Chapter 9:

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The next few days were bleak. When I went to school, I avoided Monica and her minions the best I could, though I would still sometimes get beaten up, coming home with bruises. I did my best to hide from Brandon and his friends. I was just another joke to them, so I would not let them feel the satisfaction of seeing me broken. Sasha avoided coming home, because then she would have to explain everything to our parents and Matt. At home, Matt gave me an easier life. Maybe he noticed I wasn't into the mood for teasing. Mother and Dad tried to poke the truth out of me, but I wouldn't budge.

"Why don't you go over to your friend Nikki's house? I'll let you this once." Mother had said warmly. The Dad had drove me over to Nikki's house as soon as I got home from school, warning her parents in advance. He dropped me off, and left as I rang the doorbell. I stared of in the distance while I waited for someone to open the door. That day I was wearing some blue jeans and a pink and blue tie-dyed sweatshirt with a tank top underneath. I decided to dress a little nicely if I was going to come over. I played with my golden locks as I had to push the doorbell again. Finally, a tall and lean figure opened the door.

"Hey Lizzie!" Noah said. "Come in." He opened the door to let me in. I could see why plenty of girls would swoon over him. He was two years older than me, with dark stylish hair, and looked great simply in T-shirts and jeans. But he wasn't as great as Brandon. I brought him up. "Nikki isn't here yet. Do you want to wait in her room?" I couldn't take it anymore. For the first time since Monday, tears fell, leaking from my eyes. I fell on my knees, and cried in my hands. Noah looked concerned and approached me quickly. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." He said softly, over and over again, letting me give him a hug.

"Thank you." I said when I calmed down. "Nikki must think that you're a great brother."

"Well if she thinks that, she just has to admit it." He said with a smile. "I don't think she appreciates it much when I do my brotherly duties." he laughs.

"Well then you do your brotherly duties on me. I would kill for you be be my brother than Matt..." I blushed. "I mean, Matt would rather annoy me."

"C'mon. Let's go to Nikki's room. But let's be clear: I would love to annoy you as long as Nikki doesn't kill me." He said with a laugh. "And if this has anything to do with that girl Monica or your boyfriend... I can beat them up for you." My face reddened when he mentioned boyfriend, but I was saved by Nikki who came into the room with Sasha.

"Get outta here Noah!" she groaned. And so he did. As soon as I sat down on Nikki's bed, I cried and cried over Sasha's shoulder. Nikki at my side, giving me tissues."Thanks, guys." I whimpered after I told them the story (while sobbing) about what happened.

"Oh, Lexi!" Sasha started. "I'm so sorry that we weren't there!"

"You should still go to the dance," Nikki said.

"What?" I gasped "But!"

"Then Brandon will see what he missed out on." Nikki started.

"Go on," Sasha said.

"You will wear a dress that I made for you. Then we will go to the dance." Nikki reached in her bag that she brought earlier and said: "Try this on." They shoved me in the bathroom for some privacy.

"But..." I started but they slammed the bathroom door shut with me and the dress inside. Oh well. I slipped inside the simple dress that Nikki made and looked at myself in the mirror. I Shrieked with joy.

"Are you okay?" Sasha asked.

"I love it!" I cried and burst out of the bathroom. The dress was light and made of a very soft lilac fabric. It looked really complicated, but it was comfortable. It flowed right under my knees, and the sleeves were loose. Nikki gave me some white jazz shoes. I squealed. Then she passed me a silver tiara.

"You look fantastic!" Sasha said amazed. "Nikki! This is really great!"

"Thanks," Nikki said modestly.

"Now. Hair and makeup!" Sasha declared. They had me seated in a chair right in front of my mirror. First, she started with my hair. She let my hair loose and started curling it like her hair. Meanwhile, Nikki was applying makeup. I felt like a princess!

"Brandon will regret his decision the moment you step into the night." Nikki declared as she finished.

"Thank you, guys!" I said sincerely. "No problemo!" Nikki said. Then she took off her robe that she saw wearing and I saw her beautiful dress! I gasped. "There!" She exclaimed as she started to apply her own makeup. I took this time to look at myself. I looked... pretty.

"Now let's get going!" Sasha exclaimed one they were both ready. I looked at my phone. 5:57 pm. The dance starts in about half an hour. We walked hurriedly towards the door.

"Oh look how pretty you look!" Mrs. Fellinger exclaimed. We took the liberty to run outside. And see a. LIMOUSINE! I squealed.

"You're welcome," Nikki responded as Sasha and I stared at it in shock. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get going!" Mr and Mrs. Fellinger hurried out the door.

"You don't leave yet! You have to bring Noah with you!" Nikki groaned as he got out of the house, and flashed a bright smile. Was it my imagination that Sasha was blushing?.

We hurried inside the long black limo. Inside, there was snacks, TVs, and Wi-Fi! "Girls (and boy) meet my cousin's fiance's cousin, Ricardo!" Nikki exclaimed. "It took a little convincing, but here we are!" I scrolled through my phone. I had a new text message from... Brandon!?

BrandonC: Hey! So where do I pick u up at?

I rolled my eyes.

FairyPrincessLizzie: Sorry. I'm NOT going to the dance with you after all.

I texted him back. Then started to have fun with my BFFs getting ready to head to the dance.

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