Episode 7- Yona's friend

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Part 4


"Did Kouen''s child will behave like his father?" Sinbad said to himself. "What happen to you, Sinbad?" Ja'far come into the conference room and ask. "Nothing, I feel a little bit tired now. I will left the rest to you, Ja'far." Sinbad. "Ok, Sinbad." Ja'far said. Sinbad go to his room and open the basement at there and go inside the basement. In the basement, it had been build like a house structure. Only Sinbad himself know about this place. "Gisin, father come here to see you. My little princess, where are you? Don't hide again, is me, your father come to see you." Sinbad said.

"Father, why you disturb me again!" Sinbad's daughter- Gisin said with unhappily. "Father I miss you, let father hug you." Sinbad said to Gisin with smile. "I don't want! You this erotic old man, everyday hang out with other women, this is why mother always angry about you. I don't have father that such like you! Humph!" Gisin said with rush. "Daughter, I am wrong, can you don't tell your mother about that things?" Sinbad who afraid of his wife and beg forgiveness to Gisin and said. "Humph! I want to tell mother about that things." Gisin said. "Daughter......." Sinbad cries and said.

The girl who name Gisin is Sindria's princess . Her blood has people of Parthevia and people of Italy, she is a person who has mixed-blood. Her father- Sinbad is Sindria's former king and also leader of 'International Alliance', is a dungeons capture which capture seven dungeons, he is first dungeon capture and first dungeon capture who had captured more than one dungeon, people called him as 'The High King of Seven Seas'. Her mother- Gina is Italy's princess.

"Hey father, what do you say with that handsome guy (Kye-Sook) in the earlier? Please say to me!" Gisin ask with curious. "Gisin.....It is not good to monitor others conversation.......Ha......Ha.......It is better for you to not knowing those information." Sinbad said with laugh foolishly. "I heard that you and him are discuss about a red hair boy which has same age with me. Who is he, father? Is he look handsome, father?" Gisin ask. "I don't know how he looks like, but he maybe is people from Kou Empire." Sinbad feel helpless for Gisin who everyday want to hang out with other men and said, actually Sinbad himself always go to brothel to hang out with those beautiful women, his daughter is really similar with his father. "People from Kou Empire, couldn't it be father's enemy who is Kouen's child?" Gisin ask with curious. "How could I feel that you have listen all the details from the conversation." Sinbad said with helpless. "Please tell me quickly, father!" Gisin said with angrily. "Ok.......Ok........I say.......I say.........Please don't angry, my cute little princess." Sinbad placate Gisin and said. Sinbad tell Gisin the details of the conversations between him and Kye-Sook. "Interesting, I will go to investigate that red hair boy." Gisin said and take out her metal vessels. "What!" Sinbad said with shocked. "Come out Bathin, we need to go now!" Gisin shouted.

One motorbike which is metal vessel come out automatically, Gisin ride on that motorbike and said to Sinbad: "Father, I go out now! Bye bye!" After she say, she ride that motorbike and go to a channel to go out and left Sinbad who is frenetic. At Kou Empire, Yona tell Kouen and others about Kingdom of Kouka maybe want to join 'International Alliance' that say by Lili. "What! Kingdom of Kouka want to join 'International Alliance'!" Kogyoku said with nervous. "Yes, maybe it is." Yona said. "Princess you say maybe, it means that Soo-Won didn't agree to Sinbad immediately. It seems that Soo-Won also guard against Sinbad." Hak said. "What will happen if Kingdom of Kouka join 'International Alliance', your highness?" Jae-Ha ask Kougyoku with confused, he also try to coax Kougyoku.







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