Episode 8- Ren Kouen's Son and Sinbad's Daugther

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Part 5


"What had happened, Yoon?" Yona open the room door and ask, Kouen also come out to look what has happen. "Yona, Kouyo he go to capture dungeon himself! 'Thunder Beast' (Hak) has go out to find him!" Yoon said with nervous. "What!" Kouen and Yona also have been shocked by this sudden occurrence. "This is Kouyo's letter." Yoon gives the letter to Yona and said. Yona quickly open the letter and read the content with Kouen:

Dear father and mother,

I will left Kou Empire temporary and go to capture 13th Dungeon with one of my friend. According to my friend, that dungeon is near the Dark Continent's area. I will protect myself so please don't worry about my safety and my friend is not a bad person. I know that it is a high risk for me to capture the dungeon, but father, mother please don't worry about me, I will not die and come back because this is a chance for me to become strong. Please don't worry and take care yourself. I apologize for my sudden left and without saying goodbye to you. However, for people of Kou Empire and Kingdom of Kouka's sake, I must become strong, its time for me to protect father and mother. Please take care yourself.

Your dear son,

Ren Kouyo.

After finish reading the letter, Yona and Kouen cry deeply. "Silly child......why you want to go there?" Yona cry and said. "That child try to do somethings reckless!" Kouen cry and said. The people from Kou Empire search the whole city but still cannot find Kouyo. "Princess, I have search the whole place but still can't find prince Kouyo." Hak said with nervous. "Lady Yona, we four dragon warriors also have search the whole place but still can't find lord Kouyo!" Kija said with nervous. "Brother, we have send some armies to find Kouyo but after searching from the whole city still can't find Kouyo. Maybe Kouyo had leave Kou Empire and is on the way to the dungeon." Koumei said with nervous. "What should we do, brother?" Kougyoku said with nervous. "Quiet! I will go to 13th Dungeon to bring back Kouyo!" Kouen said. "But brother you had lost one arm and our metal vessel had been confiscated by International Alliance. With your situation now, it is dangerous to go into the dungeon!" Koumei said. "I don't care! I still can fight even though I had lost one of my arm! I also a dungeon capture, I will do anythings in order to bring back Kouyo!" Kouen said. "Then let me bring prince Kouyo back, 'old uncle' (Kouen). As princess' guard, it is my responsible to bring back prince Kouyo!" Hak said.

"Don't quarrel, I will also go to bring back Kouyo."Yona said with calm. "Yona, dungeon is dangerous! Don't let yourself in danger!" Kougyoku said with worry. "Don't worry, I am not weak, I have household vessel that prince Kouen gave me in the past." Yona take out her recurve which is household vessel and said. "We four dragon warriors will also go to bring Kouyo back." Jae-Ha said with calm. "I will go too, if lucky, we will meet Aladdin and others to help us to search for prince Kouyo." Alibaba said. At the same time, Gisin and Kouyo have already arrived in front of the 13th Dungeon's door. "Are you ready?" Gisin ask. "I am ready." Kouyo said with confidence. "Let us start!" Gisin said and open the dungeon's door. There are many crisis that Kouyo need to face in the dungeon.









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