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On a scorching day, with the sun blazing down upon the field, the intense heat seemed to go unnoticed by the individuals present. Completely absorbed in the game, they had only 20 seconds left to secure a goal and savor the victory.

The team known as 'BLAST' displayed unwavering focus, meticulously strategizing every move in their quest to score. The tension in the air was palpable as the countdown from 10 began, engulfing everyone on the field.

Not only the players but also the spectators could feel their nerves on edge, aware that this game would be discussed and remembered for the entire year.

As the team skillfully passed the ball to one of their key players, he expertly evaded his opponents in a display of agility. Glancing at the timer, which now showed a mere 5 seconds, he prepared to leap and secure the goal.

However, in a deliberate move, a player from the opposing team intentionally tripped the man who was on the verge of scoring. The impact caused him to miss his shot and crash to the ground, the sound of his knees hitting the turf loudly. The shocking turn of events left everyone momentarily stunned, only snapping out of their daze when the referee blew the whistle, signaling the end of the game.

While some members of the audience cheered in celebration of the opponent's victory, the majority fell into a stunned silence, grappling with the shock of their favorite team's defeat. The team 'BLAST' had not anticipated this failure, and each player was consumed by thoughts of what had just transpired. However, their attention was abruptly drawn to one player who shouted the name of the fallen boy, lying on the ground clutching his knee and whimpering in pain.

"Jae-Min!" he shrieked, rushing towards his friend. The other players quickly noticed and joined him, running to assist Jae-Min. Tae-Sun reached his friend, gently lifting his head to get a better look at him. "What happened to you, Jae-Min?" Tae-Sun asked, concern evident in his voice. Supporting Jae-Min's spine against his own chest, Tae-Sun helped him to lean back while the other players gathered around them.

"They purposely tripped me," Jae-Min managed to say, his words punctuated by winces of pain. A tall guy with broad shoulders stepped into view and examined Jae-Min's knee, bending and twisting his leg, causing even more distress. "Oh God, Jae-Min, what happened to your knee?" he exclaimed. "Call the medics, he might have an ACL tear."

The players assisted Jae-Min in lying on a stretcher, carefully transporting him to the infirmary. Disappointment filled the stadium as everyone realized that their favorite team had not emerged victorious.

"What happened? Why did our team lose the point?" their team leader questioned his teammates as he entered the scene.

"Tae-Sun said they purposely tripped Jae-Min to make us lose," one player raised his voice, offering an explanation to their senior. "I knew those dipshits would stoop so low to play dirty games. It's pathetic," Yun-Jun expressed his frustration.

As the team leader, Yun-Jun knew that Jae-Min was one of their best players, and he couldn't fathom how Jae-Min could have missed his target unless their opponents had done something wrong.

"I'm going to file a complaint about this. They can't just cheat and win the game," Yun-Jun declared, determined to take action by heading towards the office room.

"Stop, Yun-Jun. There's no point in complaining if no one noticed their cheating," the team planner intervened, preventing their leader from proceeding further. "Then what should we do, Nathan? Can't you see they hurt our Jae-Min?" Yun-Jun expressed his irritation.

"Let's just leave them. They won't be able to enjoy their fake victory for long," Nathan consoled Yun-Jun, suggesting that they let the issue slide.

After a few hours had passed, only the senior members remained on the field, while the junior players were sent home.

"How is Jae-Min?" one of the members asked Tae-Sun, who had just returned from the infirmary. "He's fine. The doctor said he can go home and should rest well," Tae-Sun reassured them, wanting to alleviate any concerns about Jae-Min's condition.

"Hope he will get well soon," one of their friends, Hoseok said calling upon the others to help bring Jae-Min off the field.


The team members carefully helped Jae-Min walk, supporting him as he limped. However, their progress was interrupted by the taunting words of the opposing team. "Hey, look there! The losers are taking their limping baby back to his mama," one of the foe team guys jeered, further fueling the fire of anger.

"We all know how you won the game, so there's no point in belittling us," Tae-Sun retorted, his voice filled with frustration and determination, with Jae-Min's left hand resting on his shoulder for support.

"You guys purposely tripped me; otherwise, you all are the losers," Jae-Min spat out, anger taking over him.

"Yes, we did. So what? Contrarily, we would have missed the view of the crybaby asking for his mama—" the opponent's words were abruptly cut off when a ball came flying in, striking the side of his head and causing him to collapse, unconscious, onto the ground.

"So annoying..." Both teams turned their heads to see the source of the voice. A figure stood before them, exuding a strong and commanding presence. "You know, I don't like people blabbering nonsense," the person sternly declared, clearly annoyed and irritated.

But amidst the tension, the focus quickly shifted back to their fallen friend. They rushed to the side of their unconscious teammate, concerned for his well-being.

"What did you do to him? Why is he not waking up?" one of the foe members angrily questioned the person who had knocked out their friend.

Before he could finish his sentence, the same ball came flying and struck his face, causing his nose to bleed. "Maybe that answers your question," the person replied, an element of satisfaction evident in his tone.

"JungYun, don't be rude to them. They're not worth your time," the tall guy with broad shoulders interjected, urging the boy to step back.

"Oh, Jin, I'm just playing with them, just like they played with us before," JungYun replied, a smirk on his face.

"Enough of your games, JungYun. It's getting late, and we need to leave," JungYun nodded to his friend and then glanced at the foe team. "You're right, brother. It's boring to play with these losers."

The members of the 'BLAST' team took their final glance at the cheaters and began to make their way out. The member with the bleeding nose cast a fearful look at his team members, sensing their unease.

But then, they noticed a silhouette jogging towards them. As the figure drew closer, they recognized his face and instinctively took a step back.

"Forgot my ball," the guy said, maintaining his smirk as he bounced the ball on the ground, causing the others to flinch at the thumping sound.

"What is taking him so long?" Hoseok asked, his gaze fixed on the entrance gate, waiting for their teammate. "You know him, he might be playing around with those dorks," Yun-Jun replied, leaning casually against the railing.

"I hope he doesn't end up in the principal's office again," Nathan sighed, expressing his concern for his friend. "There...he finally came," Tae-Sun said, as they all stood up from the porch, relieved to see JungYun approaching.

"What were you doing that took you so long?" Tae-Sun asked, expecting an answer. However, instead of responding to the question, the boy went straight to Jae-Min, lifting him onto his back, and started making his way towards the car.

"Are you all just going to stand there like dummies?" his voice rang out, prompting his brothers to snap into action and follow him towards the car. "Slow ducks," he muttered under his breath, realizing that Jae-Min might have overheard him. "Hey, show some respect to your seniors."

JungYun didn't reply anything to Jae-Min, and as everyone gathered inside the vehicle, they set off towards their destination.

HAUGHTY-To Love ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant