Middle Earth - Daughter of Mithlond

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A LotR Fanfiction



It was the belief of her Lord and Master, Círdan that Ól—iel possessed the gift of foresight, for she had long dreamed of faces she did not know, places she had not seen and battles she had not fought.

So when the Elf-Lord Elrond calls for a Council, it is an opportunity Ol—iel cannot let pass.

But the answers she seeks will not be so easily found.

Nor Imladris the only stop on her journey.

A Daughters of Middle Earth Story: Companion/Sequel to Daughter of Eryn Galen and Daughter of Mirkwood


Dammit, I really need to stop doing this....

Anyway! I won't go into too much detail on this one since it's essentially going to be a direct sequel to Daughter of Eryn Galen and Daughter of Mirkwood. Make of that what you will. ;) Things that are fairly certain at this point are that she's going to be a resident of the Grey Havens and Círdan's Captain of the Guard. And, you know, that she's going to have unsettling dreams and journey to Rivendell and beyond during the War of the Ring. 

*NOT* a Tenth Walker story. No way. Never happening.

As for the pairing? Who would care to guess? ;P

Still undecided on her name, as you may have noticed. I'm waffling between Óleniel, Óluirel and Ólauriel, all of which suit quite well.....boohiss.


Sneak Peak

"Send me with him," she said, lifting her gaze to the Elf-lord. "Send me with Galdor to Imladris as part of his guard."

"Ól—iel..." Disappointment welled at the gentle admonishment in his voice. But she pressed on. Something in the young elf insisted this was the path she'd been waiting for.

"Please, Círdan. I need answers. And Lord Elrond is one of the most learned of our race. If any is to know why these dreams plague me so, it will be him. Please." Círdan sighed, his features softening. He cupped her cheek.

"Very well, child."  

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