Chapter 14: Interlude IV

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"And you wonder how an upstart wolf cub managed to divide an entire town. It's probably because you lot don't exercise enough caution, and if Stiles hadn't existed you lot probably wouldn't have survived at all", he muttered mostly to himself.

Derek flushed at the truth in that absentminded rant; he frowned at his uncle and internally sighed;

And you've learned to exercise too much caution haven't you uncle...


The clicking like sound that resounded alerted them to the door unlocking and they both reached for the handle to pull the large metal door open, grunting at the truly abysmal greasing done on the doors Derek whined;

"We'll have to send someone down to grease these doors", he grumbled.

"Could be a good way to punish the youngsters", Peter huffed as they struggled to open the door, wincing at the fact that it was wedged in thoroughly. "This is a metal door right?" he huffed pulling the handle and creating enough of a gap, that Derek could reach the inside of the door and pull with a little more force.

It took a few extra minutes, but they managed to open the door, leaning heavily against the door, they panted gasping for breath.

"I hate this vault!" Peter exclaimed.

"Likewise", Derek muttered, "Ugh Stiles, couldn't you have thrown Cora somewhere else?!" he demanded thin air.

"Hey! I resent that!"

They both looked up to see Cora and the twins sitting, mostly, a few feet away from them.

Derek stepped into the room, "Why are you on the ground?" he asked confused making his way through the leftover debris towards his sister. "Are you hurt?" he demanded worriedly.

Cora scowled, "Two words", she huffed, "Kanima Venom", she hissed peeved.

Derek stared at her shocked and then promptly snorted, "He darted you?" he teased amused as he crouched down in front of her. "When did he? How did he? When did he?" he asked laughing and sputtering raucously.

"I'll smack you", she warned even as she lifted both her arms up.

Derek snorted and picked up his sister, "What about the twins?" he asked warily, suddenly realizing they probably should have brought an extra person.

Aiden smirked, "Between us three, I can move my legs around", he paused, "Though I will be slow, like aging grandma slow and I have no way of even trying to help my brother", he grinned weakly, "Hey Peter"; he greeted the older wolf easily.

Peter smirked crouching down in front of a still unconscious Ethan, "He took the brunt this time didn't he?" he asked gently picking up Ethan, as Aiden struggled to stand.

"Like always", Aiden gruffed, "Always does the unnecessary", he grumbled as he flicked his brother's forehead fondly.

Peter hummed as he held the boy ever so gently, "That's what big brothers do Aiden, they protect their younger siblings regardless of any personal strife", he murmured as he made sure he had a good grip on him, "We'll go slow, don't worry", he stated as Aiden walked around, though the pace he was going at, he looked like a decrepit old man.

Aiden nodded, "Appreciated", he stated, "Though even if you guys go on up ahead I can find you using scent", he stated simply.

Derek hummed, "Probably not", he interjected, ignoring Cora staring at him, "The path we took to find you guys leads through a herbal pathway that jars the senses", he stated dryly.

Valley of Wolves: Raven and JaybirdTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon