Katie POV

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I was devastated. Persephone made those daisies just for me. The daisies were enchanted. The petals would shimmer from a beautiful white, to a pale shiny blue, to a shimmery light mint green, and then back again. All of my favorite colors. The daisies appeared on my 11th birthday. About one year after I got to camp. They came with a note from Persephone. Every Demeter kid got a gift from Persephone on their 11th birthday. Miranda's was an enchanted gardening belt. It was bottomless, and barely weighed more than an average belt. Most of the time, Persephone gifts became a Demeter kids most prized possession. And mine was gone. I assumed they would grow back eventually. The Stolls has only cut the stems. When they did, I would use my powers and grow a wall of vines around them, so only children of Demeter can get in.

I heard Miranda screaming at the Stolls. She came over to me, and helped me up. I heard her say, "We're through." and then we ran into the cabin. My sibling slowly filed in behind us. I knew Chiron was now punishing the Stolls, yet it didn't make me feel better.

My siblings embraced me in a group hug, and stayed there. I continued to cry.

They broke away slowly, and I heard Chiron's hooves gallop away.

I wiped the last tear off my face, and stood up as y'all as I possibly could. "I hate Travis Stoll." I said. I turned to my siblings, "Get ready for breakfast everyone."

Miranda waved everyone off. I saw her hurt face. I hugged her, whispering that she was brave for breaking up with Connor. We both finally looked at each other. "Let's look fabulous for today." she joked. 

I smiled, "Let's show those stupid Stolls that they don't scare us." I joked back. We picked out each others clothes.

I chose Miranda's favorite shorts with lace on the bottoms, a slightly fancy shirt that was pastel purple and totally her color, and white Vans. She changed into them, then picked out pair of shorts embroidered with white falling petals, my favorite green shirt that said Go Hug A Tree, and a pair of black ballet flats that laced up my ankles. 

Miranda braided my hair into a side Dutch braid, and I did hers in a fishtail braid that trailed down her back. Miranda did her makeup, and convinced me to put on mascara and light pink lip gloss. 

I glanced out the window and saw everyone walking to breakfast. "Come on everybody." I called. I saw everyone scrambling to finish getting ready, and smiled. I smiled as I lead them down to breakfast. I smiled as I scraped the reddest strawberries, and half of my omelet into the fire for Demeter. I smiled as I ate. Then I stopped smiling. Travis walked over to me after scraping his offerings into the fire. I turned away, and talked to my sister Rose.

"Katie, can I talk to you?" He said. I ignored him. "Katie please." He actually sounded sincere.

I whipped my head around, "What do you want?" I snapped.

Travis's face fell. "I just wanted to apologize, I didn't know how much those flowers meant to you."

"Well the least you can do is not prank me tonight. My birthday is tomorrow and I would very much like to not kill my lungs first thing in the morning."

He looked like he wanted to say something, but he just said, "Ok," and walked away.

Miranda turned to me, "You're staring at Travis." she said.

I realized I was staring off into space while looking in his direction. "Sorry, I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"My crush."

"The one from Apollo?"

"Is there another one?"

"Well you were just staring at him."

"I do not like Travis! You know I like Aiden Michaels!" I say a bit to loud. I glance around, no one seemed to hear me.

Miranda snickers, and I blush. We both start laughing about random things.

Chiron announces that Capture the Flag will be on Thursday, which is the day before the Soulmates Dance.

The Aphrodite cabin hosts an annual dance dedicated to soulmates. If you didn't already have your soulmate, you could show up solo, and possible find your soulmate there. It was for people with tattoos only, so I will have just made the cut, since my birthday is tomorrow on Wednesday and the dance is on Friday. I felt someone staring at me, and then to the Hermes table to see Travis looking at me. He doesn't even notice I caught him. Connor nudges him, and he realizes I noticed. He blushed and looked back at Chiron. 

Did Travis Stoll just blush?

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