Chapter 4- Wow, his abs.

Start from the beginning

I looked him dead in the eye, something no one else in the pack would ever do.

"Listen to me and listen to me carefully, Jake Ryan Pierce because I am only going to say this once. I am never, ever going back there and as much as I owe you and this pack for taking me in, you can't make me go." I said in a low deadly voice.

Leah looked uneasy. She looked at me first, then Jake.

"I'll leave you two alone" she said quietly before disapearing.

He walked over to me and I looked down at the floor. I might be his best friend, but he was also the alpha and sometimes, I forgot that.

I expected him to yell at me, to hit me or kick me out of the pack or something.

Instead, he put his arms around me.


Jake's P.O.V: 

"...and as much as I owe you and this pack for taking me in, you can't make me go" she finished.

It broke my heart. She was trying to be tough around Leah but I knew that she was trying hard not to break.

I spoke to Leah through the mind link.

"Leah, I need to talk to her. Please leave."

"Jake, I know you're the alpha but she's my best friend. Let me stay."

I sighed inwardly. Leah was like Hailey, stubborn.

"Go. now. That's an order."

She looked between me and Hailey.

"I'll leave you two alone" she said and threw me a dirty glance on her way out.

I started walking over to Hailey and she dropped her glare, her whole bodying tensing.

I put my arms around her and after a few seconds, I felt her relax.

"Why aren't you yelling at me?" She whispered.

I breathed in her scent.

"Hailes, you're my best friend." God, how I wanted her to be more. But I continued.

"I would never yell at you. That day I found you in the woods, it was the worst day of my life, seeing you like that. I know what they did and said to you, but you have us now and you don't owe us anything, you're family." I said into her ear.

She pulled back slightly and I saw tears in her eyes.

"Aww, is Hailes going to cry?" I teased

She smacked me on my chest. "No!" She said indignantly.

I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"So..will you come?"

She hesitated before nodding.

"Good" I smiled.

Our eyes locked and suddenly my heart raced, my face felt hot and more than anything, I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and kiss her.

I broke away from her, I couldn't do that to Hailey, she didn't feel that for me.

She looked at me, confused and titled her head to the side, silently asking what was wrong.

"Nothing. I just remembered I need to pick up Carter, he called me from some girls place and needs me to go pick him up." I said quickly, forcing a smile.

She rolled her eyes and nodded, smirking.

Carter was like the boy equilavent of well....a slut. He was with a different girl every night and he usually got so drunk, he didn't know where he was. He hadn't found his mate yet and it was killing him so he tried to cover it up. But everyone still loved him because when he wasn't drunk or having sex he was sweet, smart and considerate.

I waved goodbye and picked up my keys and a spare shirt.

She waved and turned around to keep eating.

It took everything I had to walk out the door.

Hailey's P.O.V

After Jake hugged me, I felt alot better but something was up with him. He suddenly blushed and his heart rate skyrocketed...I heard it. Maybe he's sick? Hmm, I frowned slightly.

As he picked up his keys I couldn't help stare at his six pack.

Yum. Hot.

Wait...excuse me? brain, that's Jake. Your best friend. Ew.

But wow, his abs.

I face palmed myself. Again, Hailey, ew! I told myself.

I waved goodbye to Jake and turned back to my Frosties and grinned evily.

"You delicious frosted cornflakes, ARE GOING TO BE EATEN!" I said pointing a spoon at them.

Parker, another pack member walked past the kitchen and shook his head, smirking.

"Parker! I saw that you retard!" I yelled.

"It's not my fault you're weird!" He yelled back.

I laughed. This kind of teasing was okay, I knew he didn't mean it...but when I got back, I wondered what would happen.

Not going to be pretty..that's for sure.


Hey everyone! I am so sorry for not updating, I thought no one was reading :P But anyway, I'm going to upload another chapter or two very soon! Also, I'm starting a One Direction fanfiction and I want to know....should there be a bromance in there? Niam? Ziall? Larry? Liam? (Louis and Liam) Hayn? Who? :) Okay, so that's all for now...buh bye!

-Holly :)

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