Episode 3- Entei and Red Hair Girl

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第3话- 炎帝与红发女孩
Part 3

  "It seems that I learn a lot of things from Prince Kouen." Yona said. When Yona prepared to went back, she found out that someone was watching her. She use the arrow point to direction of the person and ask: "Whose there?" "I am sorry, I am not listen you and brother Kouha conversation on purpose." The person walk out with felt of scare. "Its you." When Yona saw that person, she remember about that person had attacked Zeno last time, that person was Kougyoku. "My name is Ren Kougyoku, eighth princess from Kou Empire. Nice to meet you, Princess Yona." Kougyoku said with shy. "Nice to meet you too, Princess Kougyoku." Yona answer with smile. "I......I...... Princess Yona, I want to become like you." Kougyoku said. "Why?" Yona asked with confused. "It is because you are so brave to face brother and convince him. I am an incapable princess, I can't do anythings but rely on my brother. I am admire you, Princess Yona. I want learn things from you." Kougyoku said. "No, you are stronger than me, Princess Kougyoku. You are a dungeon capture, but I am not." Yona said. "My mother is a palace maid, everyone doesn't like her. If not brother and Judar support me, I have no idea what I will become." Kougyoku said, her face overflowing with tears unconsciously. After knew Kougyoku's situation, Yona went near to Kougyoku, huged her and comfort her with said: "I am same with you. I had lose my mother when I was young and now I had lose my father. If not Hak, Yoon, four dragon warriors and others support me, I will also have no idea what will happened to me. So please don't cry, Princess Kougyoku. If you have anythings to say, please tell me, I am willing to be your ears. I will not annoy you becasue of your mother." "Can I be your friend?" Kougyoku asked. "Of course." Yona answer. "Yeah, I have another new friend!" Kougyoku said happily. Both of them start to chit chating with each others. "Princess Yona, you can also become a Dugeon Capture like me and my brothers. Don't worry, I will always be your side." Kougyoku said. "I........" When Yona want to answer Kougyoku question, Ka Kouban (Kougyoku's household vessel) come to their direction. "Princess Kougyoku, Prince Kouen want to meet you and other prince and princess to discuss things about Kingdom of Kouka." Ka Kouban said. "Ok, I will be there soon. Goodbye, Princess Yona." Kougyoku said. "Goodbye, Princess Kougyoku." Yona said.
  "看来我得更加地向红炎皇子学习了。"尤娜说道。正当她准备回去时,发现有人在偷看她。便将箭对准那个人的方向,说道:"是谁?" "对不起,我不是故意要偷听你和红霸皇兄的对话。"那个人害怕地走出来并说道。"是你。"尤娜想起那个人就是上次攻击泽诺的人,那个人就是红玉。"我叫练红玉,是煌帝国第八皇女。你好,尤娜公主。"红玉害羞地说道。"你好,红玉公主。"尤娜微笑地回答道。"那个......那个......尤娜公主,我也想像你那样。"红玉说道。"为什么?"尤娜不解地问道。"因为你竟然这么勇敢地面对皇兄大人并说服他。而我却是个无能的公主,什么事情都要靠皇兄大人。所以,我很崇拜你,尤娜公主。我想要向你学习。"红玉说道。"不过,我的母后是位宫女,不被他人喜欢。要不是皇兄大人和裘达尔的话,我不知道我会变得怎样。"红玉说到眼泪都情不自觉地流了下来。尤娜便上前将红玉抱在怀里,并安慰她地说道:"我和你一样。不过,我在很小的时候就没有了我的母后。现在也失去了我的父王。要不是白、悠、四龙战士和其他帮助过我的人支持我的话,我也不知道会怎样。所以别哭了红玉公主。如果你有什么心事都话,就跟我说吧。我愿意去聆听你的心事。我不会因为你母后的事情,而讨厌你的。" "那我可以跟你做朋友吗?"红玉问道。"可以啊。"尤娜回答道。"太好了,我又交到朋友了。"红玉高兴地说道。于是,两位公主就开始谈起天来。"尤娜公主,你可以去攻略迷宫像我和皇兄大人他们那样。你放心,我会陪你去的。"红玉说道。"我......"正当尤娜要回答红玉的问题时,夏黄文(红玉的魔人眷属)过来她们这里。"红玉殿下,红炎殿下要见你与其他皇子和公主过来商讨有关高华国的事情。"夏黄文说道。"好的,我马上就过去。再见,尤娜公主。"红玉向尤娜告辞地说道。"再见,红玉公主。"尤娜也向红玉告辞地说道。


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