psychokinesis, she wouldn't be able to influence this so many people. Besides, all the victims have been seeing evil spirits." Naru answered.

"Yeah. But they are not inquisitive as you are, glaring at the ghost all night." Mai said with a teasing smirk.

"What? Do you expect me to cry and run?" Naru said sarcastically not forgetting to glare at his assistant.

"Oh my! How I long to see that!" Mai said in a playful tone and with a grin on her face.

"Shut up." Naru said with a glare but Mai just flipped her hair and smiled at him.

"Oh. I need to go out." Mai said and she stood up and walk to the door.

"Where are you going?" Naru asked as Mai stop her tracks.

"I'm going on a date." Mai said with a wink. Naru frown but Mai laugh at him, indicating that she is just joking.

"But what about voodoo dolls?" Mai asked as she stop laughing.

"I doubt that too. Voodoo dolls are the ones that you hammer nails into." Naru answered looking at some papers.

"Yeah. You hammer a nail into a certain area and the victim feels pain there." Mai said and open the door.

"But you're right. Spirits don't appear because of voodoo dolls." Mai said and walk away leaving the two in daze while realising what she just said.

Meters away from the base, Mai suddenly stopped and widened her eyes.

Wait! Spirits don't appear because of voodoo dolls?! The hell! Why didn't I realize it sooner?!

Mai mocked herself and run towards the cursed desk not bothering to go back to the base and tell Naru her speculations since she knew he already got it. She met the others on the way but because of the rush, she just passed through them and run.

"Hey. What is wrong with Mai? Why is so urgent that she has to run like a crazy runner?" Ayako asked as she saw Naru and Lin in the base.

Ayako thought that Naru might've ordered Mai to do something but she all she got in reply is silence so she look a bit annoyed.

"It is a Zuso." Naru said in daze while Lin, who stood in front of him, nodded.

"O..okay? What is going on? Care to fill us up?" Bou-san asked in confusion.

They went to sit and Naru began explaining things to them.

"Someone has been using spells to put curses on other people. That is what causing all these psychic phenomena." Naru said crossing his arms while learning on a table

"Spells? How is that possible?!" Bou-san asked in surprise.

"But what does a Zuso have to do with spirits?" Ayako asked while Masako and John listened quietly.

"Spells caused by hammering nails into a doll originally came from the way of Onmyou." Naru said stopping midway.

He had plan to tell Mai to listen carefully but Naru did not see her shadows. And thinking of the reason she gave a while ago, Naru frowned and continue telling the others his theory.

Who cares if she is going on a date?! Humph!

*****Author's Note

I am really sorry for the late update!😣😣

I thank fabelhaftx and allymonster12 for the comments! I really appreciate it.

And I encourage more readers to comment down what you think of this fanfiction. It doesn't matter if it's a correction, criticism or praise. Every word on the comment section is really important to me. I'm happy to read it all!

Please vote and hope you enjoy!😊😊

Ghost Hunt Fanfiction: THAT ASSISTANTOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant