17. Stolen Car

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Point Place, Wisconsin January 21st, 1977Friday AfternoonEric Formans Driveway

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Point Place, Wisconsin
January 21st, 1977
Friday Afternoon
Eric Formans Driveway

"Eric, you're screwed" Lauren mumbles, looking at the scratch. She felt nervous because Red takes things a bit far.

"Eric.. it's a tiny, little scratch. And reds never gonna see it" Hyde says, rubbing the scratch. Lauren thought it was dumb to say that because Red will notice.

"No, red sees everything. He's sees when I put cheap gas in the car." Eric says, Lauren frowns.

"I got it. Well put my "gas, grass, or Ass" bumper sticker over it." Kelso says, pointing at it. We all turned to look at the dumb boy.

"Listen, Forman, whatever happens, we'll all take the rap." We all nod, feeling bad for Eric Lauren rubbed his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.

Soon enough Red burst out the door with garbage and throws it away, Lauren holds her breathe as he turns quickly to look at the car.

"How'd you scratch the car, Eric?" red asks.

"Have fun" Kelso says, while the other two boys walk off. Lauren huffs and crosses her arms at the cowards.


"Well, uh.. sir, I was, um pulling out of this parking space. Well, creeping us more like it. I was creeping." Eric says, getting closer to Red and stuttering.

"You were screwing around, backed into a hydrant. I see the paint marks"

"No!" Eric yells, red looks at him then at Lauren, Lauren quickly turned and rocked back and forth and her feet.

"And by no, I mean exactly" Eric says, and nervously laughs. "But it wasn't my fault, sir." Lauren quickly patted Eric on the shoulder.

"See ya" and ran to the door. Not wanting to here them yelling, or Eric getting yelled at.

Eric Formans Basement

Lauren walked in at the worst time, Donna and Jackie were talking about sex.  But now she's interested in it.

"You know those girls at school that do it all the time" Donna asks, Lauren sat in Hyde's car, arms crossed.

"Yeah." Jackie says looking at Donna.

"All right, is it just me, or do they seem more relaxed?" Donna asks, Lauren snorts but looks at away when they turned to her.

"Hi!" Both of them yell as the boys walked downstairs.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" Eric asked, taking his coat off.

"They are talking about sex" Fez says, Lauren looks at fez, is he a mind reader?

Lauren sits up for Hyde to sit down, she then sat back down on the chair, we'll on his lap.

"Come on, Fez, chicks don't talk about sex, man" Hyde says, and wraps his arms around the small girl. "It's dirty"

"Yes, we do." Jackie says, Lauren looks at Hyde.

"Especially when it involves Michael Kelso, my dream boat"

"Gag" Lauren whispers, looking at Jackie.

"Oh, great. Now we have to talk about Jackie and Kelsos sex life" Hyde says. "This is my worst nightmare" 

"All right you know what? Before you guys got here, we were actually having a pretty good time." donna says, Lauren nodded before looking at the Boys. They were definitely it thinking the correct way. Dirty freaks.

Lauren laughed, she wasn't having a good time talking about sex but then again she didn't care about her image.

"I know I was surprised too" Donna said, Lauren smirked at Hyde.

"Hey, girls, you wanna go to my house?" Jackie said, Lauren smiles.

"You know what? Okay."

"Yeah cool!" Lauren said after Donna.

The girls got up, Lauren kisses hyde on the cheek before walking away out the door.

Jackie Burgharts Room

Lauren sat on her bed, facing Donna. Lauren didn't look at Donna because they STILL haven't made up.

"Just so you know, Donna, when I finally decide to do it with Michael I have the whole thing planned out. First I'll be wearing a very sexy Renoir"

Lauren gagged.

"Don't you mean peignoir?"

"Yeah okay whatever. Stop ruining this, Donna"

As Jackie went on about her sex life and candles Lauren braided her hair. She gagged every time Jackie said Michael.

"So, if you have it all planned out why are you. Why're you still waiting"

"I want it to be really, really special" Jackie says, Lauren looks down nodding. She wants to believe that Hyde and her first time was special, but it was just in her bed.

"Well, I mean how could it not with a gigantic banner?" Donna said.

"And candles" Lauren added, Lauren giggles with Donna.

"Exactly!" Jackie says, Lauren nods with the girls.

Lauren sat on Jackie bed, they have been talking for forever now. Lauren read a magazine.

Soon her phone starts to ring. Lauren turns to look at her.

"Hello?" Jackie says, Lauren gets up and look at Jackie's closet.

"Oh Michael, this is just like the book Prisoner of Love where Cliffs the rugged yet sweet motorcycle mechanic was thrown into jail.  And then his true love, Tasha, was forced to be a slave girl but for this really rich, mean guy."

"Oh, my god. Are you okay?" Jackie says, Lauren looks at her confused.

"Oh, my god. You're really in jail." Jackie asked, Lauren walks over to her.

"Jail?" She whispers, loudly.

"What if you never get out?" Jackie asked looking at Lauren.

"Yes, it would, Michael. And I promise the minute you get out of prison, I'm gonna prove my love to you." Lauren rubs her forehead. Is she dumb.

"Michael, do you even know what I'm saying to you?" Jackie says, looking angry.

Jackie twirls the phone, looking angry. "We're gonna make love, you idiot"

Lauren gags and gets up, she grabs her bag.

Jackie slams the phone down, looking at Lauren.

"What?" Jackie asks, smiling.

Lauren Formans Room

"Where's Eric?" Red asks, Lauren turns her page on her magazine and shrugs.

"No idea." She says, and smiles sweetly at Red.

"Where's Eric?" Red asks again.

"Red, I don't know. Maybe he hitch hiked to a different country" Lauren said. Red leaned up against the door.

"Why you asking me? He's probably already home" Red groaned and walked away.

"Last time I ever help Eric" she groaned.

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