3. Sexists

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Location Eric Formans Basement Point place Wisconsin

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Location Eric Formans Basement
Point place Wisconsin

Lauren walks down the stairs and watches the boys look at a nudie magazine.

"Ew" she says and sits nexts to Eric.

"Pam Macy" Kelso says and points at the the magazine. Lauren scrunches up her nose and looks.

"She's got some knockers , baby" Kelso says and smiles, Lauren stares at the dumb boy then finds a cosmo magazine and starts reading it herself.

"True, but they're not bigger than Barbara's" Hyde says.

"Yea they are"

"No you're dreaming."

"It's like comparing Exodus and Deuteronomy" Eric says, Lauren flips the page and looks up at the boys. She rolls her eyes, these boys are so dumb, all they care about is sex. Lauren never lost her virginity and is trying to wait, she thinks being in love is great and all though she wouldn't mind losing it before she's 18. The 70s is wack man.

Lauren turns to see Red walk in, he slams the door. "Oh hi dad"

"Damn Dryers broke." Lauren rolls her eyes and walks up the stairs, before stopping on the top floor. "Have fun with your sex talk boys" The boys turn quickly as Red turns to look at the boys.

Later that day

Lauren and Donna talk and watches the boys play basketball.

"Are you guys dating yet?" Lauren asks, and smiles as Kelso stole the ball.

"More of a thing" Donna says, and shakes her head and laughs. Lauren watched as Kelso threw the ball at Eric, "I got winner!" Lauren watches as Donna stand up, this is gonna be great. She rolls her eyes, she knows Donna is way stronger than Eric.

"No I gotta go, it's almost 8:00 and I've got to call Jackie." Kelso says and puts on his backpack.

"Looking good!" Eric and Donna says, "bye Kelso!" Lauren says, and gives him a smile. "Bye Lauren!"

Kelso then turns, "shut up!" And walks out.

"Pinciotti has the ball! Forman guards her close." Lauren pronounces in her best pronouncer voice. She smiles as Donna dribbles. 

"She tries to shake him.. and she does!" Lauren yells, and watches as she dribbles around Eric.

"One nothing" Donna says, and gives him the ball.

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