Chapter twenty one

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This was the Tara I knew, the one before a boy got in the way of our friendship.

The cafeteria simply ignored her request. She tried once more, "Can I have your attention?" She repeated. Still nothing, "Please,"

This got everyone's attention. Tara was known for never saying please or thank you. "This May be involving me but it is also involving someone far better than me," Tara continued, "It involved Sapphire, the real girl that Liam loves,"

Bradley clenched his jaw at the mention of Liam's name, "If he loves her so much then where is he?" Bradley shouted.

I wish I knew. Tara shot him a glare and continued on, "Many of you know that Saphire and I were once friends but most of you don't know why we stopped being friends. I was a home wrecker. I helped her boyfriend at the time cheat on her. It was wrong of me to do."

The crowd gasped. Whatever was left of Tara's reputation went down the drain. "There's more," she went on, "The guy we were both dating, his name is Bradley,"

Bradley tried to make a swift exit but Sam and his friends blocked him. There was still no sign of Liam. "Bradley is a horrible excuse for a human being. He was abusive and toxic. He hit not only me, a self centered jerk, but also Sapphire, a sweet amazing girl. Who he was lucky to be dating. Now he wants Sapphire back and won't leave her alone. We figured it was time to expose him,"

She stepped down from the table. The projector flipped on at Athena's command. The first video was a video of Tara. Bradley was yelling at her for something. "You're worthless!" He shouted before slapping Tara,

Tara yelped, reaching her hand up to touch the place where he hit her. Tears stung her eyes. She stormed out the door.

The video changed to one of me. "you're worthless," Bradley repeated the words to me.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"You can't do anything right! Why are you even here?"

I shook my head, tears dripping down my face, "I won't do it again I promise,"

He threw a class off the table. It shattered red to pieces, "Get out!"

I scrambled to grab my things and leave. Bradley pulled me back, kissing me aggressively. His hands reached up to my breast. I slapped his hand sway but Bradley wouldn't stop. "Stop it," I yelled.

He didn't give up. I desperately tried to squirm out of his grip. He didn't listen to me. Before I knew it my body was slammed against the counter.

The video ended fading to black. Thankfully both me and Tara had somehow managed to record it. Tara had security cameras in her house and I was in the middle of filming a singing video when Bradley came over. We got luck on that one thing.

It hurt me to rewatch the videos, to go back to a time that wasn't so happy. Being with Bradley was one of the most painful experiences of my life. I would be scarred forever, but I learned from it. Abusive relationships are nothing to joke about. People don't change and if he hits you once he'll most likely hit you again. I learned to never pass up a red flag, to never just write if off as a coincidence or an accident. I was going to start treating myself with more respect, because I deserve it. I have been through a lot and for once I just want to be loved right, so I'll start by loving myself properly.

The entire crowd was dead silent. No one said a word. I held my breath, waiting for someone to say something. All of a sudden every single head turned to Bradley, complete hatred burning in their eyes.

Tara, Athena, and I all let out a relieved breath. I pulled them into a hug. We did it. The angry mob of students attacked Bradley while one of the teachers phoned the police. It was time we finally got some justice. Bradley was going to be hurting anyone else.

The cops came within minutes. Bradley wasn't able to escape with all the aggressive students chastising him, which he rightfully deserved. The cops arrested him after watching the video and took him into custody. They had to question us once our parents were presence. It brought up a lot of bad memories for my mother. I could only imagine the pain she was going through.

I felt relieved. It was finally all over. I was free. My past wasn't going to haunt me anymore. I didn't need some guy to help me. I was going to be just fine without Liam. Even after we officially fake broke up, I would be okay. I had just proven that I could live and survive and thrive with or without him. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so even though Liam is the one that I want, I had plenty of other choices. I'm sure if I looked hard enough I would find a guy that was pretty great.
I invited Tara and Athena over to stay the night. We had been through a lot together and we decided that we needed to celebrate. We started by packing for the season trip, which all three of us would be on. We decided that since Liam wouldn't talk to me and Tara was newly single that it would be a girls night. Of course we told Athena that she should go with Sam, after all that was always the plan. I was going to hang out in Tara's room so as to not bug Liam. I planned to break up with him as soon as the trip was over. It was going to hurt, a lot, but I knew I could do it and stay strong, it was clear he didn't want to talk to me anyway.

I hadn't even received a text from him or anything. He never explained to me why he wasn't talking to me. I assumed it was because something happened with that other girl that he liked. Maybe she asked him out? I was tired of guys that took me fore a second choice or a last resort. I wanted to be treated like the first choice, I wanted to be treated like a queen not a princess. It was time I stopped picking guys who treated me like I wasn't good enough.

That was the only problem. For the most part Liam had always treated me well. This was the first time that he had ever made me feel truly terrible.

I was going back and forth between believing I was independent and wanting Liam to hold me in arms again. No matter how hard I tried to keep the tough girl act up, I was still slipping, falling right back into Liam's arms. The truth was no, I didn't need Liam but I wanted him. I wanted him to be the one, but I guess some things just don't have a happy ending, no matter how hard we try or how badly we want it. Some things just not meant to be. I begged that Liam and I weren't one of those things.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter isn't that great. I was in a rush when I wrote it, I just wanted to get another chapter out to you guys. I wrote it at five in the morning without any sleep so I truly apologize. I hope you guys enjoyed it though.
Please go check out my knew book It All Started With A Dare. I have already finished it and I post a new chapter every week so you won't have to wait like you did for this book. I really hope you guys decide to check it out.

As always don't forget to vote and comment, I love hearing what you have to say.
Lots of love,

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