Katie POV

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True to his word, that stupid Stoll didn't prank me this morning. Campers didn't wake up to the sound of a screaming Katie.

I led my cabin out to breakfast, burnt my offerings, prayed to mom for some peace today, and met up with my friends at Thalia's Pine with a blueberry muffin in hand.

Will came up wearing a bright blue backpack. We looked at him. "Why is that backpack so big Will?" I asked.

"Do you want to die because I didn't bring enough medical supplies?" He took my muffin, and bit into it.

I glared at him and took it back. Annabeth came running up the hill. She dangled the keys in front of our faces. "Let's go. We have to be back in time for the party." 

We started walking toward the van. "Wait!" I cried, "We forgot Rachel!" Everyone stopped, and scanned the area looking for a mop of red hair. She wasn't there. Lou ran to her cave, and five minutes later she returned with a half awake Rachel, dresses hazily, carrying a paint splattered canvas bag.

Everyone picked up their dropped bags, and Annabeth started the van. 

Piper plugged in the monster proof phone she bribed Leo to make, and started playing music. Now don't judge us, but we loved Hamilton, mostly because Will introduced us to it. She blasted the music, and when Alexander Hamilton started playing, everyone besides Lou began singing at the top of their lungs. Lou was simply laughing at how terrible Will was at singing. 

When the song ended she said, "How are you so bad at singing Will? Your dad is Apollo."

Will chucked a roll of bandages at her. "I am extremely musically gifted thank you very much." Lou gave him a look. "Fine. I'm better at the medical stuff. Y'all should be grateful." He crossed him arms and huffed.

In like three seconds he uncrossed his arms and returned to his sunshiny self. He could never stay mad for very long.

We chatted for a bit, until Annabeth stopped the van in front of a mall in the city. Hazel gently shook Rachel awake, and right before we got out, Annabeth turned to face us. "Now. I expect you all brought weapons with you." We all nodded. "We have two Mist users, and a healer, so we should be fine, but in the event of an attack, try not to mess us the mall, otherwise we won't be able to do this again." She looked at each of us. We all nodded, then proceeded to shove each other out of the van. 

While we walked, Rachel leaned against Hazel, still tired. "Why are you so tired Rach?" Hazel asked.

"I was up all night painting. I ruined my last pair of not paint splattered jeans, and my new canvas bag." She sleepily gestured to her bag. Hazel nodded understandingly. 

Rachel looked surprisingly good right now. On normal days she usually there on some sweatpants and a hoodie, but today she was wearing a (clean) black T-shirt, paint splattered jeans, and white converse, which had doodles all over them.

Hazel had on a pretty gold top, a nice white denim skirt, and some gold flats. Her hair was secured in a bun.

Piper wore a teal shirt tucked into denim shorts with lace on the bottom, and black running shoes. Her choppy brown hair was French braided with feathers.

Annabeth was wearing a gray casual dress, and black leggings that went down just above her ankles, and gray sandals to match. She tied up her blond curly hair up in a ponytail, with a gray scrunchie.

Lou had a black tank top under her leather jacket. She also wore black denim shorts. Her short hair was left down. I don't know how she wore that jacket, it was so hot outside. Black heeled boots to match.

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