Johzenji, the Party Team

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  "So, with the prefectural qualifier in October, we'll only be able to go to Kanto two more times, including this trip." Takeda announced. "Let's make the best of this chance."

  "Right!" The team replied as we stood outside of Nekoma High School. Walking around to the gym as soon as the team entered, there came a familiar yell.

  "Hey, Tsukki! Jump block for me! Hey, hey, hey!" Tsukishima just stood in the doorway without saying anything while Kageyama and Hinata walked right past him.

  "This chapter is titled, 'Boku Gets Rejected by a Student From Another School.'"

  "Yes. Thanks for working with me." Tsukishima softly said while bowing, and I watched the Fukurodani player's faces show their shock while stepping into the gym.


  "Why are you so surprised when you're the one who asked him?" Akaashi questioned.

  "Wa! Taka no chi, you came, too?!" Bokuto perked up when he saw me, and I nodded slightly. "Are you gonna watch us?" He started bobbing around, and I tried to stealthily hide the manga in my hand behind my back. "I see that! You were going to read, weren't you?!"

  Turning away, I heard him give a dejected whine and felt a very small smile twitch at the corners of my mouth. Going over to the windows by the court, I leaned against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor. Setting the manga down beside me, I watched the boys practice.

  Lev was doing much better than before since he was able to keep up to a degree rather than being left in a puddle of sweat on the ground now. Hinata and Kageyama's weird spikes and quicks worked most of the time but not all of the time, and Bokuto was as energetic as ever.


  "Taka no chi!" The owl-faced captain called out while waving as he walked over. He had a plate in his other hand and plopped down beside me in the grass. "The managers brought some sweet onigiri. I'm not sure which is which but some have plum filling, anko, and cherry." Bokuto explained while grabbing one from the plate.

  I hummed and picked one up and bit into it. Plum flavoring and sweet rice coated my tongue as I sat criss-cross.

  "I got anko, how about you?" Bokuto looked at me, and I showed him the inside of the rice ball.

  "Plum." Taking another bite, I glanced around. "Where's Akaashi?" Bokuto looked at me, then over his shoulder.

  "I think he's still inside with everybody else. Why? Did you need to tell him something?"

  "No." I shook my head. "He's just usually with you." Speaking lowly, I grabbed another rice ball and got cherry filling this time around.

  "So, what did you think of our playing today?" He asked with excited eyes.

  "Good." He gave a prideful laugh and smiled.

  "We've been practicing a lot! How were my spikes? Huh? They were cool, right?"

  "Yes, Bakato." Chuckling, I watched him get a big grin on his face. He was such an animated was kind of endearing.

  "Oh, right! Takachi," Bokuto placed his free hand into the grass while facing me more. "I know I'm from an opposing team,'ll wish me- the team- good luck, too, right?" Pausing, I tilted my head a bit before nodding. "Sweet!"


  "Wha- I am not!"


  "Gah!" He acted like he had been hit, and I chuckled again.

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