Chapter 20.5

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Random one-shot between Celia and Arthur
Bonus chap!


The Seven Deadly Sins were in Camelot to stock up their supplies again and Celia was left with nothing to do as she watched the entire group do heavy lifting and organizing. "Is there really nothing I can help with?" Celia asked with a frown and Ban only smirked at her, "Yeah, sis. We got this in the bag-"

Meliodas came out of the bar carrying stacks of empty boxes on each hand easily, it made her gasp at how he was able to withstand the weight.

"You can take Hawk and go around Camelot for the day. We won't be finished anytime soon since we also have some stuff to do ourselves."

The swine merely snorted at that and went to the white haired girl's side, "I'm not some pet that you should be ordering around!"

Celia only smiled nervously at that, "Hawk... you don't have to come with me if you don't want to." Hawk only shook his head violently and started to walk ahead of her, "Eh, it's not like that pervert hasn't done that before-"

"Of course..."

The two were at Camelot's center square, where all the people were found bustling about with baskets in hand and some kids running about, it was a much different atmosphere than her village. She almost wished she was raised here instead, however Celia knew that the same outcome would happen.

Worst of all, she wouldn't have met Anne.

She buried her face into her hands, trying to stop herself from thinking about it too much.

"Hey, you okay?"

Well... that didn't sound like Hawk at all...

Celia blinked her eyes multiple times before raising her head up quickly to the owner of the voice only to face a boy with vibrant purple eyes that was only centimeters away. Blushing red almost immediately she backed away when she recognized the familiar face, "K-King Arthur!"

Arthur only pouted at that, "I told you to just call me Arthur."

"Ah... sorry Arthur... what are you doing here?"

The young king only shamefully smiled at the question, "I actually ran from my quarters, haha... I just felt like I needed some air. And you still haven't answered my question, were you okay?"

His face had gone concerned, but he still kept that gentleness to his voice. It made her feel safe and compelled to just let everything go loose, but Celia controlled herself and gave a weak smile.

"Yeah, I'm okay," she replied before looking around, trying to smoothly change the subject, "I also don't know where Hawk went, he was with me just moments ago and he disappeared."

If Hawk isn't here then who's gonna help me get back to Boar Hat?

Curse my terrible sense of direction.

"I could help you find him, I'm not doing anything that important other than trying to hide from my guards."

Arthur was leaning close to Celia who could only strain herself to lean back from his face, he was doing those puppy eyes that everyone seemed to fall for. However in her case, she didn't have a choice.

"I-I'd appreciate that a lot, Arthur."

The young king pulled himself upstraight and smiled at her reply, "Great! I don't know Hawk too well, but I can assume he'd go somewhere that has food... ah! We try check Gigi's and Joe's House! They're pretty popular right now."

Celia nodded at that, "That seems like a pretty good place to check for a pig-"

Arthur grabbed her hand and started to pull her into walk, she couldn't help but to yelp out in surprise at the sudden action.

"If he's not there then there's other places we can try, Gigi's and Joe's isn't the only good restraunt around in Camelot!"

Celia actually couldn't hear his words too well because she was too focused at how Arthur's hand felt. It was bigger than hers and calloused, she assumes it was from his training that he received these... Arthur's someone who wouldn't give up on improving his skills and Celia can imagine how stubborn he could be.

She couldn't help but to blush at her thoughts and shook her head to stop thinking such stupid thoughts.

However, one more thought also couldn't help but to slip out.

His hand feels warm...


Hawk was wandering around the bustling streets and looking at all the food that was displayed for sale, he couldn't help but to drool over them. "Hey Celia... you think we could buy some of those watermelons...?"






The swine had finally looked behind him to find that the said girl wasn't with him anymore. Instantly,beads of sweat started to roll down as Hawk realizes he just lost Celia.

Oh my goddesses... Ban is gonna kill me!!

"Oi, Celia!! Where are you?!"


Aaaand that's how the one-shot is going to end! Licherally I abandoned this story, but I came back and saw that I had this all typed out- so I decided to publish this again

Thank you for those who have read and immersed themself into this story, I sincerely appreciate all the comments and votes

Stay safe and have fun!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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