Sarawat's arms tightened around Tine once again, squeezing his lithe waist. He placed a careful kiss to Tine's neck, feeling the fluttering pulse against his lips. A silent lament for not being there in a time of need.

"I guess the current situation with my fanbase is not helping," he murmured, holding his breath a little, being worried about Tine's reaction.

Not really, no, Tine thought and swallowed dryly. He was feeling conflicted at both hearing these words and simultaneously have a hot, intoxicating breath fanning over his skin. A slight buzz invaded Tine's headspace, steaming from his most basal needs. Sarawat was driving him a little crazy.

"Tine," Sarawat raised his head, looking straight into Tine's vibrant eyes. His deft hands then travelled upwards, so that he could cradle his boyfriend's face, engulfing it in the heat between his callused palms. "I love you." A breath hitched in Tine's throat as twin spots of pink blossomed on his cheeks. He gripped Sarawat's elbows in his own hands, hanging on for dear life. The confession felt exquisite and as brand new as the first time he heard it. "You're wonderful and everything I've ever wanted. Please don't get swayed by all the bullshit people are saying." Sarawat stared at Tine, inky eyes huge in the darkness falling around them. "Please."

Tine averted his gaze, black lashes fluttering. Sarawat's grip tightened on his jaw and he turned Tine's head forcefully back around.

"This situation might go away and then again, it might not. The important thing is that I will always be there with you. Isn't that enough?"

Stunned speechless, Tine nodded slowly, blunt nails sinking deeper into Sarawat's skin where Tine was clutching at his arms. The current situation was a little out of their control and it was certainly not Sarawat's place to say sorry, nothing of it was his fault. If something indeed was his fault, then it was only that he loved both Tine and music. Although in contrast to hisprevious actions years before, he was not willing to let go of either.

"I'm sorry for being a bad friend before," Tine supplied, having done some analyzing of his own. He realized that he had whined his way through the university years, craving attention from his friends, never really focusing on anyone else besides his own desires and demises. Even now he sometimes had a hard time to emerge from his own bubble.

"I don't care about the past, Tine," Sarawat said heatedly. "Just-" his big eyes darted to Tine's lips minutely before venturing back to the other man's clear eyes. "Stay with me forever."

Pleasant warmth spread in Tine's chest, bustling butterflies coming alive inside his ribcage and wanting to burst free. His heart was not big enough for the magnitude of feelings pulsing through his veins. Tine could not keep the wide smile off of his flush lips, flashing his pearly whites accompanied by eyes shining under the star filled sky, crinkling at the corners. He slipped his hands around Sarawat's waist, hands clasped softly on his lower back, instinctively wanting to bring the other man closer.

"You look like a bunny right now," Sarawat whispered in wonder and leaned in to clumsily slot his warm lips against Tine's soft ones. The fair skinned man chuckled into the smooch. Okay, Sarawat was definitely tipsy. What the heck.

"Let's go to bed," Tine said with a smile in his voice and herded the pliant musician inside and all the way to the bedroom, a supportive hand around his waist. Sarawat refused to let go of him so they both stumbled to the bed fully clothed, both laughing at the uncoordinated heap of limbs that they made atop the blankets.

"I can't believe that you're here with me right now," Sarawat murmured, splayed on his back, hair spread around his head like a sinister halo on the lights covers. "I was actually nervous to confess." Tine turned his head curiously and caught a glimpse of the other man's ear tips going red. "Pretending to be your boyfriend seemed to be the only way to get to know you better, we didn't really have any common interest and you dated with so many girls..."

Toxic [2gether]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें