Episode 4- War Ended

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Part 2


After listen Kouen's words, not only 'The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch' and Ren family's member shocked, everyone at that place also been shocked when heard Kouen's words. "Brother......." Koumei can't believe that Kouen will say like that. "Princess, what happened now?" Hak also can't believe Kouen's words. "Thank you, prince Kouen. But, unfortunately I can't go with you, because I need to stay here to protect my father's beloved country- Kingdom of Kouka. I am sorry." Yona said. "But I have did that things with you, are you sure you are fine for not coming with me?" Kouen asked with worries. "That things! What things?" Everyone began to felt curious and think a lot of messy things. "Kouen! What had you done with princess!" Hak said with suspect and he also felt jealous with Kouen. "Don't worry, I will be fine, prince Kouen." Yona said. "Ok." Kouen said with helpless, he decided to respect Yona's decision. "Before I left, can I hold your recurve?" Kouen asked Yona. "Of course, can." Yona said and took out her recurve and gave to Kouen. Kouen took out Astaroth's metal vessel and put some magic from metal vessel into recurve, and gave back to Yona. "This is Astaroth's household vessel, please use it when you are in danger. However, I hope that you will not assimilation with the household vessel, because if this happen, it will cost you." Kouen said. "Ok, I understand. Thanks for your kindness, prince Kouen." Yona said. After that, Kou Empire's ships leave Kingdom of Kouka's port. "If anythings happen, please come to meet me at Kou Empire." This is Kouen's last words.

"I think that I will be fine. But, I am wrong. After a few month, I found out that I am pregnant. Therefore, after I am Hak and others reached lord priest's house, you born. You was named by lord priest, he say that your family name must be Ren, because you have Ren family's blood. So this is why your name is Ren Kouyo. This is the story that I meet with your father, Kouyo." Yona said to Kouyo. "It seems that father was so cool." Kouyo said with admire. "Of course, he is." Yona agree to Kouyo and said. "Same as you, mother." Kouyo said. "Thank you, Kouyo." Yona said with smile.

"Err.......mother, I want to meet with father." Kouyo can't hold his feeling and said. "I am sorry, Kouyo. At this moment, mother can't bring you to meet your father. Please forgive mother." Yona hug Kouyo and said. "It's ok, mother, I know your situation. So, mother please don't blame yourself." Kouyo comfort Yona and said. "What a good child, Kouyo." Yona touch Kouyo's hair and said.

  In the next morning, when Kouyo and Yona tidy up the room, suddenly Yoon run quickly and said: "Yona, somethings bad have happens! Shin-Ah say that he see armies that maybe are from sky tribe come near here." Yona stand up and said: "I will deal with them." "Mother......." Kouyo said with worries. "Kouyo, mother will come back quickly." Yona, Hak , Yoon and four dragon warriors go and 'welcome' those people. Those people come here is to arrest Yona and Hak, so they start to fight with each others. The person who hired those people is Kye-Sook, he think that Yona existence will affect Soo-Won's status and he want to perish Yona. Kouyo is worry about Yona and others' situation, he ignore lord priest- Ik-Soo 's advice and hide in the underbrush to observe the situation. But those people find out him, they caught him as a hostage to threaten Yona and others. "Kouyo!" Yona is frighten and shouted. "Kouyo!" Four dragon warriors, Hak and Yoon also have been frightened. "Put down those weapons, if not I will kill him!" The man who caught Kouyo shouted.




  第二天早上,正当红尤和尤娜在整理房间时,突然悠匆忙地跑进来说:"尤娜,不好了!弦亚说他看到好像是空部族的士兵正往这里过来。"尤娜便站起来说:"我去应付他们。""母后......"红尤担心地说道。"尤儿,母后去去就回。"尤娜对红尤说道。于是,尤娜、白、悠和四龙战士上去'迎接'那些人。果然,他们是来捉尤娜和白,所以开始大打起来。派那些人来的幕后黑手是凯修克,他认为尤娜的存在就等于会影响苏芳的地位而想要消灭尤娜。红尤因为担心尤娜他们的状况,而不顾神官大人- 伊斯克的劝告而躲进草丛里观察情况。结果不小心被那些人给发现了,然后被他们捉住当人质要挟尤娜他们。"尤儿!"尤娜吓坏地喊道。"红尤!"四龙战士、白和悠也吓坏了。"还不快点把武器放下,不然我就杀了他!"那个捉住红尤的人喊道。

"红尤担心地说道。"尤儿,母后去去就回。"尤娜对红尤说道。于是,尤娜、白、悠和四龙战士上去'迎接'那些人。果然,他们是来捉尤娜和白,所以开始大打起来。派那些人来的幕后黑手是凯修克,他认为尤娜的存在就等于会影响苏芳的地位而想要消灭尤娜。红尤因为担心尤娜他们的状况,而不顾神官大人- 伊斯克的劝告而躲进草丛里观察情况。结果不小心被那些人给发现了,然后被他们捉住当人质要挟尤娜他们。"尤儿!"尤娜吓坏地喊道。"红尤!"四龙战士、白和悠也吓坏了。"还不快点把武器放下,不然我就杀了他!"那个捉住红尤的人喊道。

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