14 Eric's Buddy

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Point Place, WisconsinDecember 8, 1976Point Place High School

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Point Place, Wisconsin
December 8, 1976
Point Place High School

Lauren went to school, she loved school but hated the long hours. Lauren was smart, she want to be a marine biologist, but she couldn't afford college. So she doesn't know what she wants to be yet.

Lauren grabs her book back and walks outside her class, it was late because they studied together.

"Bye girls!" She smiles and hugs her new friends. She walks outside to see that her friends and boyfriend standing outside.

"Where's Forman?" Lauren asks, Hyde turns to look at her.

"Well we thought he was waiting for you. But now he's just gone!" Kelso says, Lauren nods and rubs her arms around Hyde.

"Where the hell is forman, man? This isn't like him" Lauren nods, she wore bell bottoms, a white sweater and a jean jacket. She didn't want to wait forever on her stupid cousin.

"I'm really starting to get worried." Kelso says, Lauren rolls her eyes, Kelso is such a sweet heart but so stupid.

"What if something happened to him?"

"Nothing happened to him." Hyde says, Lauren nods. They all shiver and Lauren starts to pace herself trying to get warm.

"What if he's lost or hurt somewhere?" Kelso says, Lauren shrugs.

"I get his room" Lauren says, then smiles at Kelso.

"Calm down, Lassie, I'm sure timmys just fine" hyde says, Hyde grabs Lauren's book bag and swings it over his shoulder.

"Maybe we should check the school morgue." Kelso says, Lauren looks at him.

"Morgue?" She asks.

"Kelso, the school doesn't have a morgue." Hyde says, Lauren groans she really wished they did. It would of been cooler.

"Then what do we pay all those taxes for?" Lauren rubs her forehead, is this boy really that dumb? She known them for quit some time now.

"You know what kills me? You do better in school than I do." Hyde says.

"That's because you don't try." Lauren says and puts her hands on his cheeks, he smiles.

"I'm worried, man" Kelso says.

"Why don't we just start walking" Lauren says.

"Okay, fine. Let's just be logical, right? Formans not gonna just ditch us. The cruisers battery is probably dead or something" hyde says, and Lauren starts to walk away.

"You know what? It's starting to get late, maybe we should just do what Lauren's doing?" Kelso says.

"No. I'm not walking." Hyde says, Lauren looks at them. "If god wanted us to walk, he wouldn't have given us a Forman"

rock n' roll > Steven Hyde -> ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora