Epilogue pt. 2

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Wow, an epilogue for the epilogue. We've come a long way, and I for one can't believe people have been reading my writing and staying along for the ride. Anyway, I've been working for days on this final chapter for you guys. I don't think I have anything else to say, so I'll just get right into it. But thank you. Now I'll get going.

Katie's POV 

So, hehe, I guess I'd better explain myself. See, Travis is coming home from a business trip after 2 weeks. I happen to have a plan. If you haven't guessed, I'm pregnant. With twin boys. 

I found out in the most interesting way possible. 


"Katie it's me! Open the door!" I opened the door, and saw Lou standing on the doorstep.

"Hey Lou, how are you?"

"No time, can I come in?"

"S-sure Lou."

Lou quickly darted inside, and shut the door.

"Can I talk to you?" She figured with the black bangles up her wrists.

"Sure Lou, what wrong?"

She flipped onto the couch. "Cecil wants to get married."

I sat beside her. "And?"

"And what?"

"Well, what did you say?"

"Nothing. Not every couple is like you and Travis. Practically getting married the minute your both legal adults."

"How'd he ask?"

"He said, 'Hey Lou, I think we should get married.' during breakfast."

"And what did you do?"

"I ran straight out of the place and came here."

"Lou Ellen-insert last name. What is Lou's last name anyway?- why would you do that? You love him, and he loves you. He thinks it might be a good time. I admit, Travis proposed in a much sweeter way, even though he totally messed it up, but Cecil has never really been good with totally romantic things."

"Well, I don't think I'm ready. It happened so fast."

"Lou, you've been dating since my 15th birthday, and I'm 20 and have been married for 2 years."

"You're also pregnant."

"Yes, I'm- wait, I'm what?"

"You're pregnant. You didn't know already? I can sense it off you. You're also glowing. Literally."

I looked down at myself, and found a faint golden light coming off my skin. "Which god or goddess is currently hiding in this room?" I demanded. 

Pop! It wasn't Aphrodite, or my mother, but Persephone!

"Hi Katie."

"Persephone? What are you doing here?"

"Not knowing Travis wasn't home when I decided that you needed to figure out that you're 3 weeks pregnant."

"How have I not known I'm 3 weeks pregnant?"

"Well Travis did leave about 3 weeks ago." Lou said.

"Well I've done my job. Bye Katie. Nice to see you." Then Persephone disappeared, leaving the scent of lavenders and roses.



"Can you drive me to the doctor right now?"

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