Katie POV

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I opened my eyes, and my hand flew immediately to the mirror on my side table. I looked up and down, scanning my reflection. I saw nothing out of the ordinary. I scanned the rest of my body, and nothing seemed suspicious. I patted all around my bed, and didn't feel anything that shouldn't be there. Finally, I scanned the rest of my cabin. You may be wondering my I take these precautions this early in the mornings. Well the answer is simple. I'm searching for evidence of the Stolls. 

Every freaking day I find a prank when I'm least expecting it. I didn't find anything today. I slip out of bed, and shake awake Miranda from the bunk on top. She jumps down, and we search the cabin. Usually we don't get this far without finding a prank. That can only mean one thing. 

I gesture to Miranda to head outside without waking up everyone else. We climb out the window, because the door is dangerous. I quickly grow plants to cover me like a canopy because there could be a bucket of something drop down unexpectedly. Miranda joins me under the canopy, and we walk down the porch. 

We walk though the rows of flowers Demeter kids have planted over the years. We reach the section that mine are in and I fall to my knees. I begin to sob. Miranda looks over and sees what's    wrong. She falls next to me and screams the one word that I usually scream this early.


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