~24~ A Vicious Beast, Your Highness

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(Lmao, look at the chick at the bottom of the thumbnail, wtf? Anyway, cue the music now)

Ruy ignored his natural impulse to panic as blue fire engulfed the carriage mid-ride. He was warned it was going to happen, doesn't mean it didn't scare the crap out of him. But soon the fire flickered away, and he heard the gasps of people and the sound of Egypitnat. The Dunmer Deligation rode towards Arsinoe's palace in a carriage of solid ebony, ivory, and blue decals running across the sides. People awed at them, squealing and begging for attention from them. Lysandra sat aside Queen Sarai, who was looking at Egypitnat with sparkling eyes. Beside King Dorian sat Zuberi, who insisted that he attended last minute.

Ruy instead focused on the solid white horses pulling the carriages. They weren't real horses, rather an interesting mutation for their underground dwelling. Their extremely thin white fur gave way to their solid black or blue eyes, no iris. Their ears were webbed and their horseshoes slightly larger. Their manes looked like individual strands of water gleaming in the sun. Most horses in the Dunmer Kingdom are underwater cave-dwelling creatures but can handle being above ground for large amounts of time.

Ruy heard people, girls especially, call out his name, begging for his attention, but he just tried to drown it out. The world gaped at the crown now atop his head, and though Ruy tried to ignore it, the heavy metal weighed so heavy it felt like his head was sinking on his shoulders, even though his crown was nothing like the King's.

The thick band of metal dazzling against his combed back raven hair, the thick cape that bore the Dunmer royal insignia, it made him feel dizzy. In the sky, Ricin soared high in the clouds, scoping things out hidden from sight. He wanted to go back to Sophie, but a massive dragon swooping in from nowhere might've ruined the party.

"You are distracted," King Dorian stated. Ruy glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, taking a small breath through his nose.

"Am I?" Ruy answered.

"What is plaguing your mind, my son?" King Dorian asked, leaning forward. Ruy thought about what to say, trying to find words to describe how he felt. Instead, Lysandra, Sarai's handmaiden, answered for him.

"He isn't used to this," She stated plainly, gesturing to all of the lined up civilians and royal treatment. Ruy glared at her, she just returned a feline smile and opened her mirror to adjust a piece of hair.

"I guess I understand, this is all so new-"

"He needs to get used to it." Prince Kalem snapped from the other side of the carriage. Sarai kicked him, her son yelping and rubbing his shin.

"Don't be a smart-"

"He is right." Ruy sighed, fiddling with one of his rings. King Dorian looked like he wanted to say more, but Ruy turned his attention to Lysandra.

"I'm curious," Ruy started, Lysandra plainly looked up from her mirror, "How did you manage to become the Queen Sarai's lady in waiting?" He asked. Lysandra chuckled, going back to her mirror, "She saw my talents and realized that I was so much better than all of the competition."

"I realized that she is a powerful woman that knows how to handle herself, and she is a fine woman to have as a friend." Queen Sarai answered.

"Powerful? Are you a warrior?" Ruy asked.

"In sorts, yes. I was raised learning how to observe my enemies, as you do in your guild, but I handle mine differently then blades and abilities."

"And who are your enemies?" Ruy asked.

Lysandra didn't even hesitate when she spoke, "Everyone was my enemy once."

Ruy glanced at his stepmother, who just worriedly stared at her lady in waiting.

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