Chapter 2: Putting things in Perspective

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Key for this chapter:

Stiles' Thoughts

Anyone Else's Thoughts or Stiles' diary Entries

'Old dialogues memories, spoken out loud thoughts, the past in general...'



""Not an Actual Speech or Thought""


Warning: Alternative POVs

Friday 17th, October, 2015

9:00 PM

*******(A/N: This chapter is the reason this story is written)*******

Stiles hated Beacon Hills.

For one thing there were seven bars and only one gay club, that outranked the other seven bars, and yet here Stiles was, at a bar that Lydia chose, because going to a gay club every Saturday was starting to become a habit she wanted to break.

Or so that was supposed to be the thing, but Stiles was in an infinitely bad mood, he'd been ditched at the only Irish bar in Beacon Hills, a fairly good one, but the farthest one from civilization, it practically sat on the highway leading out of Beacon Hills.

At this point he was fairly certain it had been the plans from the get-go, probably Jackson's and Lydia's choice.

Clearly they weren't happy about his choice to 'join the Hale pack', even though he hadn't really chosen a side he'd just had the luck of sitting next to Cora Hale, and also working with her these last five days, sparring and in general just teasing each other as comrades-in-arms. If that made him a Hale spy, well he'd rather have Cora at his back than Jackson, case in point.

Sipping his jack and coke, he looked up and nodded at the man he could barely make out, he was way beyond drunk at this point, and the urge to do something reckless churned at his gut. Finishing his drink he followed the older man out, his familiar-ish blue eyes beckoning, like a siren's call. As they stepped out into the cold November air, he sighed and pointed towards his car.

The man nodded and walked towards his own car, a black sports model, he'd probably salivate over, if he was remotely sober. Just another thing to add to his dad's list of disappointments, climbing into his jeep, he paused and then climbed out of his jeep. Being too drunk obviously meant driving was a no-go.

The stranger stopped his car, a pleasant if distorted smile on his face, he opened his passenger side door, and Stiles walked over, he stopped in front of the car, the headlights practically blinding, he fumbled and with his cellphone, took a picture of the number plate, he sent it to his cloud and then walked towards the open car door.

"Careful aren't you", he heard and he nodded easily.

They say a lot can happen in two days, so obviously in the five days, since he'd met Maya, as the Hunter from the Black clan, provided to them on loan as protector and guard, life had not been fun, five miles of running every day to increase metabolism and stamina really drove that point home. Thankfully he wasn't as weak as Lydia who had to run ten miles, every day. Hand-to-hand with Maya Black and Instructor David Rodriguez-Black, which then ended up being nullified as Cora wiped the mats with his human ass.

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