Chapter 6: The Library

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I slowly walked to the library admiring the dance posters. I had no one to go with, so I guess I'll just go as a friend to support Nikki. Soon enough, I see Nikki and Lily waiting at the library door entrance.

"Okay. I'm here." I announced.

"What took you so long?" Nikki asked. I blushed.

"I met Brandon in the hallway... We chatted for a while. I'm sorry," I expected them to tease me, but before I could say one more thing, they interrupted me.

"AAH" Nikki and Lily shrieked.

"What now?" I ask. Then I feel something awfully cold... I looked down... A dress... It was a knee-length salmon coloured dress with a black mesh skirt cover. The dress had lime green polka dots with a bright blue bow. My eyesight blurred for a second. "Why am I seeing double...Triple...?"

"Lizzie," Nikki started. "Do you know how you look like?"

"Of course I do!" I said. "Why?" Lily took her phone out of her purse.

"Because you look like this!" she exclaimed with her lip quivering, as she took a picture. I looked at it. I was wearing the ugly dress, 6 red eyes, my hair in a bun, and my skin was green! I realized that my hands were bony and my fingers were really long... my navy blue nail polish turned bloody red... What was happening?

"What if Brandon saw me like this?" I croaked with my lip quivering.

"That is not the problem right now." Lily snapped. "Unless you want to die, I suggest you to keep quiet." shut my mouth, and started to whimper. Lily glared at me. I stopped.

"Brandon said that I had a nice costume" I started, "He saw me like this." Lily ignored me.

"Open the door Elizabeth." She commanded.

"Why? Are you too scared to do it?" Nikki, (still number 1) replied. Still Lily ignored her.

I slowly crept to the door and slooooooowly opened it. The door creaked like each time I enter. Surprised that I could see everything in the library, even though it was pitch black, I stifled a scream.

"Listen," Lily started. " don't say anything and enter quietly. We are searching for an asteroid shiny stone book. Alright?" Lily whispered. Without waiting for a response she entered the room. I followed closely behind her.

I could smell that something was different. smell? I heard some weird gibberish.

"Do you understand that?" Nikki asked Lily.

"No." She said. I was waiting a another nasty comment but it didn't come. Then I could kind of understand that language.

"Um... Lily?" I whispered.

"What?" she said harshly.

"I know what she is saying..." I said. I could see, even in the darkness that Lily was waiting for more.

" And? "

"And what?" I asked. She sighed.

"What do you understand?" she said like I was in kindergarten. I rolled my eyes.

" I hear..." I listened. "She's doing an undo spell... It isn't working. She's yelling: I can't believe it! What a.. ooh! Ack!"

"What?" Nikki asked, curiosity

"She's angry. And she can cuss."

"Oh." Nikki's face paled. "Then how do you know it's a woman?"

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