Chapter 5:

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"Girls I'm really disappointed in you. I never thought that I would have to give you girls a punishment. Detention for today." Principle Franklin said. "You may leave to go to class, but no more hanging in the hallway during class hours.""I understand sir." Lily started "But I can explain. Besides, were going to be late for class now, so it didn't make a change."

"Alright. And call me Franklin." Principal... I mean Franklin said.

"Well, if you haven't noticed, the girls washroom doesn't even have the right time. The clock read a quarter to 10.

"LIARS! They should get detention for a week, sir!" Ms. Bridget said automatically.

"No they shouldn't. Lily is right. Then I will have to cancel your detention."

"Yahoo!" Nikki cried out loud. Franklin looked at her for a second. "I mean, thank you sir."

"You're Nikki Fellinger, correct?" Franklin said strictly. Nikki nodded. "The girl who injured all those girls?"

"No! It wasn't me! It was this girl named Monica! Ask Lizzie!" Nikki started rambling about everything Monica has been doing.

"Yes, I believe you. But you will still have to attend detention this week, accompanying Ms. Harold." Nikki thanked the principal and we got up."Girls, here are your hall passes." He said.

"Thank you." I said as I realised that that was the only thing I said during the whole meeting with the principal... I mean Franklin.

When I got out of the principal's office, into the lobby, I saw a poster saying:

The Crystal Dance! Come to this magical dance to recreate a Cinderella moment! Prizes for best middle school fairy tale! This Epic Friday! Have the time of your life!

Adding exclamation marks do not make it anymore that interesting, I thought. After some of my afternoon classes, I saw Monica and Molly with their friends walking towards us.

"Thanks for letting us meet your friends." Molly said, smirking. She spun around, and sashayed away.

"By the way, Princess Barf, Brandon is already taken. He's mine so back off!" Monica smiled. "It's a shame you weren't there for lunch. We had a nice reading of this book." And left. How did she know that I like Brandon? Suddenly, I realized that she stole my diary this morning! Embarrassment clouded all of my feelings. Everyone probably knew about my feelings towards Brandon... But he was in the lobby! I sighed of relief. At least he wasn't there... But plenty of others must've hear it. I stuffed my head into my hands. I knew why Monica wanted to meet Lily.To meet her friends and humiliate me. Know Monica knows everything about me, she even stole my diary! I'm dead meat. Really cooked good Dead meat. Actually, to think of it, I'm just dead meat. I just took one more glance at Monica, sashaying away, and ran to the bathroom...

Once I entered, I started crying. How could she? How did she get my deepest darkest secrets? Why did it have to be the meanest girl in school?

Just then I realised that there was another Crystal Ball!!! poster. I looked at it and ripped it off the wall and crumble it into a ball. I threw it in the toilet and flushed it. I didn't care if it clogged the toilet. I only cared that I would probably lose all my friends, and that I will never ever have a chance with Brandon. I looked at the clock. P.E. must've started. Nikki was probably wondering where I went. I knew Monica was definitely plotting how to embarrass in front of the whole school. Most girls hate P.E, but since I was NOT most girls, I love gym class. I could really use gym right now so I can slam a ball as hard as I can.

When I was brave enough to come out of the bathroom, I met Nikki at our usual spot. I was finally brave enough to face Nikki again. But there was one thing we couldn't deny: we saw no one in the hallways. I started to get this very creepy feeling

My Middle School CurseWhere stories live. Discover now