Chapter 13:

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I was shocked. I ran after him, accidentally shoving one of my teachers aside. I stopped to say sorry, and hurried to the exit. I saw him turn around to look around one more time. As soon as he spotted me coming after him, He bolted from the door.

"BRANDON! WAIT!" He ignored me. "Please!" Instead of stopping to face me, he sat down on the last step outside in the entrance of our school.

"Why did you have to lie about everything? Couldn't you have just said no?" He asked, angrily, but with a twinge of sadness.

"It's not what you think! Brandon... I-I really like you." There. I said it. I was so relieved I said it that I sighed. Then reality slapped me in the face. "But you probably hate me now... um..." I wasn't sure what to do now. Brandon didn't turn around. "I'm sorry for the confusion... Monica told me that you were her boyfriend, so I... uh thought I was just a joke to you." I felt really awkward just standing there while he was sitting down on the steps, so I said. "I'm going to leave now" I got up, tears in my eyes and started to go down the stairs to head home, walking, because I felt sorry for myself.

"No! Please!" Brandon, finally spoke. He grabbed a hold on my wrist, and gently pulled me back. I turned around to face him.With his free hand, he brushed away his bangs over to one side. His brown eyes gleamed in the moonlight. It was the first time I realized that his eyes were watering. He was taller than me, even though I was on the same step as he was. He was so close, I could feel his breath... And he smelled like chocolate... "I would never do that! I've never gone out with Monica in my life! I-I-I want to be with you." I noticed that he was holding both of my hands now.

"What?" I asked bashfully not really understanding. Brandon's face got even redder.

"I really like you too. I know this dance wasn't really a fairy tale moment for you, but... Do you want to go watch a movie or something?" He asked, looking directly into my eyes. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

"Of course! And I'm sorry all the food got on you--" I started to apologize, when he leaned in and gently and softly kissed my cheek, his soft lips sending the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. Brandon smiled when a soft smile of surprise erupted from my lips.

"It's okay," he whispered. I twined my fingers in his, and walked towards the school again.

"Come on! Let's go and dance!" I said teasingly, shoving him a little.

"I think you forgot who is the master faller." He smirked and shoved me aside, causing me to almost fall, only to be caught back into his arms. And we both ran back towards the dance room laughing and falling, ready to start anew.

My Middle School CurseWhere stories live. Discover now