Episode 5- Reunion

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Part 3


"I know both of your feelings, I am fine. Now we must focus on bring Kouyo to the safe place." Yona pat on Kouen and Hak's back and said. "Bros, you two don't fight for this reason. One is little girl's (Yona) husband, one is littla girl's (Yona) guard, you two need to get along with each others. Now we must think how to protect little girl (Yona) and Kouyo, they are now in a bad situation. Maybe after that those armies will arrive. So, bro Kouen, do you have any idea for solving this problems?" Zeno said. Kouen think a while and said: "If this happen, you all need to go to Kou Empire to search help from Kougyoku and Koumei. I trust them that they will protect you all." "But prince Kouen, we are not sure about the way to Kou Empire." Yoon said. "Then I will go with you all, I will protect my wife and son, I will follow princess Yona, so please let me join your group." Kouen said. "Wait a minute! You had been expelled out from the palace, can you truly can left this island?" Kija ask with confused. "Everyone except my brothers and sisters, Alibaba, Aladdin and Sinbad think that I was died. Now Kougyoku is empress, even though I left this island, nobody will know about it." Kouen said. "For not letting those people from 'International Alliance' suspect us, I will stay at here. Brother, please be at ease and go with Yona." Kouha said. For Kouyo's sake, Yona think and decide to let Kouen join 'The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch'.

When the rain has stopped, Yona, Kouen, Kouyo, Hak, four dragon warriors and Yoon start their journey to Kou Empire. At the same time, Soo-Won is preparing to meet with the leader from 'International Alliance'- Sinbad. "I have no idea that what kind of person Mr Sinbad is, it made me want to look forward." Soo-Won said with smile. "I hope that he is not like your highness that always smile like that." Han Joo-Doh said. "His highness is already waited at the parlor. Lord Soo-Won, please follow me to meet with his highness." The person who come to welcome Soo-Won is one of the member from eight generals of Sindria- Ja'far. Soo-Won and Joo-Doh follow Ja'far go into the parlor. Soo-Won saw a handsome man with a long purple hair, his ruler model is stronger than anyone include Soo-Won, a strong radiance that similar like God is distribute from him, he is 'The High King of Seven Seas' and also the leader from 'International Alliance'- Sinbad. "Welcome to the general headquarters of 'International Alliance', lord Soo-Won." Sinbad smile and said to Soo-Won. Both of them start to chit chat and talk about 'International Alliance'.  Sinbad try to persuade Soo-Won to allow Kingdom of Kouka join 'International Alliance', but Soo-Won say that he need to get permission from five tribe generals from Kingdom of Kouka then he can decide whether Kingdom of Kouka can join 'International Alliance' or not. "Mr Sinbad, you are talented, why you abdicated from king of Sindria to become the leader of 'International Alliance'? I mean that you are the strongest king compared with those kings that I saw before." Soo-Won said. "I only want the world become peace. After Kou Empire join 'Seven Seas Alliance', I had success created 'International Alliance'." Sinbad said. "Mr Sinbad, can I ask you a question?" Soo-Won ask. "Sure, I will like to listen." Sinbad said with straightforward. "Mr Sinbad, do you know Kou Empire's first prince- Ren Kouen? I want to know what kind of person do you think prince Kouen is." Soo-Won ask. "Ren Kouen, he is a man that I cannot look down to him. I admit that his strength is strong and cunning, he is an obstacle for me to create 'International Alliance'. At the same time, he also being careful for me, he also admit my strength and dislike me. However, the winner of this competition is me. Could it be that your highness know Kouen?" Sinbad said.




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