Travis POV

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I landed on top of Katie. I felt blush creeping up my cheeks, and the glare from Michaels. I quickly scrambled off Katie, and ran and hid by behind a tree. I watched as Michaels help Katie up, then pick her up and twirl her around. I heard her giggle as he set her down. I practically growled.

Connor came up to me. "Dude, you're red. You ok?" He was choking back laughter. 

"Yeah I'm fine. You should ask Miranda out." I was watching Katie intently, she was arguing with Miranda. Finally Miranda threw her arms up, and started walking over to us. "Dude. She's coming over here. Ask her out." We started arguing, luckily Miranda was walking slowly. Finally Connor sighed, and stared walking toward Miranda. I walked over to a table nearby, and started listening.

"Do you want to go out with me?" They both said at the same time. I stifled a laugh. "Wait what. You go first." 

"You can go first." said Miranda.

"Oh. Ok. Ummm, will you go out with me? You don't have to if you don't want to. I just really miss you even though it hasn't even been a full day. I really like you and I messed up with the prank please forgive me." Connor stopped rambling.

Miranda looked at him, before smashing her lips into his. Connor's eyes widened, before realizing what happened. He kissed her back, and they walked around hand in hand.

"Yes!" I heard someone say form beside me.

I glanced and saw Katie. "Ah! Katie! When did you get here?!" I jumped in surprise. When I landed, I tripped on my shoe, and ended up kissing Katie. Her eyes widened, before pulling away, and running.

Great, stupid life. Now that I think about it, she's not my soulmate. It's probably just a random girl who loves daisies. It can't be Katie. Suddenly my wrist where my tattoo was started burning. I ran behind a random tree, and yelped in pain. I looked at my tattoo and saw it changing. Now it shimmered three different colors. Mint green, white, and pale blue. That wasn't what caught my attention, it was that under it, was in Katie's handwriting, Katie Gardner. I looked up in surprise. What time was it. I needed to see Katie's tattoo. Did she have my name to? What was her symbol.

Questions burned through my head, until I heard Miranda say, "Travis, I reserved this tree." I saw Katie with her wrist hidden, and Miranda with her arms crossed. "Let's go Katie. Nico will take us back." Miranda grabbed Katie's wrist, and they left. Was it past midnight already? Now it's Katie's birthday.

I saw the golf cart with the early birds leaving. I ran to catch it. I hopped on just in time. I had a lot to think about.

Katie POV

After that stupid Stoll kissed me, I hid in this area were rocks formed a cave. Miranda found me, and said, "It's almost midnight." She day next to me, and we watched my wrist. 

Miranda looked at her watch and started counting down. At midnight exactly, my wrist burned. I shrieked quietly in surprise, and watched it appear. It was a can of spray paint. And under it, in Travis's messy hand writing, was Travis Stoll.

"No." My face paled. I sat there. I gasped for air. It can't be. I hate him.

Miranda grabbed my wrist. "We need to get out of here. This is terrible." She stood up, and I followed. I grabbed my wrist, and hit the tattoo.

"Travis I reserved this tree." Miranda crossed her arms. Travis looked dumbly at us. "Let's go Katie. Nico will take us back." She grabbed my wrist, and went straight to Nico. "Nico it's an emergency. Katie needs to get back to our cabin." Miranda looked at him.

Nico groaned, gripped our shoulders, and shadow traveled back to our cabin. "You're lucky. That was my first travel of the night." He shadow traveled away.

Miranda quietly opened the door, and we snuck back in. I changed into pajamas, and collapsed onto my bunk. Miranda appeared next to me, also in pajamas. "He's my enemy too. At least we get to go shopping tomorrow. You can try out my present. Try to sleep on it."

And sleep is what I did. And guess what. Aphrodite visited me in a dream. 

"Oh Katie dear! You found your soulmate immediately! Just like I planned. I took the liberty of picking out your birthday outfit, you'll see it when you wake up!" She jumped and clapped her hands.

"But why Travis." I growled. "He ruined my flowers. I can't have a soulmate who ruins my most prized possession." I crossed my arms.

"Oh darling, you'll learn to love him. Here's what happens if Travis wasn't your soulmate." She flicked her hand and a vision came to me.

Aiden was my soulmate, but he abused me. He raped me, and hit me. He drank to much, and spend all our money on beer. I had three kids with him, and he hated them too. I always protected them. I couldn't leave him because he was my soulmate. I died unhappy, and my children grew up hating their father. The vision ended, and I collapsed crying.

"I didn't even love him. Was that really what would happen. He's so kind and sweet."

"He would have been overcome by desire for you, leading him to make the wrong decisions. I wanted you to be happy, so I put you with the one who wouldn't hurt you. You'll see. You already love him." Aphrodite faded form view, and I sat up. The sun was up, and it was about 7. Miranda was waiting with our siblings. 

"Happy birthday Katie!" They said. I smiled, but it was small, the vision still fresh in my mind.

They had a cake, and were holding presents. "We wanted to give them to you before your party." said Rose. I smiled bigger.

I ate bites of vanilla cake, my favorite, and opened presents. My little siblings had all painted me a picture of a daisy, and they all signed it. I had smiled and hung it up above my pillow. Rose gave me a beautiful bracelet. It was made of vines, and braided with flowers.

"I made it myself. It shouldn't die if I got the spell right." She said.

I found a box on my nightstand, and realized it was from mother. I opened it, and I was a golden necklace with a wheat charm. I gasped. "Thank you Mother." I said to the sky.

Miranda's was amazing. Twin daggers that turned into daisy earrings. I hugged all of them, and got dressed in some denim shorts, a floral green blouse, and white converse. I put on my new necklace, earrings, and bracelet. Then I put my hair in two French braids. I hid my tattoo under the bracelet. I was only going to show it at girls night.

I opened the door, and walked to breakfast with my siblings before my day off. 

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