Travis POV

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I got ready for breakfast, and me and Connor lead the cabin out to the tables. Connor stared at the ground. He was upset about Miranda. "Cheer up bro. It's time for breakfast. Plus we still get to go to Katie's party tomorrow. We got invites before this morning."

Connor nods, but I know he's still thinking about Miranda. I was sad too. I secretly was in love with Katie, but I know she hates me. Especially after that last prank. 

We scraped out offerings into the fire, and the rest of my cabin sat down to eat. I headed over to Katie. I saw her smile drop, and she turned and talked to one of her sisters. I think her name was Rose.

"Katie can I talk to you?" She ignored me. "Katie please."

She turned around and snapped, "What do you want?"

I apologized, and she said the least I could do was to not prank her because it was her birthday. I said ok, but deep down I wanted to pour out my feelings for her. You see, 15th birthdays at camp are a big deal, because you get your tattoo. Sometimes you show it to people, but it's a very private thing. I knew exactly who my soulmate was, and I was determined to show her tomorrow. Then I would ask her to the dance. And she would say yes, and my biggest wish would finally come true. I have been in love with her since I was 12. 

I already got my tattoo a few months ago. It's her favorite flower, a daisy. With a stem the exact same green as her eyes.

One problem, she hates me. She hates me so much she burnt her diary at campfire once so I couldn't blackmail her. 

I heard her voice raise just enough so that my really good ears could hear her, "You know I like Aiden Michaels!"

I fumed silently, contemplating my next move. Then I heard her laugh. It was the most beautiful sound. It was crystal clear. I stared at her for a while. I heard Chiron talking, but it sounded so far away. Connor nudged me, I dropped out of my daydream, and saw Katie looking at me. I blushed, and looked at Chiron. I caught him saying, "The blue team will be lead by the Athens cabin, and the red team will be lead my the Demeter cabin." 

The children of Demeter looked alarmed, they weren't the leading type, they were better defenders. 

I suddenly developed a plan. The Demeter cabin would need our craftyness to help them win, so if we make a temporary alliance, I could use that to win Katie over. Most of the cabins were clearing out for morning activities, and I heard her laugh again.

Katie has just made an alliance with the Apollo cabin. She laughed at something Aiden Michaels said, and shook hands with him. Under normal circumstances, that would be Will Solace she'd shake hands with, but Will was in the infirmary with Nico organizing supplies. I wonder what the cabins exchanged for the alliance. I needed to find out.

"Hey Katie-Kat!" I ran after Katie and fell into step with her.

"What do you want Travis?" She glanced at me with annoyance.

I smirked, "What did you and Michaels exchange for your alliance."

"And why do you want to know?"

"So I can offer my cabins resources."

"Well if you must know, Aiden wanted to teach me archery, and he is one of the best at camp, and the Apollo cabin is useful, so I said yes."

Ugh, that's so cliché. Perfect chance for him to wrap his arms around her. "Well my cabin would like to make an alliance."

"Umm, no."

"Why not?"

"I promised Miranda I would help her avoid Connor, and teaming up doesn't sound like avoiding him. Plus I don't really like you. Bye Stoll." She jogged away toward the arena. 

Smooth Katie. Smooth.  

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